كورس تعليم التقنيات المتقدمة في برنامج كوريل درو – Advanced Techniques in CorelDRAW Tutorial Course

كورس تعليم التقنيات المتقدمة في برنامج كوريل درو – Advanced Techniques in CorelDRAW Tutorial Course
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كورس تعليم التقنيات المتقدمة في برنامج كوريل درو
Advanced Techniques in CorelDRAW Tutorial Course

  1. Introduction
  2. The Background and Napkins
  3. The Coffee Cup
  4. The Sprinkled Donut
  5. The Office Supplies
  6. Conclusion
  7. Introduction \ 0101 _ Introduction
  8. The Background and Napkins \ 0201 _ Creating the Background
  9. The Background and Napkins \ 0202 _ Rendering the Napkins
  10. The Coffee Cup \ 0301 _ Rendering the Cup Saucer
  11. The Coffee Cup \ 0302 _ Creating a Cup
  12. The Coffee Cup \ 0303 _ Creating Additional Elements for the Cup
  13. The Coffee Cup \ 0304 _ Filling the Coffee Cup
  14. The Coffee Cup \ 0305 _ Finishing Up the Coffee Cup
  15. The Sprinkled Donut \ 0401 _ Creating a Basic Donut
  16. The Sprinkled Donut \ 0402 _ Creating the Frosting
  17. The Sprinkled Donut \ 0403 _ Rendering the Frosting
  18. The Sprinkled Donut \ 0404 _ Finishing the Frosting
  19. The Sprinkled Donut \ 0405 _ Creating the Sprinkles
  20. The Office Supplies \ 0501 _ The Pen
  21. The Office Supplies \ 0502 _ The Eraser
  22. The Office Supplies \ 0503 _ The Thumbtacks
  23. Conclusion \ 0601 _ Finishing Touches
  24. Conclusion \ 0602 _ Conclusion

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