Bio-Based Plant Oil Polymers and Composites

Bio-Based Plant Oil Polymers and Composites
Samy A. Madbouly, Chaoqun Zhang, Michael R. Kessler
Contributors ix
Preface .xi
1 Introduction to Plant Oils 1
Jiahao Chen, Stephanie Oyola-Reynoso, and Martin Thuo
1.1 Introduction .1
1.2 Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Oils .3
1.2.1 Biosynthesis of Terpenoids 3
1.2.2 Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids .6
1.2.3 Chemical Reactivity of Plant Oils 6
1.2.4 Chemical Characterization .10
1.3 Major Sources of Plant Oils 11
1.4 Extraction and Processing of Plant Oils .11
1.4.1 Small-Scale Extraction and Processing .11
1.4.2 Large-Scale Extraction and Processing .12 Palm Oil 12
1.4.3 Postextraction Processing of Fatty Acids 13
1.5 Outlook .13
References .14
2 Plant Oil-Based Derivatives . 19
Chaoqun Zhang and Samy A. Madbouly
2.1 Introduction .19
2.2 Plant Oil-Based Derivatives .21
2.2.1 Fatty Acids .21
2.2.2 Fatty Amides/Nitriles/Amines .21
2.2.3 Alcohols .22
2.2.4 Ester Derivatives 25
2.2.5 Epoxy Derivatives 28
2.2.6 Conjugates 30
2.2.7 Other Derivatives .31
2.3 Conclusions .32
References .33
3 Plant Oil-Based Polyurethanes 37
Thomas F. Garrison and Michael R. Kessler
3.1 Polyurethane Chemistry 38
3.2 Plant Oil-Based Polyurethanes .38
3.3 Developing New Sources of Vegetable Oils 40
3.4 Polyol Methods .42
3.4.1 Epoxidation/Ring-Opening 44
3.4.2 Ozonolysis 44
3.4.3 Amidation 44
3.5 Flame Retardant Polyols .45
3.6 Alternative Routes for Making Polyurethanes .45vi Contents
3.7 Applications of Plant Oil-Based Polyurethanes 46
3.8 Foams 46
3.8.1 Flexible Foams .47
3.8.2 Rigid Foams .47
3.9 Coatings .47
3.9.1 Waterborne Dispersions .48
3.9.2 Antimicrobial Coatings 48
3.10 Shape Memory Polymers 48
3.11 Conclusions .49
References .49
4 Plant Oil-Based Polyhydroxyurethanes . 55
Ashley Johns, Luke Gibbons, Madeline Smith, Kyle Edwards, and Rafael L. Quirino
4.1 Introduction .55
4.2 Petroleum-Based Polyurethanes .56
4.3 Polyurethanes from Bio-Based Polyols 57
4.4 Polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs) .59
4.4.1 Introduction to PHUs .59
4.4.2 Petroleum-Based PHUs .60
4.4.3 Bio-Based PHUs 61 Triglycerides .61 Glycerol 62 Terpenes .65 Hybrid PHUs and Composites .66
4.5 Alternative Systems 67
4.6 Conclusions .68
References .69
5 Plant Oil-Based Polyester 73
Larissa R. Fonseca, José L. Silva Sá, and Benedito S. Lima-Neto
5.1 Introduction .73
5.2 Processes and Monomers 74
5.3 Thermoplastic Polyesters 76
5.4 Biodegradable Polyesters 77
5.5 Unsaturated Polyester Resin (UPR) 78
5.6 Other Applications 81
5.7 Applications of Plant Oil-Based Polyester as an Alternative for Petroleum-Based Polyester .82
References .83
6 Plant Oil-Based Polyether 87
Fana Teffera, Michael J. Forrester, and Eric W. Cochran
6.1 Background .87
6.1.1 Introduction 87
6.1.2 Molecular Weight and Networks .88
6.2 Methods 89
6.2.1 Extraction Process from Natural Source 89
6.2.2 Purifications after Extractions 89
6.2.3 Modification from Oil to Polyether Monomers .90
6.2.4 Polymerization from Oil Source to Polyether 90Contents vii
6.3 Properties of Plant Oil-Based Polyethers .91
6.4 Applications 93
6.5 Challenges and Trends 94
References .95
7 Plant Oil-Based Epoxy Intermediates for Polymers . 99
Tolibjon S. Omonov and Jonathan M. Curtis
7.1 Introduction .100
7.2 Epoxidation of Plant Oils 100
7.3 Derivatives of Epoxidized Plant Oils .103
7.3.1 Epoxy Ring Opening by Alcohols .104
7.3.2 Epoxy Ring Opening by Water 106
7.3.3 Amine-to-Epoxide Reactions .106
7.3.4 Epoxy Ring Opening with Halogen Reagents .108
7.3.5 Epoxy Ring Opening by Lactic Acid .108
7.3.6 Hydrogenation of Epoxidized Oils 108
7.3.7 Acrylated Epoxidized Plant Oils 109
7.3.8 Carbonated Plant Oil and its Derivatives .109
7.3.9 Epoxy Ring-Opening Reactions by Anhydrides 110
7.3.10 Epoxy Ring-Opening Polymerization 111
7.3.11 Estolides of Epoxides . 112
7.4 Biobased Epoxy Resins 113
7.4.1 Anhydride-Cured Epoxidized Oils 114
7.4.2 Resins of Acrylated-Epoxidized Plant Oils .114
7.4.3 Direct Polymerization of Epoxidized Plant Oils 116
7.5 Conclusions .117
References .118
Further Reading .125
8 Enzyme-Assisted Synthesis of Plant Oil-Based Polymers . 127
Yi-Shu Tai and Kechun Zhang
8.1 Introduction .127
8.2 Enzyme-Assisted Synthesis of Plant Oil-Based Polyesters 129
8.2.1 Lipase-Catalyzed Synthesis of Functional Polyesters .129 Biodegradable and Cross-Linkable Polyesters .129 Epoxide-Containing Polyesters 130 Oleic Acid-Based Polyesters 131
8.2.2 Lipase-Catalyzed Polycondensation of Unsaturated or Epoxidized
a,w-Dicarboxylic Acids and Diols 132
8.2.3 Lipase-Catalyzed Polycondensation of Hydroxy Fatty Acids and Derivatives .135 Poly(Ricinoleaic Acid) and its Derivatives 135 Poly(Ambrettolide Epoxide) and Poly(Aleuritic Acid) 136 Polyesters from the Monomer cis-9,10-Epoxy-18-Hydroxyoctadecanoic Acid 138
8.3 Enzyme-Assisted Plant Oil Transformations 138
8.3.1 Sugar Fatty Acid Esters .138
8.3.2 Transesterification 139
8.3.3 Enzyme-Catalyzed Epoxidation .141
8.3.4 Fatty Acids Hydroxylation .143
8.4 Conclusion 144
References .145viii Contents
9 Plant Oil-Based Nanocomposites 149
Samy A. Madbouly, Chaoqun Zhang, and Jing Zhang
9.1 Introduction .149
9.2 Plant Oil-Based/Natural Filler Composites 152
9.3 Plant Oil-Based/Carbon Nanotubes Composites 154
9.4 Plant Oil-Based PU/Graphene Oxide Composites .155
9.4.1 Surface Modification of Graphene Oxide 156
9.4.2 Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-Based PU/GO Nanocomposites .158
9.5 Plant Oil-Based/Clay and Silica Nanocomposites 159
References .161
10 Fiber Reinforced Plant Oil-Based Composites 167
Kunwei Liu, Chaoqun Zhang, and Samy A. Madbouly
10.1 Introduction .167
10.2 Fiber-Reinforced Plant Oil-Based Vinyl Polymer Composites 168
10.3 Fiber-Reinforced Plant Oil-Based Epoxy Composites .176
10.4 Fiber-Reinforced Plant Oil-Based Polyurethane Composites 179
10.5 Fiber-Reinforced Plant Oil-Based Foam Composites 184
10.6 Conclusion 186
References .187
11 Application of Plant Oil-Based Products in Structural Health Monitoring . 191
Simon Laflamme and Samy A. Madbouly
11.1 Introduction .191
11.2 Background .194
11.2.1 Materials 194
11.2.2 Sensor Fabrication .194
11.2.3 Sensing Principle .196
11.3 Materials Properties 197
11.3.1 Dispersion of Nanofiller .197
11.3.2 Dielectric Properties .198
11.3.3 Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) 199
11.4 Laboratory Experiments .199
11.4.1 Experimental Setup 199
11.4.2 Results and Discussion 201
11.5 Conclusion 203
References .205
12 The Future of Essential Oils as a Pest Biocontrol Method . 207
Olivier Sparagano, James Pritchard, and David George
12.1 Introduction .207
12.2 Range of Use .208
12.3 Mechanisms 208
12.4 Future Research 208
12.5 Conclusion 209
References .209
Further Reading .211
Index 213ix
Acetic anhydride modified soybean oil
(AMSO), 169
Acid ion exchange resin methods
(AIER), 91
Acrylated epoxidized soybean oil
(AESO), 57–59, 115, 116,
154, 168, 169, 171, 172, 184
Aedes aegypti, 207
AESO. See Acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO)
AIER. See Acid ion exchange resin
methods (AIER)
Air laid flax composites, 169
Alcohols, 13, 22, 105, 139
aliphatic, 79
epoxidation, 22
hydroformylation, 23
ozonolysis, 23
poly-functional, 105
ring opening by, 44, 104, 105
transesterification, 23
Alcoholysis reactions, 22, 45, 79, 104,
105, 140
Ambrettolide epoxide, 136, 137
Amidation, 44
of alcohols, 23
polyol methods, 42, 44
of triglycerides, 90
Amide diols, 44, 45
Amine-to-epoxide reactions, 106
Ammonium persulfate (APS), 182
AMSO. See Acetic anhydride modified
soybean oil (AMSO)
APS. See Ammonium persulfate (APS)
Attapulgite nanocomposites, 67
Azadiriachta indica juss, 44
Bacterial cellulose (BC), 171
Bending beam test, 200
Betapol, 139–141
Betula verrucosa, 138
Biobased epoxy resins, 113
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD),
129, 130, 136
Biodegradable polyesters, 77. See also
Biofoam, 152
BiOH® series, 105
BOD. See Biochemical oxygen demand
n-Butyl methacrylate (BMA), 175
t-Butyl peroxide (TBPO), 175
Camelina sativa, 40
Candida albicans, 143
Candida antarctica, 28, 91, 129–131,
134–136, 141
Candida rugosa, 136, 139
Canola oil, 109, 113, 177
epoxidation kinetics of, 102, 103,
extraction of, 88
fatty acid methyl esters (FAME),
102, 103
Capillary supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC), 10
Carbonated plant oils and derivatives,
109, 110
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 31, 192
SEM images of, 32
spray pyrolysis setup, 31
Cationic polymerization catalyst (CPI),
CBE. See Cocoa butter equivalents
CCC. See Counter current chromatography (CCC)
CF-PANI. See Polyaniline coated coconut fibers (CF-PANI)
π-Cloud, 154
CNTs. See Carbon nanotubes
Coatings, 46, 47, 56, 167
aliphatic isocyanates, use in, 38
antimicrobial, 48
cured epoxy, 115
fast-drying protective, 115
polymer, 59
polyurethane, 38
thermoplastic polyolefin, 66
waterborne dispersions, 48
water-repellent, 60
Cobalt naphthenate oxidation, 129
Cocoa butter equivalents (CBE), 139
Counter current chromatography
(CCC), 10
Cox model, 173
CPI. See Cationic polymerization catalyst (CPI)
Cross-linked polymers, 78, 79, 92, 113,
Cyclic carbonates, 61, 110
bifunctional, 66
bio-based, 68
1,4-butane diamine (BDA), 62
1,2-ethane diamine (EDA), 62
isophorone diamine (IPDA), 62
Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases,
DAQ. See Data acquisition system
Data acquisition system (DAQ), 196
DBTDL. See Dibutyltin dilaurate
DCPD. See Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD)
Deoxyxylulose phosphate (DOX)
pathway, 4
DETA. See Diethylenetriamine (DETA)
Dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL), 194
Dicyclopentadiene (DCPD), 173
Dielectric permittivity, 194
Diels–Alder reaction, 81
Diethylenetriamine (DETA), 177
Differential scanning calorimetry
(DSC), 111, 116, 132, 154
Diglycerides, 2
Diisocyanates, structure of, 39, 56, 57
Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate
(DMAPP), 4
Dimethylol propionic acid (DMPA), 48,
58, 59, 194, 195
4,4-Diphenylmethane diisocyante
(MDI), 181
Divinylbenzene (DVB), 174
DMA. See Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
DMAPP. See Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate (DMAPP)
DMPA. See Dimethylol propionic acid
DSC. See Differential scanning calorimetry
DVB. See Divinylbenzene (DVB)
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA),
115, 116, 168
test, 176
EAS. See Epoxidized allyl soyate
EHO. See Epoxidized hemp oil (EHO)214 Index
Elaeis guineensis, 44
ELO. See Epoxidized linseed oil (ELO)
EML. See Epoxidized methyl linseedate (EML)
EMO. See Epoxidized methyl oleate
Enzymes, 11, 91, 127, 129, 134
fatty acid-hydroxylation, 144
identification of, 129
for plant oil polymerization, 128
processes, 127
EOC. See Epoxy oxygen group content
Epoxidation, 22, 28, 44, 58, 91, 101,
of carbon double bonds by hydroperoxide, 28
chemo-enzymatic, 28
enzyme-catalyzed, 141
of fatty acids by lipase, 28
high temperature, 102
in-situ, 102
kinetics, 103
of plant oils, 100
polyol methods, 42
of triglyceride, 91
of unsaturated vegetable oils, 61
Epoxidized allyl soyate (EAS), 176
Epoxidized a,w-dicarboxylic acids,
Epoxidized canola (ECO), 110
Epoxidized hemp oil (EHO), 178
Epoxidized linseed oil (ELO), 44, 178
Epoxidized methyl linseedate (EML),
Epoxidized methyl oleate (EMO), 91,
Epoxidized oils, 57, 62, 114
anhydride cured, 114
hydrogenation of, 108
Epoxidized soybean oil (ESO), 44, 57,
111, 114, 159, 169, 178
in-situ reactive blending of, 117
polymerization of, 116
reaction of, 30
Epoxy oxygen group content (EOC),
Epoxy resins, 100
biobased, 110, 113
thermoset, 100, 114
Epoxy ring opening, 101, 102
by alcohols, 104, 105
hydroxylation reaction, 104
by anhydrides, 110, 111
by halogen reagents, 108
by lactic acid, 108
polymerization of, 111
by water, 106, 107
ESO. See Epoxidized soybean oil
Ethylene glycol, 105
FAME. See Fatty acid methyl ester
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME), 74
Fatty acids, 21
based amide polyols, 45
biosynthesis of, 6
derived from acetyl CoA, 7
derived from malonyl-Coenzyme A
(malonyl CoA), 7
epoxidized, 41
hydroxylated, 41, 135, 143
lipase-catalyzed polycondensation
of, 135
post-extraction processing of, 13
structure of, 75
transesterification of, 27
unsaturated, 141
vegetable oils, composition in, 75, 76
Fatty alcohols, 22, 23. See also Alcohols
Fatty amides, 21, 22
Fatty amines, 21, 22
Fatty nitriles, 21, 22
FE-SEM. See Field-emission scanning
electron microscope (FE-SEM)
FFA. See Free fatty acids (FFA)
FGS. See Functionalized graphene
sheet (FGS)
Fibers, 168
biobased, 168
biorenewable, 168
carbon, 168
glass, 168
pine wood, 184
reinforcements, 168
synthetic, 168
Field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), 197
Flame retardant polyols, 45
Flax fibers, 169
architectural effects of, 170
arrangement modes of, 170
types of, 169
Flexural testing, 173, 179
Foams, 46, 57, 93, 152, 154, 184
flexible, 47
polyester, 82
rigid, 47
Fourier transform infrared spectroscope
(FTIR), 152
Free fatty acids (FFA), 139
FTIR. See Fourier transform infrared
spectroscope (FTIR)
Functionalized graphene sheet (FGS),
Gauge factor, 193, 196, 202, 204
Gel permeation chromatography, 135
Gluconacetobacter xylinus, 171
Glycerides, 3, 6, 7
Glycerols, 62
alkylated, 5
application of, 24
difunctional cyclic carbonate, synthesis of, 64
hydroxyurethanes, synthesis of, 63
phenoxycarbonyloxymethyl ethylene
carbonate, synthesis of, 64
transformation of, 24
Grains, production of, 3
Graphene oxide
composites, 155
surface modification of, 156
modified pressurized oxidation
method, 156
pressurized oxidation method, 156
raman spectrum of, 157
Grubbs catalysts, 132
Halpin–Tsai model, 173
Helianthus annuus L., 40
Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI),
HMDI. See Hexamethylene diisocyanate (HMDI)
Hooke’s law, 196
HPAn. See Hyxahydrophthalic anhydride (HPAn)
Hydratases, 143, 144
Hydroformylation, 23, 42
Hydrohalogenation methods, 108
of epoxidized oils, 108
Hydroxyl estolide, 112
Hydroxyurethane, 61. See also Polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs)
Hyxahydrophthalic anhydride (HPAn),
IFSS. See Interfacial shear strength
ILSS. See Interlaminar shear strength
Interfacial shear strength (IFSS), 172
Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), 179
IPDI. See Isophorone diisocyanate
IPP. See Isopentyl diphosphate (IPP)
Isocyanates, 38
aromatic, 38
hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI),
isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), 38
methylene diphenyl diisocyanate
(MDI), 38
pentamethylene diisocyanate (PDI),
toluene diisocyanate (TDI), 38Index 215
Isopentyl diphosphate (IPP), 4, 6
mavelonate (MVA) pathway, 4
methylerythritol (MEP) pathway, 4
Isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), 38,
58, 194
Isoprenoid-derived oils, 1, 3
Jatropha curcas L., 41
Jute composites, 172
Keratin fiber (KF), 171
KF. See Keratin fiber (KF)
Layered graphite, 155
Lesquerolic acid, 40
Lewis acid catalysts, 81
Lignin, 151, 152, 182
composites, 152
different concentrations of, 152
and fatty acid polyol, 154
phenyl propane monomers in, 152,
Limnanthes alba, 141
Lipases, 127, 129, 135, 136, 140, 141
Lipid acrylation, 177
Liquid chromatography (LC)–mass
spectrometry (MS), 134
Lyocell fiber, 170, 177
MACO. See Maleated castor oil
Macroreticular ion exchange resin, 105
MAECO. See Maleinized acrylated epoxidized canola oil
MAESO. See Maleinized acrylated
epoxidized soybean oils
Maleated castor oil (MACO), 79, 80,
Maleinized acrylated epoxidized canola
oil (MAECO), 115
Maleinized acrylated epoxidized soybean oils (MAESO), 115
Maleinized soybean oil (MSO), 116,
Mavelonate (MVA) pathway, 4
MCS. See Norbornenylehyldimethylchlorosilane (MCS)
MEK. See Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
MERGINOL® series, 105
Mesua ferrea L., 41
Methacrylated lauric acid (MLAU), 171
Methacrylated soybean oil (MSO), 169
Methacrylic anhydride modified soybean oil (MMSO), 169
Methoxylated soybean oil polyols
(MSOLs), 58
Methylerythritol (MEP) pathway, 4.
See also Deoxyxylulose
phosphate (DOX) pathway
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), 194
4-Methylpyridine, 116
MLAU. See Methacrylated lauric acid
MMSO. See Methacrylic anhydride
modified soybean oil
Monoglycerides, 2, 25, 90, 139
Montmorillonite, 160
MSO. See Maleinized soybean oil
(MSO); Methacrylated
soybean oil (MSO)
MSOLs. See Methoxylated soybean oil
polyols (MSOLs)
Mucor miehei, 129
Myzus persicae, 207
Nanocomposites, 150, 194
durability, 194
melt processing of, 150
Nanofiller, 149, 151, 197, 198
dispersion of, 197
NIPU. See Nonisocyanate polyurethanes (NIPU)
Nonisocyanate polyurethanes (NIPU),
59, 110
(MCS), 173
Norbornenylethyltrichlorosilane (TCS),
Novozym 435, 132
Octopamine receptors, 208
Oil-producing crops, production, 3
Oleic acid, 7, 113, 131, 144, 154
based polyesters, 131
epoxidation of, 131
lipase-catalyzed epoxidation of, 142
OOC. See Oxirane oxygen content
Organosiliconic polymers, 66
Oxirane oxygen content (OOC), 102
Oxiranes, ring opening of, 44
Ozonolysis, 23, 42, 44, 100
Palm oil, 2, 12, 20, 31, 40, 47, 115, 140
extraction of, 12
fractionation of, 12
refining of, 12
SEM images of CNT, 32
Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa
Degener, 41
PCL. See Polycaprolactone (PCL)
PEFA. See Poly(ether fatty amide)
Performic acid
formation of, 101
ring-opening by, 28, 101
Perhydrolysis, 29
Pest control, 207, 209
conventional, 209
Pest resistance, 207–209
Petroleum-based polymers, 55, 83
Petroleum resources, 167
PFF. See Pyrolyzed chicken feather
fibers (PFF)
PHAs. See Polyhydroxyalkanoates
Phospholipids, 2, 12, 89
Phosphorylated polyols, 45
Photopolymerization, 115, 117, 178
PHUs. See Polyhydroxyurethanes
Plant biosynthesis, 1
Plant oil, 1, 8, 127, 167, 193
acid value, 1
alkene moieties, presence of, 8
based carbon nanotube composites,
based clay and silica nanocomposites, 159
based epoxy composites, fiber-reinforced, 176
based foam composites, fiber-reinforced, 184, 185
based graphene oxide composites,
based polyurethane composites,
fiber-reinforced, 179
based vinyl polymer composites,
fiber-reinforced, 168
biochemistry of, 3
chemical characterization, 10
chemical reactivity of, 6–9
chemistry of, 3
conversion into polyols, 58
epoxidation of, 29, 100
acrylated epoxidized, 109
acrylated resins of, 114
derivatives of, 103
direct polymerization of, 116
extraction and processing of, 11
fatty acids, 1, 40, 41
glycerides, 3
hydroxyl value, 1
iodine values of, 41
isoprenoid derived hydrocarbons, 1
large-scale extraction
and processing, 12
major sources, 11
modified polyesters, 73
advantages of, 73
applications of, 73216 Index
fatty acid process, 75
industrial applications, use in, 74
monoglyceride process, 75
olefin/iodine value, 1
perhydrolysis of, 29
peroxide value, 1
small scale extraction and
processing, 11–12
terpenoids, 3
transesterification reaction of, 74
transformations, 138
enzyme assisted, 138
Plant oil-based derivatives, 21
fatty acids, 21
fatty amines, 21
Plant oil-based filler composites, 152
cellulosic fibers, 152
lignin fibers, 152
Plant oil-based polymer nanocomposites, 149
anisotropic properties of, 150
development and tailoring of, 150
structure–property relationship of, 150
Plant oil-based polymers, 74, 87
advantages of, 87
applications of, 82
molecular weight, 88
oil extraction methods, 89
modification of monomers, 90
from natural source, 89
polymerization from oil source, 90
polyamides, 74
polyesters, 74
polyethers, 74
polyolefins, 74
properties of, 91
Plasticizers, 29, 30
Poisson’s ratio, 196
Polyaniline coated coconut fibers
(CF-PANI), 182
Polycaprolactone (PCL), 181
Polyesters, 74, 129
biodegradable, 129
cross-linkable, 129
epoxide containing, 130
functional, 129
lipase-catalyzed synthesis, 129
linear, 76
oleic acid containing, 131
plant oil-based, 129
biodegradable, 129
cross-link, 129
enzyme-assisted synthesis, 129
functional, 129
polycondensation reaction, 74
Polyetheramides, 45
Poly(ether fatty amide) (PEFA), 92, 93
Polyethers, 88
applications of, 93
polyols, 93
Polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane
(POSS) compounds, 92
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), 77
Polyhydroxyurethanes (PHUs), 56,
59, 68
alternative systems, 67
bio-based, 61
and composites, 66
(DODDA), 60
petroleum-based, 60
polysiloxane hybrid material
synthesis, 67
synthesis from limonene, 66
p-xylylenediamine (p-XDA), 60
Polymeric 4,4 -disphenylmethane
dissocynate (pMDI), 179
Polymerization, 127
chemical, 127
enzyme catalyzed, 127
Polymers, 127
biomaterials, 81
industry, 192
science, 73
synthesis, 127, 167
Polyolamines, 107
Polyols, 42
bio-based, 57
structure of, 57
Poly(sebacic acid-co-ricinoleic acid),
Polyurethane dispersions (PUDs), 193
Polyurethanes (PU), 38, 45, 68, 151
alternative routes for making, 45
applications of, 46
from bio-based polyols, 57
chemical structure of, 56
foams, 46
microphase separation of, 151
nanocomposites, 158
fracture surface of, 158
synthesis of, 158
TGA measurement for, 159
thermal stability of, 158
petroleum-based, 56
plant oil-based, 38
urethane reaction of, 38
POSS. See Polyhedral oligomeric
silsesquioxane (POSS)
Poylisoprenoids, 4
Pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSA),
111, 114
Prileschajew reaction, 28
1,2-Propanediol, 105
1,3-Propanediol, 105
Prosopis juliflora, 41
PSA. See Pressure-sensitive adhesives
Pseudomonas cepacia, 129
PU. See Polyurethanes (PU)
PUDs. See Polyurethane dispersions
Pyrolyzed chicken feather fibers (PFF),
RA. See Ricinoleaic acid
Raman spectrum, 156, 157
Response surface methodology (RSM),
Rhizopus delemar, 139, 140
Rhizopus oryzae, 177
Ricinoleaic acid (RA), 7, 19, 40, 42,
58, 81, 135, 136, 141
Ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP), 173
ROMP. See Ring-opening metathesis
polymerization (ROMP)
RSM. See Response surface
RSO. See Rubber seed oil (RSO)
Rubber seed oil (RSO), 182
Sapindus mukorossi seed oil (SMSO),
Scanning electron microscope (SEM),
152, 197
SEM. See Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Sensing principle, 193, 196, 197
Sensor fabrication, 193, 194, 196
SEPEP. See Soybean phosphate ester
polyol (SEPEP)
SFC. See Capillary supercritical fluid
chromatography (SFC)
Shape-memory polymers, 48
SHM. See Structural health monitoring
SMSO. See Sapindus mukorossi seed oil
Solid freeform fabrication (SFF), 177
Sonication, 150, 158, 194
SOPERMA. See Soybean oil pentaerythritol glyceride maleates
SOVERMOL® series, 105
Soybean oil, 13, 20, 28, 31, 40, 61, 82,
91, 152, 167, 169, 171, 174,
176, 178
based cationic polyurethane coatings,
based polyols, 47, 48
based polyurethanes, 58, 92
carbonated, 109
cationic polymerization of, 82
chemical structure of, 58
with diamines, 46
epoxidized, 29, 30, 45
lactic acid-epoxidized, 108
methacrylated, 169
methoxylated, 92
Plant oil (cont.)Index 217
structures of maleates alcoholyzed
triglycerides, 58, 80
Soybean oil pentaerythritol glyceride
maleates (SOPERMA), 171
Soybean phosphate ester polyol
(SEPEP), 179
Stenotrophomonas nitritireducens, 144
Structural health monitoring (SHM),
191, 192
Sugar fatty acid esters, 138
Sulfuric acid, 104, 105, 136
Synthetic pesticides, 207–209
TBAB. See Tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB)
TCS. See Norbornenylethyltrichlorosilane (TCS)
TDI. See Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI)
TEA. See Triethylamine (TEA)
Tensile test laboratory setup, 200
Terpene-based acid anhydride (TPAn),
Terpenes, 5, 65
dimethylallyl pyrophosphate
(DMAPP), 4
isopentyl diphosphate (IPP), 4
isoprene-derived, 65
use of, 65
Terpenoids, 5
biosynthesis of, 3
Tertiary amines, 21, 107, 194
TETA. See Triehylenetetraamine
Tetrabutylammonium bromide (TBAB),
Tetrafluoroboric acid, 105
TGA. See Thermogravimetric analysis
Thermal mechanical analysis (TMA),
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA),
131, 154, 158, 159, 172, 197,
Thermoplastic polyesters, 76. See also
aliphatic groups, 76
aromatic groups, 76
Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU),
Thymol, 5, 208
TMA. See Thermal mechanical analysis
Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate (TDI), 180
TPAn. See Terpene-based acid anhydride (TPAn)
TPU. See Thermoplastic polyurethane
Transesterification, 23, 41, 48, 64, 74,
91, 105, 139, 176
fatty acid esters of, 27
lipase-catalyzed, 139
triglycerides of, 26
vegetable oils of, 28
of waste oils rapeseed waste frying
oil, 27
Triehylenetetraamine (TETA), 177
Triethylamine (TEA), 194
Triglycerides, 2, 61, 103
epoxidization of, 90
epoxidized methyl oleate, 91
structure of, 40
transesterification of, 26
Tripalmitin, 140, 141
Tung oil, 19, 30, 81, 82, 172
Unsaturated a,w-dicarboxylic acids,
lipase-catalyzed polycondensation
of, 132
Unsaturated polyester resin (UPR), 78
Vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding
technique, 171, 172
Van der Waals bonding, 150
Varroa mites, 208
Vegetable oils, 11, 19, 55
based polyols, 43
carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 31
conjugates, 30
degree of unsaturation, 20
epoxidation of, 28
epoxy derivatives, 28, 29
ester derivatives, 25
fatty acids composition in, 20
hydrolysis of, 21
sources of, 40
transesterification of, 28
viscosity of, 26
world production of, 20
Vernolic acid, 7, 40, 104
Vernonia galamensis, 104
Vernonia oil, 19, 40, 90, 104, 141
4-Vinylpyridine, 116
VOCs. See Volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs),
47, 48, 58, 116
Waterborne polyurethane (WPU),
Waterborne, polyurethane dispersions
(PUDs), 48, 58, 193–195
Wheat straw (WS), 175
WPU. See Waterborne polyurethane
Young’s modulus, 117, 173
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