Conductive Polymers and Plastics – In Industrial Applications

Conductive Polymers and Plastics – In Industrial Applications
Larry Rupprecht, Editor
Table of Contents
Preface vii
Larry Rupprecht
Electrical Conductivity in Conjugated Polymers
Arthur .I Epstein
Polyaniline as Viewed from a Structural Perspective
M. J. Winokui; B . R . M a t t e s
Processability of Electrically Conductive Polyaniline Due to Molecular Recognition 19
Terhi fikki, Olli Ikkala, Lars-Olaf Pietilti, Heidi iisterholm, Pentti Passiniemi,
Jan-Erik iisterholm
Crystallinity and Stretch Orientation in Polyaniline Camphor-Sulphonic Acid Films
L. Abell, P. Devasagayam, P. N. Adams A. P. Monkman
Structure-Property Characteristics of Ion Implanted Syndiotactic Polystyrene
Chang-Meng Hsiung and Caiping Han, I: Q. Wang, K .L Sheu, G. A. Glass,
Dave Bank
Carbon Black Filled Immiscible Blend of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) and High
Density Polyethylene: Electrical Properties and Morphology
Jiyun Feng, Chi-Ming Chan
Conductivity/Morphology Relationships in Immiscible Polymer Blends:
HIPS/SIS/Carbon Black
R. Tchoudakov, 0. Breuer, M. Narkis, A. Siegmann
Rheological Characterization of an Electrically Conductive Composite
Allen C. Nixon
Estimation of the Volume Resistivity of Conductive Fiber Composites by Two
New Models
Mark Weben M. R. Kamal
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Electrical Conductivity of Polypyrrole Film
Cast from Solution
J. I: Lee, D. I: Kim, C. I: Kim, K. T Song, S. I: Kim
Creation of Electrically Conducting Plastics by Chaotic Mixing
Radu I. Danescu, David A. Zumbrunnen
Production of Electrically Conducting Plastics at Reduced Carbon Black
Concentrations by Three-Dimensional Chaotic Mixing
Radu I. Danescu, David A. Zumbrunnen
Preparation of Conducting Composites and Studies on Some Physical Properties
Jun-Seo Park, Sung-Hun Ryu, Ok-Hee Chung
93iV Table of Contents
Development of Electrohydrodynamic Flow Cells for the Synthesis of
Conducting Polymers
F! C. Innis, V Aboutanos, N. Bar&i, S. Moulton and G. G. Wallace
Hydroxyethyl Substituted Polyanilines: Chemistry and Applications as Resists
Maggie A. Z. Hupcey, Marie Angelopoulos, Jeffrey D. Gelorme,
Christopher K. Ober
Electroformation of Polymer Devices and Structures
G. G. Wallace, J. N. Barisci, A. Lawal, D. Ongarato, A. Partridge
Microelectronic Encapsulation and Related Technologies: an Overview
Stephen L. Buchwalter
Fabrication and Characterization of Conductive Polyaniline Fiber
Hsing-Lin Wang, Benjamin R. Mattes, Yuntian Zhu, James A. Valdez
Electrically Conductive Polyaniline Fibers Prepared by Dry-Wet Spinning
Benjamin R. Mattes, Hsing-Lin Wang, Dali Yang
Conductive Thermoplastic Compounds for EMI/RFI Applications
Larry Rupprech t
Crystallization Kinetics in Low Density Polyethylene Composites
Brian I? Grady, W B. Genetti
Development of Conductive Elastomer Foams by in Situ Copolymerization of
Pyrrole and N-Methylpyrrole
R. A. Weiss, Yueping Fu, Poh Poh Gun, Michael D. Bessette
Neocapacitor. New Tantalum Capacitor with Conducting Polymer
Atsushi Kobayashi, Yoshihiko Saiki, Kazuo Watanabe
Conductive Polymer-Based Transducers as Vapor-Phase Detectors
Frederick G. Yamagishi, Thomas B. Stanford, Camille I. van Ast,
Paul 0. Braatz, Leroy J Miller Harold C. Gilbert
Conductive Polyphenylene Ether/Polyamide Blends For Electrostatic
Painting Applications
J.J. Scobbo, Jr
Conductive Polymer Films for Improved Poling in Non-Linear Optical Waveguides
James I? Drummond, Stephen J. Clarson, Stephen J Caracci, John S. Zetts
The Corrosion Protection of Metals by Conductive Polymers. II. Pitting Corrosion
Wei-Kang Lu, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer
Studies of Electronically Conducting Polymers for Corrosion Inhibition of
Aluminum and Steel
Dennis E. Tallman, Youngun Pae, Guoliang Chen, Gordon I? Bierwagen,
Brent Reems %toria Johnston GellingV
Novel Electrically Conductive Injection Moldable Thermoplastic Composites
for ESD Applications
Moshe Narkis, Gershon Lidor, Anita Vaxman, Limor Zuri
Electrical Properties of Carbon Black-Filled Polypropylene/Ultra-High Molecular
Weight Polyethylene Composites
Jiyun Feng, Chi-Ming Chan
The Use of Conducting Polymer Composites in Thermoplastics for Tuning
Surface Resistivity
Sam J. Dahman, Jamshid Avlyanov
Monosandwich Injection Molding: Skin-Core-Structure and Properties of
Sandwich-Molded Anti-electrostatic Components
K. Kuhmann, G. W Ehrenstein
Thermoformed Containers for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices
Walter E. Gately
Electronic Packaging for the Next Century
Steve Fowler
Conducting Polymers as Alignment Layers and Patterned Electrodes for
Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Displays
Jerome B. Lando, J. Adin Mann, Jr., Andy Chang, Chin-Jen S. Tseng,
David Johnson
Flexible Conductive Coatings on Thermoformed Films for EMl/RFl Shielding
Bruce K. Bachman
Nylon 6 in Thin-wall Housings for Portable Electronics
James F. Stevenson, Alan Dubin
Finite Element Analysis Aided Engineering of Elastomeric EMI Shielding Gaskets 275
Shu H. Peng and Kai Zhang
Index 281
abrasion 2 11
accelerator 36
actuators 115
adhesion 195
adhesives 123
AFM 202,206
aging 96
alcohols 19
alloy 198
aluminum 195
amorphous 11,28
Anderson localization 4
anisotropy 65
anticorrosion 1
anti-electrostatic 23 1
antistatic 209
association 22
Avrami exponent 154
Avrami rate constant 157
batch mixing 77
batteries 20 1
bipolaron 2 – 3
black bag 24 1
blending 8 8
blends 43,51,77, 181, 193,219,268
capacitance 203
capacitors 167
capillary rheometry 236
carbon black43,51,57,77, 87, 184,210,219,
carboxylic acids 19
cellular phones 268
cesium sputtering 36
conformation 111
mobility 154
chaotic mixing 78, 86
charge transfer 203
chromophores I89
clamp force 27 1
clamshell container 239
coatings 20 1
compatibilizer 182
composites 43,62,95, 147, 153
compression molding 36
conducting pathways 77
blends 1
coatings 259
conductivity 1,40,45
conjugated double bonds 69
conjugated polymers 135
contact angle 39
contamination 2 11
conversion 105
copper 4,146,195,259
core 23 1
core thickness 235
corrosion 7,20 1
Coulombic repulsion 3 1
counter ion 3 1
creep 268
creep compliance 59
critical loading 2 12
critical volume fraction 60282
crosslinking 130
cryomicrotome 44
cryostat 29
crystalline packing 13
crystallinity 4, 17, 54
crystallization 2 1
kinetics 153
crystallography 25
cube blend 148
degradation 127
dehydration 17
density 13 1
dielectric constant 6
diffraction spectra 12
diffractometer 29
diffusion 203
dispersions 100
displays 201,253
dopant 2,95, 110, 127
doping 2 – 3,26
dose 35,38 – 39
Drude’s model 5
Drude’s response 4,6
DSC 20,22, 128, 131,155
d-spacings 15
dynamic mechanical properties 57
ecological impact 243
elastomers 57
electrochemical synthesis 99
electrodeposition 117
electro-hydrodynamic reactor 99
electroless plating 260
electron charge 109
electronics packaging 239
electropolymerization 100, 115
electrostatic discharge 209,225
electrostatic painting 18 1
emeraldine 1, 3,6, 11, 14, 17, 19, 110, 128, 136
EM1 7,61,93,96,143,268,275
EMI shielding 1
encapsulation 55, 12 1
energy level 35,37
epoxy 124,197
ESR 168
ethylene oxide 247
exciton 111
exotherm 130
explosions 245
extruder 155
extrusion 77, 147
failure strength 132
fatty amines 246
Fermi’s level 4 – 5
fiber 127, 129, 147
fiber conductivity 62
filaments 147
film 203
finite element analysis 275
flakes 147,155
flexural modulus 268
flocculated structure 48
flow instability 233
foam 164
foils 260
fouling 10 1
friction 39 – 40
fringe micelles 3 1
FTIR 20,164
FT-Raman 70
functionalization 110
gas emission 36
gas sensing systems 119
gaskets 275
GC-MS 168,170Index
gelation 26, 135
gel-inhibitors 127, 135
glass fibers 2 16,267
goniometer 27
GPC 110,138
graphite 181,260
growth centers 153
hardness 39
heat of fusion 22
heating time 7 1
humidity 248
hydrogel 117
hydrogen 37
bonding 22,111,128,135
immersion 204
impact strength 269
impedance 203
induction time 2 1
initiator 95
injection molding 147,216,231,271
injection velocity 233
insulating resist 109
insulators 1
interaction 20
interchain distance 111
interlocking structure 48
iodine 4, 6
ion beam 38
ion implantation 35,38
IR 110
isothermal crystallization 153
ketones 19
lamella 153
laminates 260
Langmuir-Blodgett film 253
lattice defect 4
leucoemeraldine 1,3, 11
lithography 109
mass transfer coefficient 104
matrix 93
mechanical properties 165,2 13
melt 153
melt flow index 2 14
melting 49
point 35
membranes 20 1
metal particles 153
metal-coated substrates 146
metallic powders 77
metallocene 35
mica 234
microcircuits 121
microcracks 40
microelectrodes 118
micrographs 88
mild steel 195
model 4
moisture 121, 195
molecular weight 110
Monte Carlo 61
Mooney-Rivlin model 275
morphology 37,43,47, 51, 77, 164, 177, 183,
Mott’s equation 96
Mott’s model 4
multiphase structure 5 1
nanotubes 181,184
network 60, 156284
nickel 146, 153
nickel-coated graphite 62
Nielsen model 155
NIR 70,194
NMR 110,129
non-linearity 189
nucleation 153
Ogden’s model 275
oligomerization 100
optical polymers 189
optoelectronic devices 189
orientation 26, 64, 133
oxidant 95, 160
oxidation potential 163
packaging 122,245
automation 242
packing fraction 62
pagers 268
painting 18 1
paracrystalline disorder 5
Pauli’s susceptibility 4
percolation 5 1
theory 60 – 6 1
threshold 43 – 44,55,66,77, 82, 153,
pemigraniline 2, 11
PET 240
PETG 240,259
phase diagram 2 1
phase structure 5 1
phenols 19
phthalates 19
pitting 195
PMMA 192
polarity 54
polarization curves 197
polarized light 253
polaron 2 – 3
polyacetylene 1,7
polyacrylamide 117
polyamic acid 254
polyamide 43, 181,227,270
polyaniline 1,3,6 – 7, 11, 19,25,69, 106,
109 – 110,115,127,135,173,197,201
polycaibonate 43,240,249, 259
polydispersity 13 8
polyethylene 57, 77, 153,210,219,239
polyimide 189
polyphenylene ether 18 1
poly(p-phenylene vinylene) 2
poly(p-phenylene) 2
polypropylene 43,62, 153,210,219
polypyrrole 4,69,93, 106, 115, 159,201
polystyrene 35,77,95, 106,210
polythiophene 93, 115, 173,201
polyvinyl alcohol 117, 190
polyvinyl chloride 69,240,259
powders 147
product design 277
protonic acid 19
PU 165
pyrrole 70, 170
quinoid ring 11
Raoult’s law 163
reaction time 163
recycling 243
residual solvent 193
resistivity 44, 59
response 175
RF1 143
rubber 57
rust 195Index
scanners 268
scattering 27
intensity I6
peaks 15
SEM 52,81,94,140,164
semiconductors 1, 69
semi-crystalline polymer 35
sensors 173, 177,201
modulus 58
rate 77
stress 59
silane 174
silver 146,259
skin layer 23 1
soliton 2
solvent resistance 36, 38
specific gravity 35
spherulites 3 7, 153
spin-casting 70
stainless steel 146
charges 239
discharge 245
steel 202
steric constraints 109
steric stabilizer 99 – 100
stress 121
styrene 94
properties 35
resistivity 73,209
roughness 193
tension 54
syndiotactic 35
synthesis 110
tantalum 167
TEM 106
temperature 44
testing 144
T, 190
TGA 70,74,131, 165
thermal conductivity 155
thermoformable films 259
thermoforming 24 1,262
thermogravimetric analysis 27
thin-wall housing 268
transducer 173
transistors 245
turbulence 105
uniaxial orientation 3 I
uniaxial stress 26
UV spectra 257
UV-Vis 70, 110, 130
vacuum deposition 260
viscosity 48,54,71, 128, 133, 138 – 139
voids 79
volatile species 36
volume fraction 44, 64
WAXS 22,27,29
wear 39
welding 7
weldline 38 – 39,269
X-ray diffraction 257
yield stress 59
Young’s modulus 132
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