موسوعة علم المواد 2013 – CES EduPack 2013
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موسوعة علم المواد 2013 – CES EduPack 2013
البرنامج المتخصص فى إعطاء معلومات عن كثير من المواد
ويساعدك فى دراسة وإختيار مجموعة كبيرة من المواد
فهو يعطيك خصائصها الميكانكية أو الفزيائية أو الكميائية وحتى البئيية
والمزيد تجده فى هذا البرنامج
البرنامج مقسم على ثلاث أجزاء بروابط مباشرة للتحميل
A design-led procedure for the teaching of materials and processes is described. It is based around the CES EduPack: a
set oftexts and software tools for teaching materials and manufacturing processes. The texts and tools explain material
and process properties, develop the underlying science and allow design-led selection. A central element is a materials
selection method that is systematic, building on the identification of constraints that the material or process must meet,
and on the objectives that govern the design. The method is documented and demonstrated in the texts and is supported
by extensive computer-based methods, tools and data. The underlying science is presented through links to explanatory
text and developed further via an additional database documenting the properties of the elements of the Periodic Table.
The CES EduPack™ software provides an extensive
database of material and process information. It offers
tools to apply this information in selecting materials and
processes to meet complex design requirements. And it
helps students to explore and learn the underlying
science. Figure 8 shows part of a material record – that
for ABS – contained in the CES EduPack 2007
software. It starts with a description of the material and
an image of a familiar object made from it – a way of
conveying information relevant for industrial design.
That is followed by a table of material properties, a list
of typical uses, and, in a higher level of the software,
design guidelines, technical notes and notes concerning
its impact on the environment. Finally, each material
record is linked to appropriate members of a parallel
database of manufacturing processes: those that can
shape, join, finish and decorate it. Figure 9 is part of one
of the shaping records linked to ABS – it lists
information for injection molding. It, in turn, is linked to
all materials that can be injection molded. Each field
name is linked to text files, known as science notes, that
give a definition, a description of how it is measured
and explanation of its origins (Figure 10).
The software has three levels of data so that it evolves
with the needs of the student. Level 1 contains limited
data for 66 of the most widely used materials, drawn
from the six families of Figure 1 . A record, of which
Figure 8 is a part, starts with a brief description of the
material and its history, illustrated with an image of a
familiar product in which it is used. Numeric data
follow for the most basic mechanical, thermal, electrical
and optical properties. A material record ends with a list
of its common applications. Manufacturing processes
for shaping, joining and finishing, 75 of them in all, are
treated in a similar, simple way: a description, a
schematic illustrating how the process works, a brief list
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