بحث بعنوان Comparison between hybrid renewable energy systems in Saudi Arabia
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Hisham El Khashab a,∗, Mohammed Al Ghamedi b
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Comparison between hybrid renewable energy systems in Saudi Arabia
Hisham El Khashab a,∗, Mohammed Al Ghamedi b
a Electronics Research Institute, National Research Center, Cairo Egypt
b Yanbu Industrial college, Yanbu Al Siniayah, Saudi Arabia
Available online 17 April 2015
The continuous rise of energy demand worldwide combined with the decrease of natural resources such as fossil fuel represents
a huge energy problem which facing humanity. Industry as well as consumers must rethink how to produce and use energy at low
cost price. Renewable Energy (RE) applications and energy savings are keys to meet this challenge in a sustainable way. In the hot
and sunny areas of the Arab countries, renewable sources like solar energy can play a key role, besides their help to reduce the
percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission to environment, which reduces the global warming. According to, that the renewable
energy sources such as photovoltaic, wind, biomass have an important role especially when the high new technologies will interfere.
This paper investigates RE sources applications at Yanbu, Saudi Arabia, besides a simulation using HOMER software to three
proposed systems newly erected in Yanbu Industrial College Renewable Energy (RE) lab. The lab represents a hybrid system,
composed of PV, wind turbine, and Fuel cell systems. The cost of energy is compared in the three systems to have an actual
estimation for RE in developing countries. The climatic variations at Yanbu that is located on the west coast of Saudi Arabia are considered.
Keywords: Renewable energy; PV; Wind; Fuel cell; HOMER
Renewable energy systems with latest technologies and types were summarized. While a case study of Yanbu
Industrial college (YIC) renewable energy Lab is detailed and studied. This Lab is erected to build RE awarness within
Yanbu society, besides its research and educational purboses. HOMER software program is used to simulate the system
and to calculate the energy cost.
Three different system configurations were simulated. They are: 1. PV alone, 2. PV-wind hybrid system and 3.
PV-wind-fuel cell. The three systems are compared with respect to their cost of energy. The national grid is connected
to reduce storage systems cost. RE cost in the three systems are 0.36, 0.49, and 7.3 US$L Kwh which are still very
high to be applied in developing countries when compared to Kwh generated from oil burning. This is due to high cost
of totally imported RE systems without local fabricated system parts.
It is found that PV system alone is the best one with the lowest cost of energy due to the high irradiation solar level
in Yanbu. On the other side, the average annual wind speed resource at site is limited and does not reach the suitable
range level (8–12 m/s) to operate at optimum wind generation conditions. Also it is remarked from economical study
of cost of each system component that the inverter cost represents a considerable share. This gives the advice to small
residential remote areas to use DC supply for the most possible applications to reduce inverter size and cost. Moreover,
solar water heater must interfere via governmental laws to superimpose this technique to be utilized which can reduce
severely the cost of electric water heating during winter.
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