Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook – Powerplant – Volume 1
اسم المؤلف
U.S. Department of Transportation
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Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook – Powerplant – Volume 1
U.S. Department of Transportation
Flight Standards Service
Volume Contents
Volume 1
Preface .v
Acknowledgments vii
Table of Contents ix
Chapter 1
Aircraft Engines .1-1
Chapter 2
Engine Fuel and Fuel Metering Systems .2-1
Chapter 3
Induction and Exhaust Systems 3-1
Chapter 4
Engine Ignition and Electrical Systems 4-1
Chapter 5
Engine Starting Systems 5-1
Volume 2
Chapter 6
Lubrication and Cooling Systems .6-1
Chapter 7 Propellers
Chapter 8
Engine Removal and Replacement 8-1
Chapter 9
Engine Fire Protection Systems 9-1
Chapter 10
Engine Maintenance and Operation 10-1
Chapter 11
Light-Sport Aircraft Engines 11-1
Bearings .1-22
Bellmouth compressor inlets 3-20
Bendix/precision fuel-injection system 2-22
Bend radii .4-52
Bernoulli’s principle 1-58
Bonding 4-62
Booster coil 4-16
Brake horsepower 1-32
Brayton cycle .1-58
Breaker point inspection 4-35
Built-in engine timing reference marks .4-23
Cam rings .1-19
Camshaft 1-20
Capacitance 4-8
Capacitor discharge exciter unit .4-41
Carbon fouling of spark plugs 4-30
Carbon seal .1-53
Carburetion principles 2-6
Application of venturi principle to carburetor 2-6
Metering and discharge of fuel .2-7
Venturi principles .2-6
Carburetor air filter 3-2
Carburetor fuel strainer 2-17
Carburetor icing .2-9
Fuel evaporation ice .2-9
Impact ice .2-9
Throttle ice .2-9
Carburetor induction system 3-2
Induction system filtering .3-5
Induction system icing 3-4
Induction system inspection and maintenance .3-5
Induction system troubleshooting 3-5
Carburetor maintenance .2-28
Carburetor removal 2-28
Carburetor systems .2-8
Accelerating system .2-8
Idle cutoff system .2-8
Idling system 2-8
Main metering system 2-8
Accelerating system .2-14
Accessory section .1-39
Accessory case .1-39
Gear train 1-39
Adjusting idle mixtures 2-30
Afterburning/thrust augmentation 3-29
Airblast nozzles 2-46
Air bleed .2-12
Air entrance 1-38
Air filter 3-1
Airflow section .2-22
Airframe fuel system 2-3
Air scoop 3-1
Air throttle assembly 2-27
Air turbine starters .5-13
Air path .5-14
Axial flow turbine .5-13
Control assembly 5-16
Drive coupling 5-13
Output shaft assembly 5-13
Pressure-regulating and shutoff valve 5-16
Ring gear housing .5-14
Rotor switch actuator 5-13
Sprag clutch assembly 5-13
Transmission housing .5-14
Turbine housing 5-14
Air turbine starter troubleshooting guide .5-17
Aluminum wire terminals 4-60
American wire gauge (AWG) 4-45
Area of a circle .1-29
Atmospheric air 1-2
Augmentor exhaust system 3-26
Augmentors 3-24
Automatic mixture control (AMC) 2-19
Auxiliary ignition starting units .4-15
Ball bearings 1-23, 1-52
Basic fuel system .2-2I-2
Mixture control system .2-8
Power enrichment system .2-9
Carburetor types .2-9
Float-type carburetor 2-9
Pressure-type carburetor .2-9
Checking ignition induction vibrator systems .4-30
Checking the internal timing of a magneto 4-25
Circuit protection devices 4-67
Combustion drain valves 2-47
Combustion section 1-44
Compactness 1-3
Complete fuel system .2-32
Compression ratio 1-29
Compressor inlet screens .3-20
Compressors .1-40
Axial-flow compressor .1-41
Rotor .1-41
Disk-type rotor .1-42
Drum-type rotor .1-42
Stator .1-41
Centrifugal-flow compressors 1-40
Compressor manifold . 1-40,1-41
Diffuser 1-40,1-41
Impeller .1-40
Compressor section 1-39
Conductor insulation 4-49
Dielectric strength 4-49
Insulation resistance .4-49
Conduit .4-66
Connecting rods .1-10
Connecting terminal lugs to terminal blocks .4-62
Connectors 4-64,4-65
Identification .4-66
Continental/TCM fuel-injection system 2-25
Continuous ignition 4-39
Controlling or monitoring the electrical load .4-67
Convergent-divergent exhaust nozzle 3-28
Convergent exhaust nozzle 3-28
Copper wire terminals 4-59
Crankshafts 1-8
Balance .1-10
Crimping tools .4-59
Cutting wire and cable .4-57
Cylinders 1-14
Barrels 1-16
Heads 1-15
Numbering 1-16
Density altitude 3-6
Dielectric inspection 4-38
Differential pressure controller 3-14
Diffuser 1-44
Direct cranking electric starter .5-2
Direct cranking electric starting system for
large reciprocating engines .5-3
Motor assembly 5-3
Starter motor .5-3
Direct cranking electric starting system for
small aircraft .5-6
Discharge nozzle 2-7
Divided-entrance duct 3-19
Double-row radial engines .1-17
Duplex fuel nozzle .2-46
Durability .1-3
Dynamic dampers 1-10
Economizer system 2-14
EEC system 2-37
Efficiencies .1-35
E-gap 4-25
Electrical equipment installation 4-67
Electrical load limits 4-67
Electrical wiring installation 4-51
Electric starting systems and starter generator
starting system .5-11
Electronic control unit (ECU) . 4-13,4-14
Emergency splicing repairs 4-60
Engine fuel system components .2-43
Engine noise supression .3-31
Engines .1-4
Inline engines .1-4
Opposed engines .1-4
O-type engines 1-4
Radial engines 1-5
V-type engines 1-5
Exhaust leak .3-25
Exhaust manifold and stack failures 3-25
Exhaust section 1-51
Exhaust cone .1-51
Exhaust nozzle 1-52
Insulation blanket .1-52
Tailpipe .1-52
Exhaust system inspection .3-24
Exhaust system repairs .3-26
Exhaust systems with turbocharger .3-26
Factors affecting selection of conductor material 4-47
Factors affecting the selection of wire size 4-45
FADEC for an auxiliary power unit .2-37I-3
FADEC fuel control propulsion engine .2-39
FADEC fuel control systems .2-37
FADEC system description 4-12
Firing order 1-17
Fittings .2-33
Float chamber mechanism system .2-10
Float-type carburetors 2-10
Flow divider . 2-23, 2-46
Fork-and-blade rod assembly .1-12
Friction and brake mean effective pressures 1-33
Friction horsepower .1-33
Fuel/air control unit 2-27
Fuel/air mixtures 2-4
Fuel control assembly 2-28
Fuel control maintenance .2-42
Fuel control unit .2-18
Idle needle valve .2-18
Manual mixture control 2-18
Power enrichment valve .2-18
Regulator fill valve .2-18
Fuel counter .2-48
Fuel discharge nozzle . 2-24, 2-28
Fuel economy .1-3
Fuel filters 2-44
Fuel heater 2-43
Fuel-injection pump .2-25
Fuel-injection systems .2-22
Fuel injector .2-22
Fuel manifold valve .2-28
Fuel metering devices for reciprocating engines .2-3
Fuel metering section .2-23
Fuel metering system .2-3
Fuel pressure gauge 2-24, 2-34
Fuel pressurizing and dump valves 2-46
Fuel quantity gauges 2-33
Fuel quantity indicating units .2-48
Fuel spray nozzles and fuel manifolds .2-45
Fuel system inspection and maintenance .2-32
Fuel system operation 2-41
Fuel system requirements 2-1
Fuel tanks .2-33
Gap erosion of spark plugs 4-31
Gas turbine engines 1-37, 3-17
Bearings and seals 1-52
Performance 1-58
Turbofan engines 1-37
Turbojet 1-37
Turboprop engine .1-37
Turboshaft engine .1-38
Gas turbine engine starters .5-8
Govenor 1-7
Graphite fouling of spark plugs .4-31
Grounding 4-62
Harness testing .4-39
High-tension ignition harness faults 4-38
High-tension magneto E-gap setting (bench
timing) 4-26
High-tension magneto system theory of operation 4-2
High-tension retard breaker vibrator 4-18
Horsepower 1-28
Hydraulic valve lifters 1-22
Hydraulic valve tappets 1-21
Identifying wire and cable .4-50
Idle speed adjustment .2-31
Idling system 2-12
Igniter plugs .4-41
Ignition harness 4-8
Maintenance .4-38
Ignition switches 4-9
Check 4-28
Impulse coupling 4-17
Indicated horsepower .1-31
Inertia starters .5-2
Inline engine cylinders .1-16
Installation 4-52
Cable clamps 4-54
Carburetor .2-30
Connectors 4-66
Internal muffler failures .3-25
Knuckle pins 1-12
Lacing and tying wire bundles 4-55
Double-cord lacing .4-56
Lacing branch-offs .4-56
Single-cord lacing .4-55
Tying 4-56
Lead fouling of spark plugs .4-30
Lines .2-33
Low-tension magneto system 4-12
Low-tension retard breaker vibrator 4-20
Low-voltage harness 4-13I-4
Magnetic circuit .4-2
Magneto .4-8
Magneto and distributor venting 4-7
Magneto-ignition system operating principles .4-2
Magneto-ignition timing devices 4-23
Magneto mounting systems 4-10
Main fuel pumps (engine driven) .2-43
Main line strainers 2-33
Main metering system 2-11
Maintenance and inspection of ignition leads 4-28
Manifold and augmentor exhaust assembly .3-24
Master-and-articulated rod assembly .1-11
Mechanical blockage .3-29
Mechanical efficiency 1-36
Mixture control system 2-12
Mounting lugs 1-7
Muffler and heat exchanger failures 3-25
Naturally aspirated induction systems .3-1
Newton’s third law of motion 1-2
Oil fouling of spark plugs 4-30
Operating cycles .1-26
Diesel cycle 1-28
Four-stroke cycle 1-26
Compression stroke 1-27
Exhaust stroke .1-28
Intake stroke 1-27
Power stroke .1-27
Rotary cycle 1-28
Two-stroke cycle 1-28
Operating flexibility .1-3
Performing ignition system checks 4-27
Pistons 1-12
Construction .1-12
Displacement 1-29
Pin .1-13
Position indicators 4-24
Rings .1-14
Compression ring 1-14
Construction 1-14
Oil control rings 1-14
Oil scraper ring .1-14
Plain bearings .1-23
Plain-type connecting rods .1-12
PLA potentiometer .2-37
Power .1-2
Powerlink ignition system . 4-13,4-14
Powerplant electrical systems 4-45
Powerplant selection 1-3
Pressure 3-1
Injection carburetors .2-15
Warning signal .2-34
Primary electrical circuit 4-4
Propeller reduction gearing 1-24
Propeller shafts .1-24
Propulsive efficiency 1-36
Protection against chafing 4-53
Protection against high temperature .4-53
Protection against solvents and fluids 4-53
Protection of wires in wheel well area .4-54
Pumps .2-33
Push rod .1-22
Radial engine exhaust collector ring system 3-23
Ram recovery .1-60
Reciprocating engines 1-5
Accessory gear trains 1-7
Accessory section .1-7
Crankcase sections .1-5
Design and construction .1-5
Exhaust systems .3-22
Collector system .3-23
Maintenance practices 3-24
Short stack system 3-23
Ignition systems 4-1
Maintenance and inspection .4-22
Induction systems .3-1
Operating principles .1-24
Power and efficiencies 1-28
Starting systems 5-2
Maintenance practices 5-8
Regulator section .2-22
Regulator unit .2-16
Relays .4-68
Reliability .1-3
Removal, maintenance, and installation of
ignition system components .4-43
Igniter plugs 4-44
Ignition system leads 4-43
Replacement of ignition harness 4-29
Rigging carburetor controls .2-30
Rocker arms .1-22
Roller bearings .1-23
Routing .4-52
Precautions .4-54I-5
Secondary electrical circuit 4-6
Selector valves .2-33
Simplex fuel nozzle 2-45
Single and dual high-tension system magnetos .4-10
Single-row radial engine cylinders 1-17
Single-row radial engines 1-17
Slack in wiring bundles 4-52
Solderless terminals and splices .4-58
Solid lifters/tappets 1-21
Spark plugs .4-21
Electrodes .4-21
Inspection and maintenance .4-30
Inspection prior to installation 4-33
Installation 4-34
Insulator 4-21
Lead installation .4-35
Outer shell 4-21
Reconditioning service .4-33
Removal .4-32
Spliced connections in wire bundles 4-52
Splicing copper wires using preinsulated wires .4-60
Splicing with solder and potting compound 4-60
Stripping wire and cable 4-57
Stromberg PS carburetor 2-20
Accelerating pump .2-21
Manual mixture control 2-21
Supercharged induction systems 3-5
Absolute pressure controller .3-17
Ground-boosted turbosupercharger system 3-11
Internally driven superchargers 3-6
Normalizer turbocharger 3-11
Sloped controller 3-16
Turbocharger controllers and system
descriptions .3-15
Turbocharger system troubleshooting 3-17
Turbosuperchargers 3-8
Compressor assembly .3-8
Exhaust gas turbine assembly .3-10
Typical turbosupercharger system 3-13
Variable absolute pressure controller (VAPC) .3-16
Switches .4-68
Tappet assembly .1-20
Cylindrical tappet .1-20
Tappet ball 1-20
Tappet roller .1-20
Tappet spring 1-20
Thermal efficiency .1-35
Throttle body 2-16
Thrust .1-57
Thrust horsepower .1-35
Thrust reversers 3-28
Thrust vectoring .3-31
Timing disks .4-24
Timing lights 4-25
Timing the high-tension magneto to the engine 4-26
Total engine fuel and control system .2-36
Filter bypass valve 2-36
Flow divider and drain valve assembly 2-37
Fuel manifold assembly 2-37
Hydromechanical fuel control assembly 2-36
Vane fuel pump assembly 2-36
Troubleshooting a starter generator starting
system 5-12
Troubleshooting small aircraft starting systems 5-8
Turbine engine emissions 3-33
Turbine engine exhaust nozzles .3-26
Turbine engine fuel system—general requirements 2-34
Turbine engine ignition systems 4-39
Turbine engine inlet systems .3-17
Turbine engine operating principles 1-57
Turbine fuel controls 2-34
FADEC-type control 2-34
Hydromechanical/electronic fuel control . 2-34, 2-35
Hydromechanical fuel control 2-35
Turbine ignition system inspection and
maintenance .4-42
Check system operation 4-43
Repair .4-43
Turbine section .1-47
Disk rim 1-49
Rotor element .1-48
Turbine blades 1-50
Turbine disk 1-48
Turbine inlet nozzle assembly 1-48
Turbofan engines .1-55
Inlet sections .3-21
Turboprop and turboshaft compressor inlets .3-21
Turbopropeller (turboprop) engine 1-54
Accessory drive housing assembly .1-55
Gearbox assembly 1-55
Power section assembly 1-55
Turboprop exhaust nozzles 3-27
Turboshaft engines .1-55
Twisting wires 4-51
Typical injection carburetor .2-15
Valve construction .1-17
valve head .1-18I-6
valve stem .1-18
Valves 1-17
Duration 1-18
Lift 1-18
Operating mechanism .1-18
Springs 1-22
Vapor lock 2-2
Vapor vent system 2-17
Variable-geometry duct .3-19
Voltage drop (IR drop) .4-45
In aircraft wire and cable 4-48
Volumetric efficiency .1-36
V-type engine cylinders .1-16
Water injection system .2-42
For reciprocating engines .2-34
Weight 1-2
Wire groups and bundles .4-51
Wire size 4-45
Work 1-28

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