AutoCAD Mechanical Users Guide
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AutoCAD Mechanical Users Guide
Overview 1
Chapter 1 About AutoCAD Mechanical 3
AutoCAD Mechanical Software Package 4
Leveraging Legacy Data . 4
Starting AutoCAD Mechanical . 4
Accessing AutoCAD Mechanical Commands . 5
AutoCAD Mechanical Help . 5
Product Support and Training Resources 6
Design Features in AutoCAD Mechanical . 7
Mechanical Structure . 7
Associative Design and Detailing . 7
External References for Mechanical Structure 8
Associative 2D Hide . 8
Autodesk Inventor Companion Support . 9
2D Design Productivity 9
Engineering Calculations 10
Machinery Systems Generators . 10
Intelligent Production Drawing and Detailing . 11
Detailing Productivity 11
Annotations 12
Standard Mechanical Content . 12
Standard Parts Tools . 13
vCollaboration 13
Chapter 2 Commands in AutoCAD Mechanical . 15
Command Summary . 16
Chapter 3 New and Revised Commands . 43
Revised Commands 44
AMBOM . 44
New Commands 50
Design and Annotation Tools . 53
Chapter 4 Working with Templates . 55
Key Terms . 56
Working with Templates . 56
Setting Up Starting Layers 57
Setting Mechanical Options . 58
Specifying Drawing Limits . 60
Saving Templates 60
Using Templates . 62
Setting Default Standards Templates 62
Chapter 5 Using Mechanical Structure 65
vi | ContentsKey Terms . 66
Working with Mechanical Structure . 67
Enabling Mechanical structure . 68
Folders . 68
Creating Folders . 68
Modifying Folders 69
Nesting Folders . 71
Instance vs. Occurrence . 73
Selection Modes 74
Components and Component Views 76
Creating Part Components . 76
Creating Assembly Components 78
Modifying Assembly Components . 81
Using Folders with Component Views . 86
Mechanical Browser Display Options . 86
Mechanical Browser and BOMs 88
Browser Restructure and Ghost Components . 90
External Reference Components . 96
Inserting External Components . 97
Editing External Components In-place 101
Localizing and Externalizing . 103
Annotation Views 104
Associative Hide . 106
Basics of AMSHIDE . 107
Using AMSHIDE in Assemblies 110
Chapter 6 Working with Layers and Layer Groups . 113
Key Terms 114
Working with Layers and Layer Groups . 114
Getting Started . 115
Changing Layers By Selecting Objects . 116
Creating Layer Groups . 117
Using Layer Groups to Copy Objects . 122
Chapter 7 Designing Levers . 127
Key Terms 128
Extending Designs 129
Using Libraries to Insert Parts . 129
Configuring Snap Settings . 131
Creating Construction Lines (C-Lines) 132
Creating additional C-Lines 135
Creating Contours and Applying Fillets 138
Trimming Projecting Edges on Contours . 140
Applying Hatch Patterns to Contours . 143
Dimensioning Contours 144
Contents | viiCreating and Dimensioning Detail Views 146
Chapter 8 Working with Model Space and Layouts 151
Key Terms 152
Working with Model Space and Layouts 153
Getting Started . 153
Creating Scale Areas 153
Creating Detail Views . 156
Generating New Viewports 158
Inserting Holes Within Viewports . 160
Creating Subassemblies in New Layouts 165
Chapter 9 Dimensioning 169
Key Terms 170
Adding Dimensions to Drawings 171
Adding Automatic Dimensions 171
Editing Dimensions with Power Commands . 175
Breaking Dimension Lines . 179
Inserting Drawing Borders . 180
Inserting Fits Lists . 182
Chapter 10 Working with 2D Hide and 2D Steel Shapes 185
Key Terms 186
Working with 2D Hide and 2D Steel Shapes 186
Opening the initial drawing 186
Defining 2D Hide Situations 187
Inserting 2D Steel Shapes . 190
Modifying Steel Shapes Using Power Commands . 193
Editing 2D Hide Situations 194
Copying and Moving 2D Hide Situations . 196
Chapter 11 Working with Standard Parts 201
Key Terms 202
Working with Standard Parts 203
Inserting Screw Connections . 205
Copying Screw Connections with Power Copy 211
Creating Screw Templates . 213
Editing Screw Connections with Power Edit . 222
Working with Power View . 226
Deleting with Power Erase . 229
Inserting Holes . 231
Inserting Pins . 234
Turning Off Centerlines in Configurations 237
Hiding Construction Lines 238
viii | ContentsSimplifying Representations of Standard Parts 239
Chapter 12 Working with BOMs and Parts Lists . 243
Key Terms 244
Working with Parts Lists . 244
Inserting Part References . 245
Editing Part References . 248
Placing Balloons 249
Creating Parts Lists . 255
Merging and Splitting Items In Parts Lists . 261
Collecting Balloons 265
Sorting and Renumbering Items In Parts Lists 267
Using Filters 270
Chapter 13 Creating Shafts with Standard Parts 277
Key Terms 278
Creating Shafts 279
Configuring Snap Options . 280
Configuring Shaft Generators . 281
Creating Cylindrical Shaft Sections and Gears 282
Inserting Spline Profiles 286
Inserting Chamfers and Fillets . 287
Inserting Shaft Breaks . 288
Creating Side Views of Shafts . 289
Inserting Threads on Shafts 290
Editing Shafts and Inserting Sections . 291
Replacing Shaft Sections 292
Inserting Bearings . 294
Chapter 14 Calculating Shafts 299
Key Terms 300
Calculating Shafts 301
Creating Shaft Contours 302
Specifying Material . 303
Placing Shaft Supports . 305
Specifying Loads on Shafts . 305
Calculating and Inserting Results . 308
Calculating Strengths of Shafts 311
Engineering Calculations 315
Chapter 15 Calculating Moments of Inertia and Deflection Lines 317
Key Terms 318
Contents | ixCalculating Moments of Inertia and Deflection Lines . 318
Calculating Moments of Inertia 319
Calculating Deflection Lines 321
Chapter 16 Calculating Chains 327
Key Terms 328
Chain Calculations 328
Performing Length Calculations 329
Optimizing Chain Lengths 332
Inserting Sprockets . 333
Inserting Chains 338
Chapter 17 Calculating Springs . 341
Key Terms 342
Calculating Springs . 342
Starting Spring Calculations 344
Specifying Spring Restrictions . 345
Calculating and Selecting Springs . 348
Inserting Springs 351
Creating Views of Springs with Power View 352
Chapter 18 Calculating Screw Connections . 355
Key Terms 356
Methods for Calculating Screws . 356
Using Stand Alone Screw Calculations . 357
Selecting and Specifying Screws 358
Selecting and Specifying Nuts . 360
Selecting and Specifying Washers . 361
Specifying Plate Geometry and Properties . 361
Specifying Contact Areas . 364
Specifying Loads and Moments 365
Specifying Settlement Properties . 367
Specifying Tightening Properties . 368
Creating and Inserting Result Blocks . 369
Chapter 19 Calculating Stress Using FEA . 371
Key Terms 372
2D FEA 372
Calculating Stress In Parts . 374
Defining Loads and Supports . 375
Calculating Results . 377
Evaluating and Refining Mesh . 379
Refining Designs 381
Recalculating Stress 382
x | ContentsChapter 20 Designing and Calculating Cams 387
Key Terms 388
Designing and Calculating Cams 388
Starting Cam Designs and Calculations 389
Defining Motion Sections . 393
Calculating Strength for Springs 399
Exporting Cam Data and Viewing Results . 403
Autodesk Inventor Link . 405
Chapter 21 Using Autodesk Inventor Link Support . 407
Key Terms 408
Linking Autodesk Inventor Part Files 408
Shading and Rotating Geometry . 409
Inserting Drawing Borders . 410
Creating Drawing Views 414
Working with Dimensions . 421
Exporting Drawing Views to AutoCAD . 425
Linking Autodesk Inventor Assembly Files . 427
Accessing Parts from the Browser . 428
Accessing iProperties 428
Inserting Drawing Borders . 431
Creating Parts Lists & Balloons 432
Creating Breakout Section Views . 436
Modifying Breakout Section Views 443
Removing Views 445
Updating Autodesk Inventor Parts 446
Appendix A Layer Specifications . 447
Layer Specification Listing 448
Appendix B Title Block Attributes . 453
Attributes for Title Blocks 454
Attribute Definitions 454
Curly Brackets . 455
Message Files 456
Appendix C Accelerator and Shortcut Keys 457
Accelerator Keys . 458
acceleration 388
adjusting rings 16
angular dimensions 30, 177
annotation views 66, 104
associative 106, 166
hide 106
views 166
Autodesk Inventor link option 408
Autodesk Inventor linked models 409,
415, 418, 427, 433, 436, 439,
441, 446
base views 415, 433
breakout section views 436, 439
isometric views 441
multiple views 436
orthogonal views 418
shade and rotate 409, 427
update 446
Automatic Dimensioning dialog box 172
automatic dimensions 171
balloons 244, 249, 435
base layers 56, 114, 152
base views 415, 433
for assembly files 433
for part files 415
baseline dimensions 170
Beam Calculation dialog box 322
bearing calculations 278, 294
bearings, plain 29
belleville spring washers 17, 342
Belt and Chain Length Calculation dialog
box 330
belts 19
bending moments 34, 300, 318
bills of material 17, 244
blind holes 17, 39, 231
blind slots 18, 39
bolts 33
BOM databases 17, 244, 250
border conditions in stress
calculations 374
break dimensions 22, 179
breakout section views, assembly
files 436, 439
breaks in shafts 288
browser 66
mechanical 66
calculations on bearings 17, 294
Cam Design and Calculation dialog
box 389, 393, 399, 403
cams 388
centerholes 19
centerlines 170, 237
centroids 320
chains 19, 327–329, 338
calculations 327
length calculations 329
partitions 328
pitch diameters 328
roller 328
sprockets 328
chamfers 278, 287
Change Title Block Entry dialog
box 413, 432
circlips 24
clevis pins 19
command access methods 5
command summary 16
components 66, 76, 94–96, 98, 101, 103
external reference 96, 101, 103
externalize local 103
ghost 94
insert views of external 98
mechanical structure 66
463 | Indexmechanical structure folders 66
restructure 95
view 76
compression springs 342
construction lines 23, 128, 132, 202, 238
Construction Lines dialog box 133
contact areas in screw calculations 364
context menu command access 5
contours 27, 132, 143, 186, 202
backgrounds and foregrounds 186,
hatch patterns 143
lines 132
visibility 27
cotter pins 21
counterbores 21, 39
countersinks 21, 39, 202
countersunk rivets 21
Create Drawing View dialog box 415,
418, 433, 437, 439, 441
cross-hatches 143
crosshairs 30
curve paths on cams 388
custom filters for parts lists 274
cutlines 438
cutting planes 34
cylinders in shafts 283
cylindrical pins 21
default layers 114
deflection lines 34, 300, 318, 321
desktop menu command access 5
Detail dialog box 147
detail views 128, 146, 152, 156
deviations to dimensions 145
dialog boxes 27, 36, 57–58, 60–61, 117,
119, 123, 129, 132–133, 139,
145, 147, 149, 154, 158, 162,
164, 166–167, 170, 172, 180–181,
205, 209, 218–219, 223, 232,
234, 236, 240, 246, 248, 254,
259–260, 268–269, 271, 279–281,
303–304, 306–308, 322, 324, 330,
334, 358, 360, 374–375, 378, 389–
390, 409, 411–415, 418, 426–427,
431–433, 437, 439, 441
Automatic Dimensioning 172
Beam Calculation 322
Belt and Chain Length
Calculation 330
Cam Design and Calculation 389
Change Title Block Entry 413, 432
Construction Lines 133
Create Drawing view 415
Create Drawing View 418, 433,
437, 439, 441
Detail 147
Drawing Borders with Title
Block 180, 431
Drawing Borders with Ttle
Block 411
Edit Attributes 181
Export Drawing Views 426
FEA 2D Calculation 374
FEA 2D Isolines (Isoareas) 378
FEA Configuration 375
Fillet Radius 139
Gear 306
Layer Control 57, 117, 119, 123,
Library 27
List of Filters 271
Material 303
Material Properties 304
Material Type 322
Nominal Diameter 162
Options 58, 414
Page Setup Manager 411, 432
Page Setup-Layout 412, 432
Part Ref Attributes 246, 248, 254
Parts List 259
Point Load 306
Power Dimensioning 145, 149, 164,
Power Snap Settings 132, 280
Pulleys and Sprockets 334
Save Drawing As 60
Save Title Block Filename 414
Scale Area 154
464 | IndexScrew Assembly Grip Representation
– Front View 209
Screw Assembly Templates 218
Screw Calculation 358
Screw Connection New Part Front
View 223
Screw Diameter Estimation 219
Select a Blind Hole 232
Select a Cylindrical Pin 234
Select a Nut 360
Select a Row 358
Select a Screw 205, 358
Select Graph 308, 324
Select Part Size 236, 330
Select Template 129, 279, 409, 427
Set Value 260, 269
Shaft Calculation 303
Shaft Generator 281
Sort 268
Standard Parts Database 36
Switch Representation of Standard
Parts 240
Template Description 61
Torque 307
Type of Follower 390
View 158, 167
Visibility Enhancement 123
dimensions 22, 144–145, 170–171, 177–
179, 414, 421, 424–425
angular 177
automatic 171
baseline 170
breaks 22, 179
contours 144
deviations 145
multi edit 170, 178
parametric 414, 421
radial 425
reference 424
distance snaps 128
distributed loads 318, 372
drawing borders 39, 180, 411, 431
Drawing Borders with Title Block dialog
box 180, 411, 431
drawing views 411, 414, 426, 431–432
export to AutoCAD 426
insert drawing borders 411, 431
drawings 56, 60, 62, 170
borders 170
default templates 62
layers 56
limits 56, 60
new 62
templates 56, 60
drill bushings 22
durability calculations 372
dynamic calculations 278
dynamic dragging 202, 278, 342
edge symbols 23
Edit Attributes dialog box 181
Export Drawing Views dialog box 426
export drawing views to AutoCAD 426
extension springs 23, 342
external reference components 96, 101,
external threads 23
fatigue factors 300
FEA (Finite Element Analysis) 372
FEA 2D Calculation dialog box 374
FEA 2D Isolines (Isoareas) dialog box 378
FEA Configuration dialog box 375
feature control frame symbols 24
feature identifier symbols 24
Fillet Radius dialog box 139
fillets 24, 139, 278
filters for parts lists 270, 274
finite element analysis (FEA) 372
fits 24, 170, 178
fits lists 182
fixed supports 300, 318, 372, 375
fixed supports on shafts 305
folders 66, 69–70, 86
instances of 70
mechanical structure 66, 86
modify 69
frequently used commands 458
465 | IndexG
Gear dialog box 306
gears 278, 300
geometry in structure 66
ghost components 94
grooved drive studs 24
hatch patterns 24, 39, 143
hidden edges 194
hidden lines 186
hide situations 106, 187
2D 187
associative 106
in mechanical structure 106
holes 21, 37–39, 202, 231, 423
add notes 423
blind 231
counterbored 39
countersunk 21, 39, 202
tapped blind 37
tapped through 37
through 38
user-defined 39
inner shaft contours 34
instances 67, 73
compared to occurrences 73
in mechanical structure 67
isoareas in calculations 378
isolines in stress calculations 378
keys in shafts 35
language converter 26
Layer Control dialog box 57, 117, 119,
123, 166
layer groups 27, 56, 114, 117, 152
layer specifications 447
layer system 26, 448
layers 57
layouts 152–153
leaders 28, 37, 254, 265
length calculations for chains 329
libraries for storage 128
Library dialog box 27
lines 300, 321
deflection 300, 321
link to assembly files 427
link to part files 409
List of Filters dialog box 271
load calculations 24, 300, 318, 365, 372
lock washers 35
lubricators 27
Material dialog box 303
Material Properties dialog box 304
material properties for screws 358
Material Type dialog box 322
mechanical browser 18, 66, 86, 88, 90
restructure 90
usage with Bill of Materials 88
mechanical layers 57, 114
mechanical options 58
mechanical structure 66–68, 106, 280
enable 68, 280
folders 66, 68
hide situations 106
mesh in stress calculations 377, 379
model space 33, 153, 159
module values in shafts 283
moments of inertia 25, 318
motion diagrams for cams 388
movable supports 300, 318, 372, 376
movable supports on shafts 305
mtext 38
multi edit dimensions 170, 178
NC (numerical control) 388
466 | Indexnew commands 50
Nominal Diameter dialog box 162
notches and stress calculations 300
numerical control (NC) 388
nuts 28
o-rings 34
object snap modes 30
object snaps 131
objects 67, 122
copy with layer groups 122
mechanical structure 67
occurrences 67, 73
compared with instances 73
in mechanical structure 67
Options dialog box 58
orthogonal views for part files 418
outer shaft contours 34
Page Setup – Layout dialog box 412, 432
Page Setup Manager dialog box 411, 432
parallel keys 35
part information 245
Part Ref Attributes dialog box 246, 248,
part references 29, 244–245
partitions in chains 328
parts layers 26, 56, 114
Parts List dialog box 259
parts lists 29, 244, 255, 261–262, 267,
270, 434
defined 244
filters 270
merge rows 261
sort 267
split rows 262
pins 234
pitch diameters in chains 328
plain bearings 29
plain rivets 29
plugs 29, 34
point forces 300, 318
Point Load dialog box 306
polylines 138
power commands 128, 193
Power Copy 202, 211, 342
Power Dimensioning 128, 152, 170
Power Dimensioning dialog box 145,
149, 164
Power Edit 202, 222, 342, 372, 381
Power Erase 170, 202, 229, 264
Power Recall 202
Power Snap Settings dialog box 132, 280
Power View 202, 226, 352
precision in dimensions 145
profiles in shafts 286
property class for screws 359
pulleys 19, 36
Pulleys and Sprockets dialog box 334
radial dimensions 425
radius reflection lines 278
rectangles 31
reference dimensions 424
reference points 31
relative points 31
representations of standard parts 36,
203, 239
resolution in cam calculations 388
restructure components 95
result blocks in screw calculations 370
retaining rings 24
revised commands 44
revision lists 32
rivets 21, 29
countersunk 21
plain 29
roller bearings 32
roller chains 328
rotate tool 409, 427
Save Drawing As dialog box 60
Save Title Block Filename dialog box 414
Scale Area dialog box 154
467 | Indexscale areas 33, 152–153
scale monitors 152
scale of viewports, default 40
Screw Assembly Grip Representation –
Front View dialog box 209
Screw Assembly Templates dialog
box 34, 218
Screw Calculation dialog box 358
Screw Connection dialog box 33, 205,
214, 219
Screw Connection New Part Front View
dialog box 223
screw connections 33
Screw Diameter Estimation dialog
box 219
screws 33, 213, 219, 356, 358–359, 361,
364–365, 367–368, 370
calculations 356
connections 356
contact areas 364
loads and bending moments 365
material properties 358
precalculations 219
property class 359
result blocks 370
settlement properties 367
stand-alone calculations 356
templates 213
tightening properties 368
washers 361
scripts 34
sealing rings 34
Select a Blind Hole dialog box 232
Select a Cylindrical Pin dialog box 234
Select a Nut dialog box 360
Select a Row dialog box 358
Select a Screw dialog box 205, 358
Select Graph dialog box 308, 324
Select Part Size dialog box 236, 330
Select Template dialog box 129, 279,
409, 427
Set Value dialog box 260, 269
settlement properties in screw
calculations 367
Shaft Calculation dialog box 303
Shaft Generator dialog box 281
shafts 34–35, 39, 278, 283, 286, 288–
290, 292, 301, 308
breaks 278, 288
calculations 301, 308
commands that act on 39
contours 34
cylinders 283
generator 278, 301
lock nuts 35
module values 283
profiles 286
safety factors 34
side views 289
slopes 292
threads 290
shim rings 35
shortcuts 458
simple welds 35
slopes on shafts 292
slots, through 39
snap distance for balloons 254
snap settings 30, 131–132
Sort dialog box 268
sort parts lists 267
springs 17, 20, 23, 39, 341–342, 345
belleville 342
calculations 341–342, 345
compression 342
extension 342
layouts 345
torsion 342
sprockets 19, 36, 328, 333
stability calculations 372
standard parts 30, 203
Standard Parts Database dialog box 36
steel shapes 36, 186, 190, 193
step width in cam calculations 388
Strength Calculation dialog box 312
strength calculations for shafts 300, 311
stress calculations 24, 300, 372
stress divisions 382
stress representations 380
stress tables 379
stress yield points 300
structure catalog 33
supporting forces 34
468 | Indexsupports 300
surface texture symbols 37
Switch Representation of Standard Parts
dialog box 240
symbols 23–24, 37
edge 23
feature control frame 24
feature identifier 24
surface texture 37
symmetrical lines 37
tangent definitions for chains 331
taper pins 37
tapped holes 37
blind 37
through 37
Template Description dialog box 61
templates, drawings 56, 60, 62
text styles 36, 38
thread ends 38
threads on shafts 290
through holes 38
through slots 39
tightening properties in screw
calculations 368
title block attributes 454
title blocks 29, 39, 170
tolerances 29, 145, 170
toolbutton command access 5
Torque dialog box 307
torque rotation angles 34
torsion moments 34
torsion springs 39, 342
trace contours 39
tracking lines 254
translate text 26
trims 141
Type of Follower dialog box 390
undercuts 39
view components 76
View dialog box 158, 167
viewports 27, 40, 152–153, 156
views 104, 128, 152, 156, 166, 289, 414,
418, 432–433, 436, 441
annotation 104
associative 166
base 433
breakout section 436
detail 128, 156
drawing 414, 432
isometric 441
multiple for assembly files 436
orthogonal 418
scales 152
sides of shafts 289
virtual intersections 31
Visibility Enhancement dialog box 123
washers 35, 40, 361
weld symbols 41
woodruff keys 35
working layers 56, 114, 152
xref components 96, 101, 103
xrefs 41
yield points of stress 300
z coordinate 31
zigzag lines 41
zigzag lines for shaft ends 35
zoom 40
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