Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Design Concept for CNG Bus Facilities
كتيب بعنوان
Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) Design Concept for CNG Bus Facilities
Cairo Air Improvement Project
Compressed Natural Gas Component
SECTION I Introduction 1
A. Cairo Air Improvement Project Overview 1
B. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Component 1
SECTION II The Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) 2
A. Proposed CMMS 2
B. Need for a CMMS 2
C. CMMS Description and Goals 2
SECTION III CMMS Description 4
A. Primary CMMS Applications 4
B. CMMS Design Concept 6
C. CMMS Specifications 6
SECTION IV Other Factors 8
A. Proposed Staffing 8
B. Staff Training on the CMMS 9
C. CMMS Cost Information 9
ANNEX A CMMS Design Concept for Maintenance Management in CNG Garages
of CTA and GCBC A-1
A. Introduction A-1
B. Maintenance Department A-1
C. Technical Department A-4
D. Safety Department A-7
E. Transportation Department A-8
F. Financial Department A-8
G. Auditing Department A-8
H. Administration Department A-8
I. Legal and Labor Relations Department A-8
ANNEX B CMMS Software Architecture: Relationship and Interconnectivity
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