Anywhere-Anytime Signals and Systems Laboratory – From MATLAB to Smartphones
اسم المؤلف
Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Fatemeh Saki, and Adrian Duran
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Anywhere-Anytime Signals and Systems Laboratory
From MATLAB to Smartphones
Second Edition
Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Fatemeh Saki, and Adrian Duran
University of Texas at Dallas
smartphone-based signals and systems laboratory; anywhere-anytime platform for signals and system courses; from MATLAB to smartphones
Preface . xi
1 Introduction to MATLAB 1
1.1 Starting MATLAB . 1
1.1.1 Arithmetic Operations . 1
1.1.2 Vector Operations . 5
1.1.3 Complex Numbers 6
1.1.4 Array Indexing . 7
1.1.5 Allocating Memory 8
1.1.6 Special Characters and Functions . 8
1.1.7 Control Flow . 9
1.1.8 Programming in MATLAB 11
1.1.9 Sound Generation 12
1.1.10 Loading and Saving Data 13
1.1.11 Reading Wave and Image Files 13
1.1.12 Signal Display . 14
1.2 MATLAB Programming Examples . 14
1.2.1 Signal Generation 14
1.2.2 Generating a Periodic Signal . 17
1.3 Lab Exercises . 18
2 Software Development Tools 21
2.1 Android Tools Installation Steps 21
2.1.1 Java JDK . 21
2.1.2 Android Studio Bundle and Native Development Kit 22
2.1.3 Android Studio Setup Wizard 23
2.1.4 Android Emulator Configuration 25
2.1.5 Getting Familiar with Android Software Tools . 31
2.2 iOS Tools Installation Steps . 39
2.2.1 Iphone App Development with Xcode 41
2.2.2 Setting-Up App Environment 43
2.2.3 Creating Layout . 44viii
2.2.4 Implementing C Codes 45
2.2.5 Executing C Codes Via Objective-C . 46
2.2.6 iOS App Debugging 46
3 From MATLAB Coder to Smartphone 49
3.1 MATLAB Function Design . 49
3.2 Generating Signals via MATLAB on Smartphones . 51
3.2.1 Test Bench 52
3.2.2 C Code Generation . 52
3.2.3 Source Code Integration . 54
3.3 Running MATLAB Coder-Generated C Codes on Smartphones . 57
3.3.1 Running on Android Smartphones 57
3.3.2 Running on iOS Smartphones 60
3.4 References 63
4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems and Convolution . 65
4.1 Convolution and Its Numerical Approximation 65
4.2 Convolution Properties . 66
4.3 Convolution Experiments . 67
4.4 Lab Exercises . 91
4.4.1 Echo Cancellation 91
4.4.2 Noise Reduction Using Mean Filtering . 95
4.4.3 Impulse Noise Reduction Using Median Filtering 96
4.5 Running MATLAB Coder-Generated C Codes on Smartphones . 96
4.5.1 Running on Android Smartphones 96
4.5.2 Running on iOS Smartphones 99
4.6 Real-Time Running on Smartphones . 101
4.6.1 MATLAB Function Design . 101
4.6.2 Test Bench . 102
4.6.3 Modifying Real-Time Shell for Android . 103
4.6.4 Modifying Real-Time Shell for iOS . 111
4.7 Real-Time Labs 115
4.7.1 Android Steps 115
4.7.2 iOS Steps 118
4.7.3 Android Steps 122
4.7.4 iOS Steps 122
4.8 References . 125ix
5 Fourier Series 127
5.1 Fourier Series Numerical Computation . 128
5.2 Fourier Series and Its Applications . 129
5.3 Lab Exercises 143
5.3.1 RL Circuit Analysis . 143
5.3.2 Doppler Effect 144
5.3.3 Synthesis of Electronic Music . 144
5.4 Real-Time Labs 147
5.4.1 Android Steps 147
5.4.2 iOS Steps 152
5.4.3 Android Steps 155
5.4.4 iOS Steps 160
5.5 References . 167
6 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform 169
6.1 CTFT and Its Properties . 169
6.2 Numerical Approximations of CTFT . 170
6.3 Evaluating Properties of CTFT . 170
6.4 Lab Exercises 203
6.4.1 Circuit Analysis . 203
6.4.2 The Doppler Effect 204
6.4.3 Diffraction of Light . 206
6.5 Real-Time Labs 207
6.5.1 Android Steps 207
6.5.2 iOS Steps 211
6.5.3 Android Steps 216
6.5.4 iOS Steps 221
6.6 References . 224
7 Digital Signals and Their Transforms . 227
7.1 Digital Signals . 227
7.1.1 Sampling and Aliasing . 227
7.1.2 Quantization . 231
7.1.3 A/D and D/A Conversions 231
7.1.4 DTFT and DFT 233
7.2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion, DTFT, and DFT . 237x
7.3 Lab Exercises 255
7.3.1 Dithering 255
7.3.2 Image Processing 256
7.3.3 DTMF Decoder 256
7.4 References . 256
Authors’ Biographies 257
Android app
Activity, 32
Layout, 32
Lifecycle, 32
TextView, 32
Android implementation
Adding JNI support, 32
Gradle configuration, 33
Android Studio, 22
Setup Wizard, 23
Android Tools
AVD, 23
Emulator, 25
Emulator snapshot, 27
LogCat, 39
Running an app, 37
Software tool installation, 21
C implementation, see Java Native
Continuous-Time Fourier Transform
Amplitude modulation, 192
CTFT, 169
Diffraction of light, 206
Frequency convolution, 190
Linearity, 185
Morse coding, 203
Noise reduction, 197
Numerical approximations, 170
Time convolution, 188
Time scaling, 182
Time shift, 179
Digital signals and their transforms
A/D, 231
Aliasing, 227
Analog frequency, 227
D/A, 231
Decoder, 256
Digital frequency, 227
Dithering, 255
DTFT, 233
DTMF, 246
Fourier transform, 230
Image processing, 256
Nyquist rate, 231
Quantization, 231
Sampling, 227
Telephone signal, 246
Fourier series
Decomposition, 129
Doppler effect, 144
Numerical computation, 128
Reconstruction, 129
RL circuit, 143
Synthesis, 144
Trigonometric, 136
From MATLAB Coder to Smartphone
Autodefine input types, 52
C Code generation, 52
MATLAB function design, 49260 INDEX
Numeric conversion, 52
Smartphone, 49
Source code integration, 54
Test bench, 52
iOS App
AudioController, 124
Create Git Repository, 41
Debugging, 46
iPhone, 41
Objective-C, 39
pickerView, 119
UIControlEventTouchUpInside, 44
ViewController, 43
viewDidLoad, 44
Xcode, 41
Java Native Interface, 21
Fully qualified name, 37
Native code declaration, 38
Native Method, 37
__android_log_print(), 39
Gradle configuration, 39
m-file, 1
Allocating memory, 8
Arithmetic operations, 1
Array indexing, 7
break, 10
Command Window, 5
Complex numbers, 6
Control flow, 9
for loop, 9
if, 9
Load data, 13
Logical operators, 11
m-file, 1
Programming, 11
Reading files, 13
Relational operators, 11
Save data, 13
Script, 1
Signal display, 14
Signal generation, 14
Sound generation, 12
switch, 9
Vector operations, 5
while loop, 9
Smartphone implementation
Android, 31
Android studio, 31
Android virtual device, 31

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