CAMWorks Turn Tutorial
اسم المؤلف
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.
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CAMWorks Turn Tutorial
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corp.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents I
Chapter 1: Learning 2 Axis Turn 7
Turn 1 8
Steps to Generate Turn Toolpaths and NC Code 8
What You’ll Learn .9
Step 1: Model Part in SolidWorks/CAMWorks Solids or Import Part 9
Viewing the FeatureManager Design Trees .9
Step 2: Change to CAMWorks Feature Tree .10
CAMWorks Machining Trees .11
CAMWorks Menu and CAMWorks NC Manager .11
CAMWorks Command Manager 12
CAMWorks Workflow Toolbar 12
CAMWorks Options .12
Step 3: Define the Machine 13
Step 4: Edit the Stock Definition 17
Step 5: Define Machinable Features 18
Using Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) 19
Defining Machinable Features Automatically 19
Defining Features Interactively (IFR) .23
Step 6: Generate Operation Plan and Adjust Operation Parameters 25
Step 7: Generate Toolpaths 27
Step 8: Simulate Toolpaths 28
Change the Machining Order 30
Step 9: Post Process Toolpaths .30
Setup Sheets 32
Turn 2 34
What You’ll Learn .34
Turn Feature Types Recognized by AFR and IFR 34
AFR & IFR .34
Supported Turn Feature Types 34
Step 1: Open the Part .35
Step 2: Defining the Machine and Editing the Stock Definition .35
Define the Machine .35
Editing the Tool Crib 36
Selecting the Post Processor .38
Editing the Stock Definition .38
Step 3: Extracting Machinable Features and Editing Feature Parameters 39
Extracting Machinable Features .39Turn Tutorial
ii Table of Contents
Feature Strategy 40
Step 4: Generating Operations 41
Step 5: Generating NC Code .43
Turn 3 44
What You’ll Learn .44
Step 1: Open the Part, Define the Machine, Edit the Stock Definition and Extract
Machinable Features 44
Define the Machine Parameters 44
Editing the Stock Definition .44
Extract machinable Features .45
Step 2: Interactively Inserting an OD Profile for Threading .45
Step 3: Reorganizing Machinable Features .47
Step 4: Suppressing Machinable Features .47
Step 5: Saving the File .47
Step 6: Generating an Operation Plan and Toolpaths .48
CAMWorks Message Window .48
Step 7: Simulate Toolpaths 49
Viewing XZ cutter coordinates of the Tool in CAMWorks Message Window .50
Step 8: Post Processing Toolpaths .51
Turn 4 53
What You’ll Learn .53
Step 1: Open the Part and Define the Machine .53
Step 2: Defining the Stock as a Forging or Casting 53
Step 3: Recognizing Machinable Features using AFR 54
Deleting Unwanted Features Recognized by AFR .55
Step 4: Defining a Rectangular OD Groove Feature Interactively .55
Step 5: Deleting an Operation .57
Step 6: Adjusting Operation Parameters .57
Step 7: Displaying the Chuck in Graphics Area 58
Step 8: Defining Program Zero .59
Step 9: Simulate Toolpath .60
Step 9: Post Processing Toolpaths .60
Turn 5 61
What You’ll Learn .61
Step 1: Opening the Part and Defining the Machine and Stock 61
Open the Part .61
Define the Machine Parameters 61
Defining the Stock 61
Step 2: Extract Machinable Features .62
Deleting Features 62
Step 3: Adding an ID Groove Feature Interactively .63
Step 4: Adding OD Thread and ID Thread Features Interactively .64
Interactively Inserting a Threaded OD Feature 64
Interactively Inserting a Threaded ID Feature 66Turn Tutorial
Table of Contents iii
Step 5: Changing Feature Parameters, Generating Operations and Modifying Operation
Parameters .67
Changing Feature Parameters and Renaming Features 67
Generating Operations 68
Modifying Operation Parameters 68
Step 6: Defining the Machining Sequence and Generating Toolpaths .71
Step 7: Displaying the Chuck 71
Step 8: Defining the Chuck .72
Step 9: Defining the Chuck Location 74
Step 10: Simulate Toolpath .76
Step 11: Post Processing Toolpaths .77
Turn 6 78
What You’ll Learn .78
Step 1: Opening the Part 78
Step 2: Defining Machine Parameters .78
Step 3: Establishing Part Zero .79
Step 4: Defining the Stock from a Sketch for Double Chucking 80
Step 5: Defining Machinable Features 81
Changing Feature Definitions for OD and ID Profiles .81
Step 6: Changing the Origin Machining Direction .83
Step 7: Generating Operations and Editing Operation Parameters .84
Step 8: Defining the Chuck Configuration 85
Step 9: Setting the Chuck Display State 85
Step 10: Setting the Chuck Location .86
Step 11: Simulating the Toolpaths for Double Chucking .88
Step 12: Post Processing Toolpaths .89
Turn 7 90
What You’ll Learn .90
Step 1: Opening the Part and Defining the Machining Parameters .91
Defining Machining Parameters .91
Step 2: Extracting Machinable Features using Plane Section Method 91
Setting the Method for AFR .91
Extracting Machinable Features .92
Step 3: Using the Plane Section to Extract Machinable Features Correctly .92
Viewing the Feature Relative to the Standard Orientation .94
Turn 8 96
What You’ll Learn .96
Step 1: Open the Part and Defining the Machine Parameters .96
Step2: Defining a Thread Feature .96
Step 3: Cutting Multiple Start Threads 98
Step 4: Enabling the ‘Process by Level’ Option for a Threading Operation 99
Step 5: Step Through Toolpath .100
Step 6: Simulating the Threading Toolpath 100Turn Tutorial
iv Table of Contents
4 Axis Turn 1 .103
What You’ll Learn .103
Step 1: Opening the Part 103
Step 2: Define the Machine Parameters for 4 Axis Machining .104
Step 3: Defining the Stock .105
Step 4: Defining Features Automatically and Interactively 105
Step 5: Editing Machinable Features .106
Extents of the OD feature .107
Extents of the ID feature .108
Interactively inserting Face Feature and OD Feature in Turn Setup2 108
Step 6: Generating Operations and Toolpaths .110
Step 7: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup1 .113
Disabling Chuck Display in Graphics Area 113
Defining the geometry of the chuck 113
Step 8: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup2 .114
Step 9: Simulating the Toolpaths for Multiple Turn Setups .117
4 Axis Turn 2 .119
What You’ll Learn .119
Step 1: Opening the Part 119
Step 2: Define the Machine Parameters for 4 Axis Machining .120
Step 3: Defining the Stock .121
Step 4: Defining Features Automatically and Interactively 121
Changing Feature Definitions for OD and ID Profiles .122
Step 5: Generating Operations Plan 124
Step 6: Defining the Chuck Configuration 124
Setting the Chuck Location for Turn Setup from the Main spindle: 125
Setting the Chuck Location for Turn Setup from the Sub spindle: .126
Step 7: Adjusting the Parameter and Generating the Toolpaths .128
Step 8: Inserting the Sub spindle Operation Interactively .128
Step 9: Simulating the Toolpaths for Turn Setups .
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