Automating SOLIDWORKS 2023 Using Macros – A guide to creating VSTA macros using the Visual Basic.NET Language

Automating SOLIDWORKS 2023 Using Macros – A guide to creating VSTA macros using the Visual Basic.NET Language
اسم المؤلف
Mike Spens
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Automating SOLIDWORKS 2023 Using Macros – A guide to creating VSTA macros using the Visual Basic.NET Language
Mike Spens
Table of Contents
Fundamentals 1
Visual Studio Tools for Applications (VSTA) 3
Create a New Macro 4
Conclusion 24
One Button PDF Publishing 27
Record the Save As Action 29
Changing Filename and Paths 31
Running Macros 33
Model Dimensions Using Excel VBA 37
Changing Dimensions 39
Using VBA in Excel 43
Selection Methods 47
Controlling Options 53
Getting and Setting Options 55
SOLIDWORKS Constants 61
Material Properties 65
Part 1: Basic Material Properties 67
User Forms 67
Part 2: Working with Assemblies 74
Verification and Error Handling 78
Custom Properties 81
Part 1: Adding Properties 83
Part 2: Modifying Properties 89
User Interactions 97
Debugging Tips 99
Part 3: Add and Delete Properties 103
Part 4: Save and Copy Between Files 107
Model Creation 113
Part 1: Geometry Creation 115
Creating a New Part 119ii
Creating a Sketch 120
Creating Features 123
Part 2: Feature Editing and Traversal 135
Feature Editing 135
Feature Traversal 141
Data Import and Export 149
3D Points 150
Code Changes 151
Code Files and Portability 152
3DCurves 161
Exporting Point Data 163
Saving Sheet Metal Flat Patterns 166
Drawing Automation 173
Creating Drawings 175
Batch Processing Files in a Folder 181
Notes, Annotations and Tables 199
Creating Notes 201
Tables 208
Conclusion 218
Building Assemblies 221
Processing Selections 228
Traversing Topology 229
Adding a Part to an Assembly 232
IMathUtility and Transforms 235
Working with File References 243
Finding File References 245
Functionality Additions 254
Saving the References List 256
Document Manager API 263
Getting and Setting Custom Properties 274
Bill of Materials Tables 283
Working with File References 293iii
Creating Add-Ins 303
Create Your Add-In 305
PropertyManager Pages 323
Add-In Events and Installation 343
Events 345
Installation 350
PDM Professional API Basics 359
Logging In 362
PDM Professional Interfaces 366
Traversing Files in a Folder 367
More File Properties 369
PDM Professional Files and Variables 379
Reading Variables 381
Check Out and Editing Card Variables 385
Adding Files to the Vault 390
PDM Professional Bills of Materials 399
Accessing Computed BOMs 401
Accessing Named BOMs 407
Favorite Code Examples 413
Batch Process Files 415
Traverse Features of a Part 419
Traverse Assembly Components 422
Index 433
.NET Structure .7
3D Points .150
AccessSelections .139
ActivateDoc3 .254
ActiveDoc 14
ActiveView 134
AddComponent4 .236
AddControl 331
AddCustomProperty .279
AddDimension2 122
AddMate5 .238
AfterClose .340
Annotations 202
Application Settings 226, 227
Assembly Traversal .422
Batch Processing .181
Bill of Materials . 208, 212, 215, 283, 289, 291, 401
Bitmask .168
ByRef .289
ChangeExtension 32, 182
Double quote .85
Return 164
Tab .164
Chr Function .85
Class Properties 266, 272
Classes 8, 90, 266
ClearSelection2 .43
CloseDoc .194, 273
Code snippets .291
Code Snippets .165
CommandBox .310
CommandGroup .309
CommandTab 310
Comments .9
Computed BOM 401
ConfigurationManager 277
ConnectToSW .309
FolderBrowserDialog .193
OpenFileDialog 193
SaveFileDialog .193
Create 3D Curves 162
CreateDefinition .133
CreateFeature 133
CreateObject 153, 267
CreatePropertyManagerPage . 328
CSV .407
CType 30, 127
Curve Through XYZ Points 161
CustomPropertyManager .349
Data Types 10, 11
Array . 72, 296
Array Size 84
Boolean .10
Byte .10
Collections .230
Currency 10
Date .10
Double .10
Dynamic Array .84
Integer .10
Long 10
Object 10
Single .10
String .10
DataRow .256
DataTable . 246, 249
Today 86
ToString .86
Debugging 99
Add-ins 316
Breakpoints .99
Error Handling .416
Print 184
QuickWatch . 101, 291
Run To Cursor 100
Step Into 100
Stop . 184, 217, 275
DefaultRadius .145
DialogResult .73
Directories 183
DirectoryInfo 183
Create 184
Exists .184
GetFiles .184
DisconnectFromSW 309
Document Manager .265
ISwDMApplication2 .271
ISwDMComponent 269
ISwDMConfigurationMgr 269
ISwDMDocument 269
ISwDMSheet 269Index
ISwDMTable 269, 286
ISwDMView .269
Document Properties 60, 61, 115
DocumentVisible .233
Add dimensions .180
Create views 179, 188
EditSheet .205
GetCurrentSheet .205
GetProperties2 205
DXF 29, 417
Early Binding .57
EditRebuild3 43
EditSuppress2 .145
EdmVault5 364
RootFolder .366
eDrawing .29
EnableGraphicsUpdate .134
Err.Raise 340
Error Handling .78
Event handlers 336, 345
Events .345
Excel 39, 43, 150, 153
Cells .154
Range .44
Exit Do .143
Exit Sub .24, 128
ExportFlatPatternView 167
Feature Editing 135
Feature Traversal 141, 419
FeatureByName 137, 238, 421
FeatureData 133
FeatureExtrusionThin2 124
File References 245, 293
File.Exists 296
FileInfo 184
Extension .184
FullName .184
Name .184
Filter 226, 402
FirstFeature .142
Form Controls
ComboBox .67, 69, 70
AddRange .72
DataGridView 245
ListBox .89, 97, 105
AddRange .97
SelectedIndex .98
SelectedIndexChanged .97
SelectedItem 97
TextBox 89
Text 97
Toolbox .68
Forms .89
Functions 153
GD&T 201, 207
General Tables 209
GetAllExternalReferences5 295, 300
GetAnnotation 202
GetCellText .288
GetConfigurationByName 277
GetCustomProperty .274
GetCustomPropertyNames 274, 277
GetDefinition 137
GetDependencies . 247, 251
GetDirectoryName .258
GetDocument .273
GetDraftWhileExtruding .137
GetEdges 230
GetEndCondition 137
GetFileName 258
GetFirstDocument 346
GetFirstFeature 420
GetFirstSubFeature 420
GetModelDoc2 .77
GetNext 346
GetNextFeature 142, 420
GetObject . 45, 153
GetOpenDocumentByName . 252
GetPathName . 32, 247
GetTable . 286, 287
GetTableCellText 288
GetTableNames 286
GetTypeName2 143, 420
GetUpdateStamp 247
GUID .308
HideComponent .50
IAnnotation 201
IAssemblyDoc 11, 14, 236, 421
IBody 230
IBomTableAnnotation 215
IsCircle .231
AddCommands 316
AddCommandItem2 313
CreateCommandGroup2 . 311
AddCommandTabBox 316
IComponent2 77
Transform2 236
GetRootComponent 424
Icons 311
ICurve 230
CircleParams 235
ICustomPropertyManager 87
Add3 87
IDisplayDimension 202
IDrawingDoc .11, 14, 421
Create1stAngleViews2 .180
Create3rdAngleViews 179
CreateDrawViewFromModelView3 .180
GetFirstView 212
InsertModelAnnotations3 .180
IEdge .230
GetCurve 231
GetStartVertex .231
GetTwoAdjacentFaces2 .238
If Then Else 20
IFace2 230
IFeature .124
Select2 .145, 422
FeatureCut4 .129
HoleWizard5 130
IGES .29, 417
IGtol 202
IMathPoint 235
ArrayData 236
MultiplyTransform .236
IMathTransform 235
IMathUtility .235
IModelDoc2 11, 14
GetTitle 19
GetType .75
IModelDocExtension .48, 60
IModelView .134
EnableGraphicsUpdate 234
Imports .6
Inheritance 269, 286
INote .201
Input Dimension Value .59
InputBox .105
InsertCurveFileBegin .162
InsertCurveFileEnd 162
InsertCurveFilePoint .162
InsertDatumTag2 207
InsertNote .202
InsertTableAnnotation2 209
Installation 350
IntelliSense 22, 57, 58, 61, 62, 286
IPartDoc 11, 14, 74, 137, 421
SetMessage3 .329
IPropertyManagerPage2Handler9 336
ISelectionManager .75
GetSelectedObjectCount2 77, 229
GetSelectedObjectsComponent2 234
GetSelectedObjectsComponent4 77
GetSelectedObjectType3 229
ISheet .11
GetCurrentSheet .178
ReloadTemplate 179
SetProperties2 178
SetTemplateName 179
ISketch 11
ISketchManager . 121, 163
ActiveSketch 164
AddToDB .155
CreateCornerRectangle . 129
CreatePoint . 151, 236
GetSketchPoints2 165
Insert3DSketch 151
Point data 166
ISldWorks .11
IsNot .143
isNumeric .127
ISurface 230
IsCylinder 238
ITableAnnotation 202, 215
Columns 216
DisplayedText2 211
Rows 216
Text2 .210
IView 11
GetNextView .212
InsertBomTable4 .213
ReferencedConfiguration 212
ReferencedDocument .212
IWeldSymbol 202
Add 154
List(Of Type) 153
Log File .418
Logical Statements .20
Do .110
Do While .143
For … Next .76
For Each . Next 155
While .143
Material Properties 67
ModifyDefinition 141
Modules .90
MsgBox . 79, 105
My.Computer.FileSystem .165Index
Named BOM .401, 407
NameOf Operator .319
New .183
NewDocument 120, 177
Not 128
Object Browser .62, 333
Object-oriented programming 6
OLE 46
OnClose .339
OnSubmitSelection .338
OpenDoc6 .189, 232, 233
OpenFileDialog 225, 281
Optional keyword .298
GetUserPreferenceInteger 61
GetUserPreferenceToggle .59
SetUserPreferenceDoubleValue 55
SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue 55, 58
SetUserPreferenceStringListValue .55
SetUserPreferenceStringValue 55
SetUserPreferenceTextFormat 55
SetUserPreferenceToggle 55, 59, 129
Overloads 250
Parameter .42
PDF 417
AddFile .393
BrowseForFile 370, 402
BrowseForFolder .366, 391
Card Variables 385
Check In .387, 395
Check Out 385, 386
CurrentState 374
GetComputedBOM 403
GetDerivedBOMs .408
GetFileFromPath 366
GetFirstFilePosition .369
GetFolderFromPath .366
GetNextFile 369
GetObject 366
GetVar .383
IsLocked .375
LockFile 386
Login 364
RootFolder .366
SaveToCSV .407
Variables 383
PDM Pro Interfaces
IEdmBom .409
IEdmBomCells 405
IEdmBomView . 404, 409
IEdmFile 367
IEdmFolder 366
IEdmObject .366
IEdmPos 368
IEdmStrLst .370
IEdmUser .375
IEdmVault 363
PDM Pro Type Library
EdmLib 361
Performance .234
Persistent IDs .422
Procedures .153
AddProperty 104
CreateTestProps 84
Decrease Decimal Places by One 60
DeleteProperty 104
Increase Decimal Places by One 60
MultiplyByTwo 90
ReadFileProps .93
SetAllProps 84
AfterClose .337
OnButtonPress 338
OnClose .338
Read Custom Properties .93
Read from a file
StreamReader .110
EndOfStream .110
ReadLine 110
Reading Text from a File .109
Recursion 424
RegistrationServices .355
ReleaseSelectionAccess 141
ReplaceReferences .300
Return 190
RunMacro2 .323
Running Macros .33
SaveAs 146, 417
SaveAs3 31, 181
SaveFileDialog 258
Saving Text to a File 107
Scope 84
Friend 228
Private .228
Public 8, 228
Select Case . 138, 190, 282
Select2 145, 238
SelectByID2 48, 145
SelectByRay 49
Selection Marks 132
SendMsgToUser2 .339Index
Separation of Concerns .254
Separation of Concerns (SoC) .83, 91
SetCustomProperty .279
SetDraftAngle 140
SetDraftWhileExtruding 140
SetEndCondition .140
SetMaterialPropertyName2 74
SetTextFormat 202
sheet format .205
Sheet Metal
Flat Patterns 166
Show .224
ShowDialog .70, 73, 97, 193, 224
ShowNamedView2 123
SimpleFilletFeatureData2 .145
SketchManager .121
CreateLine .121
InsertSketch .121
Stop VSTA debugger on macro exit 224
Format .22
ToLower .190
ToUpper .190
SwDMApplication .268
SwDMClassFactory 268
swLengthUnit_e 160
Data .246
System Options .29, 60
Input dimension value .125
System.Diagnostics .181, 216
System.IO 27, 108, 181
Path .32
System.IO.Path .258
SystemValue .42, 122
Tab-delimited text file 163
Template 67, 120, 177
TopMost .225
ToString 164
Traversing Drawing Views 212
Try, Catch . 108, 283
User Form .67
Variable Declarations .8
VBA 39, 40, 57, 322
ViewZoomtofit2 .123
Visual Basic
Combining Strings .12
Me . 106, 227
My .227
Shell 259
ToString .12
vbCrLf 13
vbTab 13
WithEvents .345
Write to a file
StreamWriter 108
Text . 108, 216, 290
WriteAllText 164

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