Bridge Design Project with SolidWorks Software

Bridge Design Project with SolidWorks Software
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: Introduction .1
Using This Book . 2
What is SolidWorks Software? . 2
Prerequisites 2
Conventions Used in This Book . 3
Before You Begin . 3
Analyzing a Structure Using SolidWorks and SolidWorks Simulation . 5
Lesson 2: Structure Design .6
What is a Structure? 7
Structure Designs 8
Trusses 8
Beams . 9
Strength . 10
Cross Section Shape . 11
Try it! . 11
Displacement 11
Material 13
Truss Walls . 14
Triangles . 14
Try it ! . 15
Lesson 3: Using the Beam Calculator 16
Using Beam Calculations . 17
Order of Magnitude 17
Starting SolidWorks and Opening a Part 18
Adding in SolidWorks Simulation . 18
The Model Geometry . 19
Simplifying the Analysis 19SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
The Simply Supported Beam 20
Fixtures . 20
External Loads . 20
Theoretical Model 20
Why are Simply Supported Beams Important? 20
Required Data for the Beam Calculation . 22
Collect the Data 23
Assign a Material 24
Section Properties . 25
Using Measure 27
Beam Calculator . 28
Lesson 4: Analyzing the Structure 30
Analysis of the Structure 31
What is SolidWorks Simulation? . 31
Structural Analysis . 32
Structural Analysis Stages 33
Design Cycle 34
Changes in the Model . 34
Create a Study 35
FeatureManager Design Tree and Simulation Study Tree . 36
The Environment 36
Pre-Processing 39
Material 39
Fixtures 40
External Forces . 41
Meshing the Model 43
Analysis 44
Expectations . 44
Some Terminology . 45
Bending and Displacement 45
Tension and Compression . 46
Stresses . 46
Yield Strength 46
Factor of Safety 47
Post-Processing . 47
Interpreting the Results . 48
Creating a New Plot . 49
Iterating Changes 50
Determine the Load 50
Editing Simulation Data . 50
Conclusion 51SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Lesson 5: Making Design Changes .52
Adding to the Design 53
Open the Model 53
Existing Study . 53
Increase the Load . 54
Cross Bracing 55
Open the Model 55
Existing Study . 55
What did the Cross Bracing do? . 56
Working with Plots . 57
Deformation Plot Factor . 57
Superimposing the Model 57
The Weakest Link 58
Using a Probe 60
Adjusting the Number Format . 61
Solution . 62
Finishing the Bracing 62
Compare Stresses . 63
Top Beams 64
Strength to Weight Ratio 65
Efficiency Comparison . 66
More to Explore 67
Reading the Plot . 68
Lesson 6: Using an Assembly .69
Creating an Assembly . 70
Testing using the Test Block 70
Changing the Model . 71
Collision Detection . 72
Updating the Analysis 73
Lesson 7: Making Drawings of the Structure .76
Drawings . 77
Creating a Drawing and Views . 77
What is a Weldment Cut List Table? . 79
Why are there two Items of the Same Length? . 80
Balloons 81
Lesson 8: Reports and SolidWorks eDrawings .82
Reports and SolidWorks eDrawings . 83
Creating a Report 83
SolidWorks eDrawings for Sharing Information . 86SolidWorks
Engineering Design and Technology Series
Advantages of eDrawings 86
Viewing eDrawings 86
Creating a SolidWorks eDrawing . 87
The eDrawings User Interface . 89
eDrawings Functions 89
Playing an eDrawings Animation 90
Saving eDrawings 90
Save the eDrawing . 90
More to Explore 92
Lesson 9: Building and Testing the Structure .93
Building the Structure . 94
Cutting to Length . 94
Testing the Structure . 102
Creating the Span 102
Details 102
Applying the Load 103
Using Co
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