مشروع تخرج بعنوان Design & Fabrication of Abrasive Cut-Off Machine
مشروع تخرج بعنوان
Design & Fabrication of Abrasive Cut-Off Machine
تصميم و تصنيع ماكينة قطع باستخدام (أحجار التجليخ) الحبيبات الحاكة
– A cutoff is one of the most commonly used machinery in the manufacturing process, and almost every workshop has one. It is easy to use, maintainable and cost effective.
– Abrasive cut off machine is one which uses the abrasive wheel to cut the materials. The basic calculations are made using mathematical relations. The designing is carried out and then fabrication is done. Finally the machine is made to work and the faults are corrected.
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