كورس تعليم التقنيات المتقدمة في برنامج كوريل درو – Advanced Techniques in CorelDRAW Tutorial Course

كورس تعليم التقنيات المتقدمة في برنامج كوريل درو
Advanced Techniques in CorelDRAW Tutorial Course
- Introduction
- The Background and Napkins
- The Coffee Cup
- The Sprinkled Donut
- The Office Supplies
- Conclusion
- Introduction \ 0101 _ Introduction
- The Background and Napkins \ 0201 _ Creating the Background
- The Background and Napkins \ 0202 _ Rendering the Napkins
- The Coffee Cup \ 0301 _ Rendering the Cup Saucer
- The Coffee Cup \ 0302 _ Creating a Cup
- The Coffee Cup \ 0303 _ Creating Additional Elements for the Cup
- The Coffee Cup \ 0304 _ Filling the Coffee Cup
- The Coffee Cup \ 0305 _ Finishing Up the Coffee Cup
- The Sprinkled Donut \ 0401 _ Creating a Basic Donut
- The Sprinkled Donut \ 0402 _ Creating the Frosting
- The Sprinkled Donut \ 0403 _ Rendering the Frosting
- The Sprinkled Donut \ 0404 _ Finishing the Frosting
- The Sprinkled Donut \ 0405 _ Creating the Sprinkles
- The Office Supplies \ 0501 _ The Pen
- The Office Supplies \ 0502 _ The Eraser
- The Office Supplies \ 0503 _ The Thumbtacks
- Conclusion \ 0601 _ Finishing Touches
- Conclusion \ 0602 _ Conclusion
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