CAMWorks Mill and Turn Tutorial

CAMWorks Mill and Turn Tutorial
اسم المؤلف
Geometric Americas
4 مايو 2019

CAMWorks 2013 Mill and Turn Tutorial
Geometric Americas
Table of Contents
2 Axis Mill 1 1-2
What You’ll Learn 1-2
Steps to Generate Mill Toolpaths and NC Code in Part Mode 1-2
Step 1: Model Part in SolidWorks/CAMWorks Solids or Import Part . 1-3
Step 2: Change to CAMWorks Feature Tree 1-4
Step 3: Define the Machine . 1-7
Step 4: Define the Stock . 1-10
Step 5: Define Machinable Features . 1-11
Step 6: Generate Operation Plan and Adjust Operation Parameters . 1-15
Step 7: Generate Toolpaths . 1-18
Step 8: Post Process Toolpaths . 1-22
2 Axis Mill 2 1-25
What You’ll Learn 1-25
Extracting and Working With Machinable Features 1-25
2 Axis Mill 3 1-37
What You’ll Learn 1-37
Step 1: Opening the Part & Defining the Machine 1-37
Step 2: Defining the Stock from a Bounding Box . 1-38
Step 3: Extracting Machinable Features 1-38
Step 4: Interactive Feature Recognition . 1-39
Step 5: Generate Operation Plan, Toolpaths and NC code 1-47
2 Axis Mill 4 1-50
What You’ll Learn 1-50
Step 1: Opening the Part & Defining the Machine 1-51
Step 2: Defining the Stock from a Sketch 1-51
Step 3: Extracting Machinable Features 1-52
Step 4: Interactively inserting Features 1-53
Step 5: Generating Operations . 1-55
Step 6: Defining Program Zero 1-61
Step 7: Generate toolpaths . 1-62
Step 8: Sorting Operations . 1-62
Step 9: Simulate Toolpath & Post Process 1-64
2 Axis Mill 5 2-2
What You’ll Learn 2-2
Extracting Machinable features by AFR 2-2
Setting Strategies and Generating Operations 2-3
Sorting and Sequencing Operations . 2-3
Machining Island Tops . 2-5
Changing the Mill Part Setup Origin . 2-6Table of Contents
Combining Operations . 2-7
Changing Tool Parameters & Generating Operation Plan . 2-8
Simulate Toolpath & Post Process . 2-9
2 Axis Mill 6 2-10
What You’ll Learn 2-10
Drag and Drop Features . 2-11
Inserting 2.5 Axis Features 2-11
Generating Operations . 2-12
Defining Avoid Areas for Clamps . 2-12
Changing Operation Parameters and Generating Toolpaths 2-13
Generating Toolpaths . 2-15
Simulating Toolpaths . 2-16
Inserting a Mill Part Setup and Adding a Facing Cut 2-16
Customizing Toolpaths 2-17
2 Axis Mill 7 2-20
What You’ll Learn 2-20
Opening the part and recognizing features automatically 2-20
Defining Features Interactively 2-20
Inserting Engrave Features . 2-22
Generating an Operation Plan and Adjusting Operation Parameters . 2-23
Associating Machining Information After Design Changes 2-25
2 Axis Mill 8 2-28
What You’ll Learn 2-28
Extracting Machinable Features and Generating Operations 2-28
Specifying a Tool Overlap on Open Air Segments 2-28
Using an Avoid Area 2-29
Defining Rapid and Clearance Planes 2-30
2 Axis Mill 9 2-32
What You’ll Learn 2-32
Defining Features Interactively 2-32
Creating a Pattern Feature 2-33
2 Axis Mill 10 2-36
What You’ll Learn 2-36
Defining Features Interactively 2-36
Creating a Pattern Feature 2-37
For More Practice 2-40
Part1 . 2-40
Part2 . 2-40
3 Axis Mill 1 3-2
What You’ll Learn 3-2
Defining the Machine, Stock and Machining Direction 3-2
Creating a Multi Surface Feature . 3-3
Generating an Operation Plan and Modifying Operation Parameters 3-4Table of Contents
Generating Toolpaths and Post Processing 3-6
3 Axis Mill 2 3-8
What You’ll Learn 3-8
Open the part 3-8
Define the Machine 3-8
Define the Stock . 3-8
Inserting a Mill Part Setup and Creating a Multi Surface Feature . 3-9
Generating Area Clearance Toolpaths . 3-9
Inserting Contain Areas to Selectively Machine Areas . 3-10
Generating Z Level Toolpaths . 3-13
Inserting an Avoid Area to Selectively Machine Areas . 3-14
Using User-defined Limits to Machine Specific Areas . 3-14
Generating Flat Area toolpaths 3-16
3 Axis Mill 3 3-17
What You’ll Learn 3-17
Opening th epart, defining the machine and defining the stock . 3-17
Automatically Recognizing 2.5 Axis Features . 3-18
Creating Multi Surface Feature and Generating Operations 3-18
Modifying Operation Parameters and Inserting Contain Areas . 3-19
Simulating Toolpaths . 3-19
Generating Toolpaths Using Cross Machining 3-20
Inserting an Pencil Mill Operation . 3-21
3 Axis Mill 4 3-22
What You’ll Learn 3-22
The CAMWorks Workflow Toolbar . 3-22
Defining the Machine and Machining Direction . 3-22
Creating a Multi Surface Feature . 3-23
Defining Program Zero 3-24
Adjusting Operation Parameters and Generating Toolpaths 3-25
Editing the Constant Stepover Operation to Cut the Mouse 3-25
Inserting a Pattern Project Operation to Cut the Base 3-27
Editing the Pencil Mill Operation to Cut Parting Line 3-29
3 Axis Mill 5 3-31
What You’ll Learn 3-31
Defining the Mill Part Setup and Inserting the Multi Surface Feature 3-31
Generating Toolpaths Using the Flowline Pattern . 3-33
Defining Contain and Avoid Areas to Modify Toolpaths 3-34
3 Axis Mill 6 3-37
What You’ll Learn 3-37
Defining the Mill Part Setup and Inserting the Multi Surface Feature 3-37
Generating Operations and Changing the Mill Part Setup Origin . 3-39
Generating Radial Toolpaths Using Pattern Project 3-39
Generating Spiral Toolpaths Using Pattern Project . 3-42
Generating 2D Stepover Toolpaths Using Constant Stepover . 3-44Table of Contents
3 Axis Mill 7 4-2
What You’ll Learn 4-2
Defining the Mill Part Setup and Inserting the Multi Surface feature . 4-2
Generate the operations for the Multi Surface feature . 4-3
Inserting an Area Clearance Operation for Rest Machining 4-4
Inserting an Area Clearance Operation for Rest Machining 4-4
Simulating Material Removal 4-5
Using an Automatic Contain Area . 4-6
Interactively inserting a Flat Area and removing Material on Flat Areas 4-7
3 Axis Mill 8 4-9
What You’ll Learn 4-9
Defining the Machine, Machining Direction and Multi Surface Feature 4-9
Generating an Operation Plan and Modifying Parameters . 4-10
Toolpath Simulation & Saving the WIP as an STL file . 4-10
Viewing the STL/WIP Model 4-11
Inserting a Pattern Project Operation for Rest Machining . 4-12
Viewing the STL/WIP Model 4-13
Generating the Rest Machining Toolpaths . 4-14
3 Axis Mill 9 4-15
What You’ll Learn 4-15
Defining the Machine and Machining Direction . 4-15
Creating a Multi Surface Feature & Engrave Feature 4-16
Generating an Operation Plan and Modifying Parameters . 4-17
Inserting a Curve Project Operation to Cut the Text . 4-18
Running Toolpath Simulation 4-20
3 Axis Mill 10 4-21
What You’ll Learn 4-21
Defining the Machine and Machining Direction . 4-21
Creating a Multi Surface Feature & Engrave Feature 4-22
Modifying the Operation Parameters of the Constant Stepover Operation . 4-23
Inserting Contain and Avoid Areas 4-23
Simulate the toolpath . 4-25
3 Axis Mill 11 4-26
What You’ll Learn 4-26
Open the Part 4-26
Using Automatic Contain Areas 4-26
Turn 1 5-2
Steps to Generate Turn Toolpaths and NC Code . 5-2
What You’ll Learn 5-3
Step 1: Model Part in SolidWorks/CAMWorks Solids or Import Part . 5-3
Step 2: Change to CAMWorks Feature Tree 5-3
Step 3: Define the Machine . 5-7Table of Contents
Step 4: Edit the Stock Definition 5-10
Step 5: Define Machinable Features . 5-12
Step 6: Generate Operation Plan and Adjust Operation Parameters . 5-18
Step 7: Generate Toolpaths . 5-20
Step 8: SimulateToolpaths 5-21
Step 8: Post Process Toolpaths . 5-23
Turn 2 5-27
What You’ll Learn 5-27
Turn Feature Types recognized by AFR and IFR 5-27
Step 1: Open the Part . 5-28
Step 2: Defining the Machine and Editing the Stock Definition . 5-28
Step 3: Extracting machinable features and Editing Feature Parameters 5-32
Step 4: Generating Operations . 5-34
Step 5: Generating NC Code 5-36
Turn 3 5-37
What You’ll Learn 5-37
Step 1: Open the part, define the machine, Edit the Stock Definition
and Extract machinable features 5-37
Step 2: Interactively Inserting an OD Profile for Threading 5-38
Step 3: Reorganizing Machinable Features . 5-40
Step 4: Suppressing Machinable Features . 5-40
Step 5: Saving the file 5-40
Step 6: Generating an Operation Plan and Toolpaths 5-41
Step 7: Simulate Toolpaths 5-42
Step8: Post Processing Toolpaths 5-44
Turn 4 5-45
What You’ll Learn 5-45
Step 1: Open the part and Define the Machine 5-45
Step 2: Defining the Stock as a Forging or Casting . 5-46
Step 3: Recognizing machinable features using AFR 5-46
Step 4: Defining a Rectangular OD Groove Feature interactively . 5-47
Step 5: Deleting an Operation 5-49
Step 6: Adjusting Operation Parameters 5-49
Step7: Defining Program Zero . 5-50
Step 8: Simulate Toolpath 5-51
Step 9: Post Processing Toolpaths . 5-52
Turn 5 5-53
What You’ll Learn 5-53
Step 1: Opening the part, Defining the Machine and Stock . 5-53
Step 2: Extract Machinable Features . 5-54
Step 3: Adding an ID Groove Feature interactively . 5-55
Step 4: Adding OD Thread and ID Thread Features interactively . 5-56
Step5: Changing Feature Parameters, Generating Operations and
Modifying Operation Parameters . 5-59
Step 6: Defining the Machining Sequence and Generating Toolpaths 5-63
Step 7: Displaying the Chuck . 5-63Table of Contents
Step 8: Defining the Chuck 5-64
Step 9: Defining the Chuck Location . 5-66
Step 10: Simulate Toolpath 5-68
Step 11: Post Processing Toolpaths . 5-69
Turn 6 5-70
What You’ll Learn 5-70
Step 1: Opening the part 5-70
Step 2: Defining Machine Parameters . 5-70
Step 3: Establishing Part Zero 5-71
Step 4: Defining the Stock from a Sketch for Double Chucking . 5-72
Step 5: Defining Machinable Features . 5-73
Step 6: Changing the Origin Machining Direction 5-75
Step 7: Generating Operations and editing Operation Parameters . 5-75
Step 8: Defining the Chuck Configuration 5-77
Step 9: Setting the Chuck Display state . 5-77
Step 10: Setting the Chuck Location 5-78
Step 11: Simulating the toolpaths for double chucking . 5-80
Step 12: Post Processing Toolpaths . 5-80
Turn 7 5-81
What You’ll Learn 5-81
Step 1: Opening the part and defining the Machining Parameters . 5-82
Step 2: Extracting Machinable Features using Plane Section method . 5-82
Step 3: Using the Plane Section to Extract Machinable Features correctly. 5-83
Turn 8 5-86
What You’ll Learn 5-86
Step 1: Defining a Thread Feature . 5-86
Step 2: Cutting Multiple Start Threads 5-88
Step 3: Enabling the ‘Process by Level’ option for a Threading operation . 5-89
Step 4: Step Through Toolpath 5-89
Step 5: Simulating the Threading Toolpath . 5-90
4 Axis Turn 1 . 6-2
What You’ll Learn 6-2
Step 1: Opening the part 6-2
Step 2: Define the Machine Parameters for 4 axis machining . 6-2
Step 3: Defining the Stock . 6-4
Step 4: Defining Features Interactively for machining from Sub Spindle . 6-4
Step 5: Editing Machinable Features . 6-6
Step 6: Generating Operations, adjusting Parameters and
Generating Toolpaths . 6-9
Step 7: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup machined from
the Main Spindle 6-12
Step 8: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup machined from
the Sub Spindle 6-14Table of Contents
Step 9: Simulating the Toolpaths for Turn Setup machined from the
Main and Sub Spindles 6-16
Generating NC Code in Assembly Mode 7-2
Assembly 1 7-3
What You’ll Learn 7-3
Defining the Machine and Fixture Coordinate System 7-3
Selecting the Parts to be Machined 7-4
Defining the Stock . 7-4
Defining Machinable Features . 7-5
Sorting Part Instances to Determine Machining Order 7-6
Generating the Operation Plan . 7-7
Defining G-code Program Zero Location 7-7
Identifying Fixtures and Clamps 7-8
Generating Toolpaths . 7-9
Assembly 2 7-10
What You’ll Learn 7-10
Multi-Plane Machining in Assembly Mode . 7-10
Assembly 3 7-14
What You’ll Learn 7-14
Machining the Same Parts with Multiple Machine Tools . 7-14
Assembly 4 7-18
What You’ll Learn 7-18
Simulating Castings . 7-18
TechDB 1 . 8-2
What You’ll Learn 8-2
Adding and Editing Mill Machines 8-2
TechDB 2 . 8-6
What You’ll Learn 8-6
Adding Tools to the Tools Library . 8-6
TechDB 3 . 8-9
What You’ll Learn 8-9
Using Tool Cribs 8-9
Tech DB 4 8-12
What You’ll Learn 8-12
Feature and Operation Basics 8-12
TechDB 5 . 8-16
What You’ll Learn 8-16
Creating a Strategy and Associating a Machining Sequence . 8-16
Applying the Strategy in CAMWorks 8-22Table of Contents
TechDB 6 . 8-24
What You’ll Learn 8-24
Understanding Threading Parameters 8-24
TechDB 7 . 8-27
What You’ll Learn 8-27
Defining and Using Custom Tools 8-27
TechDB 8 . 8-34
What You’ll Learn 8-34
Creating and Using User-defined Mill Tool Holders . 8-34
TechDB 9 . 8-39
What You’ll Learn 8-39
Defining a Strategy in the Technology Database . 8-39
Inserting a 2 Axis Feature and Applying the T-slot Strategy . 8-42
Generating Operations and Toolpaths 8-43
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