Creative Design of Mechanical Devices
Edited by:
Nelson Bolívar
List of Figures xi
List of Tables .xvii
List of Abbreviations xix
Preface xxiii
Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design and Engineering .1
1.1. Introduction 2
1.2. Mechanical Engineering Design 3
1.3. Integration of Mechanical Systems 10
1.4. Standards and Codes 12
1.5. Overview of Standards And Codes For Mechanical Equipment .13
1.6. Strength and Stress 15
1.7. Uncertainty .16
1.8. Design Factor and Safety Factor 17
1.9. Dimensions and Tolerances 18
1.10. Practical and Optimal Systems 20
1.11. System Identification and Analysis 21
References .26
Chapter 2 Basic Mechanisms in Mechanical Devices .33
2.1. Introduction 34
2.2. Physical Principles 34
2.3. Simple Machines and Mechanisms .41
2.4. Basic Kinematics of the Constrained Rigid Bodies .45
2.5. Fundamental Mechanisms 51
References .61
Chapter 3 Motion Control Systems 69
3.1. Introduction 70
3.2. History of the Automatic Control 72
3.3. Control Systems Engineering Practice .76
3.4. Examples of the Modern Control Systems .78
3.5. The Future Development of the Control Systems .85
3.6. Engineering Design .85
3.7. Mechatronic Systems 87
3.8. Control System Design 91
References .93
Chapter 4 An Overview of Robotic Mechanical Systems .101
4.1. Introduction 102
4.2. Mechanical Role of a Robot Manipulator 103
4.3. The General Structure of a Robot Manipulator 103
4.4. Structure of The Control Unit 104
4.5. The General Structure of Robotic Mechanical Systems 107
4.6. Serial Manipulators .111
4.7. Parallel Manipulators 113
4.8. Robotic Hands 116
4.9. Walking Machines 119
4.10. Rolling Robots 122
References .125
Chapter 5 Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems .133
5.1. Introduction 134
5.2. History 138
5.3. Applications .139
5.4. Fabrication Methods of MEMS 149
References .158
Chapter 6 Applications of Electromechanical Robotics in Forestry
and Agriculture .165
6.1. Introduction 166
6.2. Technological Developments 167
6.3. Mechanical Devices Utilized In Forestry .168
6.4. Applications Of The Robotics In Agriculture 174ix
6.5. Robotics In Horticulture 176
6.6. Robotics For The Livestock 178
6.7. Unmanned Vehicles 182
References .183
Chapter 7 MEMS Technology in Automotive Industry: Latest Trends
and Applications .189
7.1. Introduction 190
7.2. Mems Categories 192
7.3. Mems Trends In The Automobile Industry 199
7.4. Modeling and Simulation of MEMS .200
References .213
Chapter 8 Trends in the Automatic Control in Aerospace .221
8.1. Introduction 222
8.2. Control Of Aircrafts .223
8.3. Nonlinear, Robust, And Fault-Tolerant Aerospace
Control Systems .226
8.4. Recent Mimo Design Approaches For Aerospace Application .229
8.5. Control Of Spacecraft And Missiles .231
8.6. Advances In Missile Guidance And Control 234
8.7. Flight, Hovering, And Unmanned Vehicle Control 236
References .238
Index .245
Absolute-manifold pressure 198
Accelerometer sensors 196, 198
Adaptation approach 235
Adaptive Suspension Vehicle (ASV)
Address network scaling problems
Aerial photographs 182
Aerial vehicle-based rotorcraft 236
Aerospace control practitioners 227
Agriculture industry 167
Airbag sensor 141
Air Conditioning Engineers
Aircraft industry 111
American Petroleum Institute (API)
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME) 14
Amplitude quantization 236
Angular direction 53, 54
Animal proceeding 181
Antitheft systems 198
Articulated mechanism 103
Artificial intelligence (AI) 85, 108
Attaining optimal performance 72
Automated milking parlors 166
Automatic artificial 83
Automatic control 77, 83, 93, 226,
231, 238
Automatic control system 74, 75
Automatic machine tool 77
Automatic warehousing 83
Automobile application 205
Automobile control system 193
Automobile engine performance 83
Automobile industry 77
Automobile performance 77
Automotive engineering 190
Automotive industry 190, 192, 198,
199, 216
Better system configuration 91
Biggest medical application 142
Bioelectric control signals 83
Blood pressure sensor 142, 143
Boundary element technique 201
Brisbane robotics conference 180
Broad-acre crops 176246 Creative Design of Mechanical Devices
Bulk materials properties 203
California Technological Institute
Cameras examine 177
Challenging environment 141
Chemical components 70
Chemical process system 70
Coefficient diagram technique 229
Combined manufacturing 237
Commercial devices utilizing 140
Common application 56
Common design approach 17
Common rolling robots 122
Communication-intensive 2
Communication protocol 105
Complete design might 19
Complete operating domain 235
Components yielding a system configuration 70
Comprehensive mechatronic system
Computational approach 222
Computer-aided design (CAD) 8,
Computer software 7, 8, 9
Connection and adaptation 103
Construct free-standing structure
controlled mechanical system 106
Controller design 92
Conventional automobiles 89
Conventional mechanical 140
Cost-effective microcomputers 7
Cost-effective microcontroller 88
Cruise missiles 224
Crystalline semiconductors 152
Customary passenger 196
Decision-making capabilities 107
Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE)
Degrees of freedom (DOF) 45, 124,
Designing and manufacturing 18
Disposable sensor comprises 142
Dynamic mechanical system 106
Dynamic system 105, 106
Efficient controller tuning strategies
Efficient transmission 56
Efficient utilization 82
Electromagnetic wave intensity 138
Electro-mechanical technologies
Electronic stability control (ESC)
Electronic stability (ESP) 199
Emotional influence 181
Empowering technology 145
Engineering design 85, 86, 87, 88,
Equipment friction 58
Error measurement signal 91
European Space Agency (ESA) 231
Evolutionary process 87
Exceptional availability 182
Extravehicular activity (EVA) 110
Feedback control system 71, 72, 92
Feedback signal 71, 72
Feed forward circuit 224
Flexible metal disk 57Index 247
Flight control system 236, 237
Flight management system (FMS)
Forestry machines 167, 169, 171
Fundamental components 49, 55
Future mechatronic system 88
Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) 231
Goal-oriented control system 76
Group for Aeronautical Research
and Technology in Europe
Heat exchanger 25
Helicopter control system 236
Hierarchical organization 105
High-aspect-ratio micromachining
(HARM) 149
High commercial volumes 134
Human interference assistance 80
Human operator 110, 112
Human utilization 167
Hybrid fuel automobile 89
Hydraulic actuated 118
Hydraulic pump 55, 58
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) 154
Inadequate workspaces 122
Independent structural layers 149
Individual recognition 181
Initial horse plowing 174
Internal combustion engines 89
International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) 102
Intricate physical system 87
Investigating several platforms 182
Irregular surface 52
Irrelevant information 20
Kinematic analysis 43, 45, 62
Kinematic chain 114, 117
Kinematic synthesis 45, 66
Laser micromachining procedures
Launch vehicle (LV) 226
Lausanne Federal Polytechnic 114
Linear fractional transformation
(LFT) 227
Linear motion 54
Linear quadratic Gaussian optimization 230
Low positioning accuracy 114
Low-pressure damping 203
Lubrication coats surfaces 58
Lumped-parameter mechanical systems 106
Machine harvesting 168
Machines and human 107
Machines convert energy 41
Major terminologies 137
Mandatory safety systems 199
Manipulating work 111
Manufacturers utilize 145
Manufacturing control system 231
Manufacturing industry 102
Manufacturing industry robotics
Manufacturing skill 134
Manufacturing technology 136248 Creative Design of Mechanical Devices
Manufacturing trajectories 222
Mathematical methods 17
Mathematical model 25
Maximum horizontal leg reach 121
Mechanical configuration 104
Mechanical design 2, 3, 10, 12, 26,
27, 28, 29, 31
Mechanical devices 34, 52
Mechanical durability 147
Mechanical engineers 3, 10, 11, 12
Mechanical power 103
Mechanical structure 103
Mechanical structure opposite 103
Mechanical system 20, 21, 105,
106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 113,
116, 123, 126, 190, 213
Mechanical transmission devices
Mechanism 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41,
42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,
50, 51, 58, 62, 63, 64, 65
Mechatronic system 87, 89
Metallurgical industry 83
Metalworking methods 16
Micro-cantilever beams 206
Microcontroller calculate 192
Microelectromechanical system
134, 161
Micro-electromechanical systems
135, 137, 138, 144
Microelectronic devices 151
Micro-fabrication 134
Microfluidic devices 146
Microfluidic system 145, 146
Micromachining fine membrane
Micromachining processes 135
Micromachining technology 141
Micromechanical flying insect
(MFI) 237
Miniature pressure sensor 142
Misalignment 56, 58
Mixed-sensitivity function 230
Mixed-sensitivity model 231
Mobile computing 167
Mobile Servicing System (MSS)
Modeling continuum material 202
Modern technology 204
Momentum and velocity 39
Multivariable control system 72
Natural phenomenon 41
Necessary geometrical information
Nordic harvesters 168
Nuclear separation 140
Numerically-controlled (NC) 111
Numerous automobile assembly line
procedures 80
Obtain information 198
Ohio State University (OSU) 120
Omnidirectional wheels (ODW)
Optical communication 147
Ordnance equipment 52, 55, 57, 58
Organic materials 157
Overoptimistic budget anticipations
Parallel manipulator 114, 116, 122
Parameter analysis 87
Parameter varying system 226Index 249
Parametric manufacturing 230
Particular mechanism 45
Particular situation 200
Particular system 85
Permit remote monitoring 167
Permits individualized medication
Photographic method of transferring
Photolithography 134, 149, 151,
152, 156
Photoresist coated surface 150
Physical arrangement 86
Physical limitations 237
Physical process 41
Piezoelectric crystals 205
Planar mechanism 42, 44, 46, 50
Polymethylmethacrylate 156
Potassium hydroxide 154
Produce static stability 120
Producing permanent adhesion 156
Production animals 181
Product-market models 139
Programmable machines 108
Protective polymer deposition 155
Providing wide flexibility 85
Random House College Dictionary
Reactive ion etching (RIE) 153
Real-time programming methods 88
Remote approximation 228
Research civil aircraft model
(RCAM) 225
Resultant stages of design 226
Rigid body system 46, 49
Robotic animal might 181
Robotic manipulators 113
Robotic mechanical system 107,
108, 109, 110
Robotic systems 105, 111, 113, 116
Self Adjustable Control System 233
Significant additional capacity 193
Silicon dioxide 150, 152
Small electric charge 144
Software and hardware 107, 119
Software technology 88
Space robotic module (SRM) 233
Spatial mechanisms 42, 47
Special-Purpose Dextrous Manipulator (SPDM) 110
Static mechanical response 202
Structured manner 180
Substantial impact 166
Substantial planned 180
Substrate materials 152, 153
Subtractive manufacturing 10
Sufficient information 20
Supportive research agreement 182
Surface micromachining 138, 149,
Surface micromachining entails processing 155
Suspended sensor element 204
Swapping control algorithm 236
Systems ranging across medical 134
Technological growth 121
Technology-product models 139
Thermal inkjet printer 143, 144
Tire pressure sensors (TPS) 194
Torque produces 34250 Creative Design of Mechanical Devices
Traditional disciplines of computer
science 88
Traditional structure 237
Trajectory limitations 223
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer’s
Association (TEMA) 14
Uninhabited Combat Air Vehicle
(UCAV) 222
Unmanned flight operation 182
Unstable energy 89
Unstructured environment 107
Up-and-coming application 192
Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
Walking forestry harvesters 166
Wireless communication system
Word mechanism 41
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