اسطوانة متميزة لتعليم أساسيات و مكونات دوائر الهيدروليك
All About Pumps Course
All About Pumps is an introduction to these marvelous and important machines!
Learn about the latest energy-efficient inventions!
Over 70 pumps are animated and explained!
Who needs to know about pumps? Everyone!
Mechanical pumps are the second most common machine in the world (after electric motors).
Most people are unfamiliar with how the many different kinds of pumps work!
A car typically has half a dozen or more different kinds of pumps in it.
Household pumps make life easier — know the different types of pumps that are available.
Industry couldn’t get anything done without pumps to move chemicals, coolants, waste, etc.
Municipalities are responsible for hundreds or even thousands of pumps, utilizing many different types.
Includes historical background and real-world examples of pumps in action.
Includes our Glossary of Pumps.
This program will both delight and educate you and your family.
If you are already in the pump industry, it’s a great way to quickly give people outside the industry important facts about pumps.
All About Pumps is a great tool for training new staff!
Waste Water Treatment Plants
Chemical Plants
Oil Industry
Food Industry
Pump Distributors
Public Utilities
Fire Fighters
Plumbing Companies
Irrigation Firms
Aerospace, Aviation and Transportation Industries
Pump Industry Trainers
All About Pumps is great for school, home & personal use!
Technical Colleges
High School Physics Classes
College Hydraulics Courses
Agricultural Courses
Site licenses available!
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