Advanced Functional Materials

Advanced Functional Materials
من سلسلة علم المواد المتقدمة
Advanced Material Series
Ashutosh Tiwari and Lokman Uzun
Preface xv
Part 1: Functional Metal Oxides: Architecture, Design,
and Applications
1 Development of Toxic Chemicals Sensitive Chemiresistors
Based on Metal Oxides, Conducting Polymers and
Nanocomposites Tin Films 3
Sadia Ameen, M. Shaheer Akhtar, Hyung-Kee Seo, and
Hyung-Shik Shin
1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Semiconducting Metal Oxide Nanostructures
for Chemiresistor 6
1.2.1 Prospective Electrode of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays
for Sensing Phenyl Hydrazine 6
1.2.2 Aligned ZnO Nanorods with Porous Morphology
as Potential Electrode for the Detection of
p-Nitrophenylamine 10
1.2.3 ZnO Nanotubes as Smart Chemiresistor for the
E?ective Detection of Ethanolamine Chemical 17
1.3 Conducting Polymers Nanostructures for
Chemiresistors 21
1.3.1 Sea-Cucumber-Like Hollow Polyaniline Spheres
as Efcient Electrode for the Detection of
Aliphatic Alcohols 21
1.3.2 Te Sensing Properties of Layered Polyaniline
Nanosheets toward Hazardous Phenol Chemical 30
1.3.3 Prospective Electrode of Polypyrrole Nanobelts
for the Detection of Aliphatic Alcohols 36vi Contents
1.4 Semiconducting Nanocomposites for Chemoresistors 44
1.4.1 Hydrazine Chemical Sensing by Modifed
Electrode of Polyaniline/Graphene
Nanocomposite Tin Film 44
1.5 Conclusions and Outlook 48
Acknowledgments 49
References 49
2 Te Synthetic Strategy for Developing Mesoporous Materials
through Nanocasting Route 59
Rawesh Kumar and Biswajit Chowdhury
2.1 Introduction to Nanocasting 59
2.2 Steps of Nanocasting 61
2.2.1 Infltration 61
2.2.2 Te Casting Step 67
2.2.3 Template Removal by Dissolution or by
Oxidation at High Temperatures 68
2.3 Porous Silica as Template for Inorganic Compounds 68
2.3.1 Nanocast Cobalt Oxides, Cerium Oxide, and
Copper Oxide 71
2.3.2 Nanocast Chromium Oxides 73
2.3.3 Nanocast Indium Oxides and Nickel Oxide 74
2.3.4 Nanocast Molybdenum and Manganese Oxide 75
2.3.5 Nanocast Iron Oxide 76
2.3.6 Nanocast Tungsten Oxide 77
2.3.7 Nanocast Tin Oxide 77
2.3.8 Nanocast BiVO
4 and B4C 78
2.3.9 Nanocast Metal 79
2.3.10 Nanocast Metal Sulfdes 80
2.3.11 Nanocasted Ceramics 83
2.3.12 Nanocasted Mesoporous YPO4 84
2.3.13 Potential Application 84
2.4 Porous Silica as Template for Mesoporous Carbon 86
2.4.1 CMK Family 86
2.4.2 NCC-1, UF-MCN, SNU-1, MCF, and MCCF 89
2.4.3 Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Sphere/Prism 92
2.4.4 Ordered Mesopores Carbon with Surface Grafed
Magnetic Particles 94
2.4.5 Surface Modifed Mesoporous Nitrogen Rich
Carbon by Nanocasting 98
2.4.6 Potential Application 100Contents vii
2.5 Porous Carbon as Template for Inorganic Compound 104
2.5.1 Nanocasted Silica by Porous Carbon Template 104
2.5.2 Nanocasted Alumina and Nanocasted MgO 106
2.5.3 Nanocasted CeO
2 and ZnO 107
2.5.4 Nanocasted CuO 109
2.5.5 Nanocasted Other Metal Oxide 109
2.5.6 Mesoporous Sphere of Metal Oxide and Phosphate 110
2.5.7 Nanocast Ceramics 110
2.5.8 Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite and Phosphates 112
2.5.9 Potential Application 113
2.6 Future Prescriptive 113
2.7 Limitation 114
2.8 Conclusion 115
Acknowledgments 116
References 116
3 Spray Pyrolysis of Nano-Structured Optical and Electronic
Materials 127
Nurdan Demirci Sankir, Erkan Aydin, Esma Ugur, and
Mehmet Sankir
3.1 Introduction 128
3.2 Spray Pyrolysis Technology 128
3.2.1 Flame Spray Pyrolysis 131
3.2.2 Mist Generation Technologies 132
3.3 Nanoparticles Created via Spray Pyrolysis Method 134
3.3.1 Copper Oxides 136
3.3.2 Indium Oxide 136
3.3.3 Tin Oxide 138
3.3.4 Titanium Dioxide 139
3.3.5 Zinc Oxide 141
3.4 Nanopillars and Nanoporous Structures 142
3.4.1 Hematite (?-Fe2O3) 143
3.4.2 Tin Oxide (SnO2) 146
3.4.3 Titanium Dioxide 146
3.4.4 Zinc Oxide 147
3.5 Nanocrystalline Tin Film Deposition
by Spray Pyrolysis 150
3.5.1 Nanocrystalline Cu-Based Chalcopyrite Tin
Films 150
3.5.2 Nanocrystalline Kesterite Tin Films 156viii Contents
3.5.3 Nanocrystalline Metal Oxide Tin Films 161
3.5.4 Nanocrystalline Chalcogenide Tin Films 165
3.6 Conclusion 167
Acknowledgments 168
References 168
4 Multifunctional Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles for Biomedical
Application 183
Noppakun Sanpo, Cuie Wen, Christopher C. Berndt,
and James Wang
4.1 Introduction 183
4.2 Ferrites 187
4.2.1 Cubic Ferrites 187
4.2.2 Hexagonal Ferrites 189
4.3 Te Sol–Gel Method 189
4.3.1 Te Sol–Gel Processing Method 189
4.3.2 Applications 194
4.4 Chelating Agents 195
4.4.1 Mineral Processing Examples of Using Chelating
Agents 195
4.4.2 Organic Acids 198
4.5 Approach and Methodology 199
4.5.1 Fabrication of Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles 199
4.5.2 Analytical Techniques Employed 200
4.5.3 Biocompatibility Study 201
4.6 Experimental Results 202
4.6.1 Di?erential Scanning Calorimetry and Termo
Gravimetric Analyses 202
4.6.2 Raman Analyses 202
4.6.3 Particle Size Analysis 204
4.6.4 Microstructure of Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles 205
4.6.5 XRD Analysis 206
4.6.6 Contact Angle Measurement and Roughness
Parameters 210
4.6.7 Antibacterial Activities of the Spinel Ferrite
Nanoparticles 210
4.6.8 Biocompatibility of Spinel Ferrite Nanoparticles 212Contents ix
4.7 Concluding Remarks 213
Acknowledgements 214
References 214
5 Heterostructures Based on TiO
2 and Silicon for Solar
Hydrogen Generation 219
Dilip Kumar Behara, Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Gyan
Prakash Sharma, B.V. Sai Krishna Kiran, Sri Sivakumar
and Raj Ganesh S. Pala
5.1 Introduction 220
5.2 Overview of Heterostructures 221
5.2.1 Motivation/Importance of Heterostructured
Nanomaterials 221
5.2.2 Classifcation of Heterostructures 223
5.2.3 Discussion on Other Heterostructure
Classifcations 232
5.2.4 Challenges/Key Issues in Forming
Heterostructures 233
5.3 TiO
2 Heterostructures 234
5.3.1 Heterojunctions of TiO2 Polymorphic Phases 234
5.3.2 TiO
2 Heterojunctions with Metals
(Metal-Semiconductor Junctions) 238
5.3.3 Core–Shell Structures 245
5.3.4 Janus Structures 251
5.4 Silicon Based Heterostructures 253
5.4.1 Silicon Based Heterostructures for PEC
Application 253
5.4.2 Heterojunctions vs Multijunction Silicon 258
5.4.3 Pros/Cons in Improvement of Si Heterostructures
for Energy Harvesting and Conversion 261
5.5 Some Unaddressed Issues of Heterostructures in Relation
to Photocatalysis 261
5.5.1 Measures to be Taken in Perspective of
Photocatalysis of Heteronanostructures 262
5.6 Summary/Conclusions and Future Outlook 262
Acknowledgment 263
Notes on Contributors 263
References 264x Contents
6 Studies on Electrochemical Properties of MnO2 and CuO
Decorated Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as
High-Performance Electrode Materials 283
Mohan Raja
6.1 Introduction 283
6.2 Experimental 285
6.2.1 Materials 285
6.2.2 Preparation and Fabrication of Supercapacitor
Cell 285
6.3 Characterization 286
6.4 Results and Discussion 286
6.5 Conclusion 292
References 293
Part 2: Multifunctional Hybrid Materials:
Fundamentals and Frontiers
7 Discotic Liquid Crystalline Dimers: Chemistry and
Applications 297
Shilpa Setia, Sandeep Kumar and Santanu Kumar Pal
7.1 Introduction 298
7.2 Structure-Property Relationship of Discotic Dimers 300
7.2.1 Discotic Dimers Based on Anthraquinone Core 300
7.2.2 Discotic Dimers Based on Benzene Core 304
7.2.3 Discotic Dimers Based on Cyclotetraveratrylene
Core 309
7.2.4 Discotic Dimers Based on Dibenzo[a,c]phenazine
Core 309
7.2.5 Discotic Dimers Based on Hexa-periHexabenzocoronene (HBC) Core 313
7.2.6 Discotic Dimers Based on Phthalocyanine Core 316
7.2.7 Discotic Dimers Based on Porphyrin Core 325
7.2.8 Discotic Dimers Based on Pyranose Sugars 330
7.2.9 Discotic Dimers Based on Pyrene Core 332
7.2.10 Discotic Dimers Based on Scylloinositol Dimer 334
7.2.11 Discotic Dimers Based on Triphenylene Core 334
7.3 Applications 357
7.3.1 Dopants for Liquid Crystal Display Mixtures 357
7.3.2 Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs) 360
7.4 Conclusions and Outlook 361
References 362Contents xi
8 Supramolecular Nanoassembly and Its Potential 367
Alok Pandya, Heena Goswami, Anand Lodha and Pinkesh
8.1 Supramolecular Chemistry 368
8.1.1 Supramolecular Interactions 371
8.1.2 Types of Supramolecules 373
8.2 Nanochemistry 376
8.2.1 Why Nano 379
8.2.2 Chemical Approach of Nanomaterials 379
8.2.3 Gold and Silver Nanoparticles 382
8.2.4 Self-Assembled Monolayer 383
8.3 Supramolecular Nanoassembly 384
8.3.1 Cations Receptors 384
8.3.2 Anion Receptors 387
8.3.3 Biomolecule Receptor 388
8.3.4 Pesticide Detection 390
8.3.5 Other Nanomaterials Supported Supramolecules 391
8.4 Conclusion and Future Prospects 394
References 396
Suggested Further Reading 397
9 Carbon-Based Hybrid Composites as Advanced Electrodes
for Supercapacitors 399
S.T. Senthilkumar, K. Vijaya Sankar , J. S. Melo,
A. Gedanken, and R. Kalai Selvana
9.1 Introduction 400
9.1.1 Background 400
9.2 Principle of Supercapacitor 402
9.2.1 Basics of Supercapacitor 402
9.2.2 Charge Storage Mechanism of SC 404
9.3 Activated Carbon and their Composites 410
9.4 Carbon Aerogels and Teir Composite Materials 411
9.5 Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) and their Composite
Materials 415
9.6 Two-Dimensional Graphene 417
9.6.1 Electrochemical Performance of Graphene 418
9.6.2 Graphene Composites 419
9.6.3 Doping of Graphene with Heteroatom 423
9.7 Conclusion and Outlook 424
Acknowledgements 425
References 425xii Contents
10 Synthesis, Characterization, and Uses of Novel-Architecture
Copolymers through Gamma Radiation Technique 433
H. Iv?n Meléndez-Ortiz and Emilio Bucio
10.1 Introduction 434
10.2 Ionizing Radiation 435
10.2.1 Type of Radiation 435
10.2.2 X-Ray and Gamma-Rays 436
10.2.3 Electron Beam 437
10.2.4 Alpha Particles 437
10.2.5 Neutrons 438
10.3 Gamma-Ray Measurements 438
10.3.1 Dosimetry 438
10.3.2 Fricke Dosimetry Method 440
10.3.3 Units of Radioactivity and Radiation Absorption 441
10.4 Synthesis of Graf Polymers by Gamma-Rays 441
10.4.1 Radiation Grafing 441
10.4.2 Simultaneous or Mutual Method 442
10.4.3 Pre-irradiation Method 443
10.4.4 Pre-irradiation Oxidative Method 444
10.4.5 Parameter In?uencing Grafed Copolymers
Synthesis 444
10.5 Di?erent Architecture of Polymers 449
10.5.1 Stimuli-Responsive Networks Grafed onto
Polypropylene for the Sustained Delivery of
NSAIDs 449
10.5.2 Radiation Grafing of Glycidyl Methacrylate
onto Cotton Gauzes for Functionalization with
Cyclodextrins and Elution of Antimicrobial
Agents 450
10.5.3 Binary Graf Modifcation of Polypropylene for
Anti-in?ammatory Drug-Device Combo
Products 450
10.5.4 Temperature- and pH-Sensitive IPNs Grafed
onto Polyurethane by Gamma Radiation for
Antimicrobial Drug-Eluting Insertable Devices 452
10.5.5 Temperature-Responsiveness and
Biocompatibility of DEGMA/OEGMA Radiation
Grafed onto PP and LDPE Films 453
10.5.6 Acrylic Polymer-Grafed Polypropylene Sutures
for Covalent Immobilization or Reversible
Adsorption of Vancomycin 453Contents xiii
10.6 Polymer Characterization 455
10.6.1 Swelling Measurements 455
10.6.2 Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy (SPR) 455
10.6.3 Infrared (IR) 456
10.6.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
(NMR) 456
10.6.5 Termal Transition 456
10.6.6 Contact Angle 457
10.6.7 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) 457
Acknowledgments 458
References 458
11 Advanced Composite Adsorbents: Chitosan versus Graphene 463
George Z. Kyzas
11.1 Introduction 463
11.2 Chitosan-Based Materials 465
11.2.1 Synthesis and Various Modifcations 466
11.3 Graphene-Based Materials 478
11.3.1 Adsorption Applications 479
11.4 Graphene/Chitosan Composite Adsorbents 483
11.5 Conclusions 488
References 489
12 Antimicrobial Biopolymers 493
S. Sayed and M.A. Jardine
12.1 Introduction 493
12.2 Biopolymers 496
12.2.1 ?-Poly-l-Lysine 496
12.2.2 Chitin and Chitosan 500
12.3 Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers 506
12.3.1 Quaternary Polymers 506
12.3.2 Polyethylenimine 510
12.3.3 Antimicrobial Peptide Mimics 511
12.4 Metal Loading 514
12.4.1 Silver 515
12.4.2 Magnesium 516
12.4.3 Zinc 517
12.4.4 Titanium 517
12.5 Assessment of Antimicrobial/Antifungal Testing
Methods 518xiv Contents
12.5.1 Di?usion 519
12.5.2 Dilution 520
12.5.3 Metabolic Based Assays 521
12.5.4 Discrepancies in Testing Methods 522
12.6 Conclusion 525
References 526
13 Organometal Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic
Applications 535
Sai Bai, Yizheng Jin, and Feng Gao
13.1 Introduction 535
13.2 Fundamentals of Organometal Halide Perovskite
Solar Cells 537
13.2.1 Brief History of Perovskite Solar Cells 537
13.2.2 Crystal Structure and Optoelectronic Properties
of Perovskites 538
13.2.3 Device Architecture Evolution of Solid-State
Perovskite Solar Cells 542
13.3 Deposition Methods and Crystal Engineering
of Organometal Halide Perovskites 547
13.3.1 One-Step Precursor Deposition 547
13.3.2 Vapor Assisted Solution Process and
Interdi?usion Method 551
13.3.3 Vacuum Deposition 553
13.3.4 Solution and Crystal Engineering 555
13.4 Commercialization Challenges and Possible Solutions 558
13.5 Summary and Conclusion 561
Acknowledgements 562
References 562
Index 56
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