Acoustic Emission Testing – Basics for Research Applications in Civil Engineering
اسم المؤلف
Christian U. Grosse · Masayasu Ohtsu
(لا توجد تقييمات)

Acoustic Emission Testing – Basics for Research Applications in Civil Engineering
Christian U. Grosse · Masayasu Ohtsu (Eds.)
Table of Contents
Preface V
Authors VII
Part A Basics

  1. Introduction 3
    Christian U. Grosse
  2. History and Fundamentals . 11
    Masayasu Ohtsu
  3. Sensors and Instruments 19
    Masayasu Ohtsu
  4. Parametric AE Analysis . 41
    Tomoki Shiotani
  5. Signal-Based AE Analysis . 53
    Christian U. Grosse, Lindsay M. Linzer
  6. Source Localization . 101
    Jochen H. Kurz, Stefan Köppel, Lindsay Linzer, Barbara Schechinger,
    Christian U. Grosse
  7. Source Mechanisms 149
    Masayasu Ohtsu
  8. Moment Tensor Analysis .175
    Masayasu OhtsuX Table of Contents
    Part B Applications
  9. General Remarks on Applications 203
    Masayasu Ohtsu
  10. AE in Concrete 211
    Masayasu Ohtsu
  11. Acoustic Emission in Study of Rock Stability 239
    Gerd Manthei, Jürgen Eisenblätter
  12. AE in Wood 311
    Eric N. Landis
  13. Superstructures 323
    Mitsuhiro Shigeishi
  14. Substructures 341
    Tomoki Shiotani
  15. Wireless AE techniques 367
    Christian U. Grosse
  16. Opportunities, Limitations, Accuracy and Skill 383
    Thomas Vogel, Barbara Schechinger
    Synonyms and often used Abbreviations 397
    Index 399
    Synonyms and often used Abbreviations
    A/D Analogue to digital converter
    AE Acoustic emission
    AE analysis Acoustic emission analysis or acoustic emission techniques
    AIC Akaike information criterion
    ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
    CEN European Committee for Standardization
    CLVD Compensated linear vector dipole
    CMOD Crack-month opening displacement
    DAS Data acquisition system
    DB Dilatancy boundary
    DC Double-Couple
    DFT Discrete Fourier transformation
    EDZ Excavation disturbed zone
    FDM Finite difference method
    FEM Finite element method
    FFT Fast Fourier transformation
    GUI Graphical user interface
    ISO Isotropic component
    JHD Joint hypocenter determination
    LMA Long term average
    MEMS Micro electro mechanical systems
    MS Microseimic
    MSC Magnitude squared coherence
    MTI Moment tensor inversion
    NDE Non-destructive evaluation
    NDT Non-destructive testing
    PDF Propability density function
    PMMA Polymethylmethacrylat
    PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride
    P-Wave Compressional wave
    PZT Lead zirconate titanate
    RADAR Radio Detection and Ranging
    RC Reinforced concrete
    RMS Root mean square
    RMTI Relative moment tensor inversion
    S-Wave Shear wave
    S Source function
    SiGMA Simplified Green’s functions for moment tensor analysis
    SEM Scanning electron microscope
    SM Seismic moment
    SRM Standard reference material
    STA Short term average
    TF Transfer function
    TR Transient recorder
    Tr Trace (of a tensor)
    URL Underground research laboratory
    UT Ultrasonic test or ultrasonic testing
    VESPA Velocity spectral analysis
    VRML Virtual reality modeling language
    WSN Wireless sensor networkIndex
    1-dimensional (1-D) localization 103
    1-dimensional localization 102, 123
    2- or 3-dimensional localization 123
    2-D localization 108
    2-dimensional localization 103
    3-D localization 105, 116
    3-D velocity model 136
    A/D(analog to digital) conversion 36
    absolute calibration 30
    accessibility 378
    Accuracy 380
    acoustic coupling 197
    acoustic impedance 31
    advantages of AE 5
    AEWG 15
    aggregate-restraint 208
    Amplitude 40
    amplitude distribution 209, 352
    b value 210
    Amplitude Distribution 46
    anisotropy 375
    Anti-aliasing filter 37
    apparent velocity 110
    array localization
    array aperture 109
    sensor array 109
    Sensor array 111
    Array localization 108
    arrival time 105, 119, 122
    arrival-time difference 37, 198
    attenuation 36, 375
    Q value 36
    automatic 97
    automatic onset detection 96
    automatic onset determination 101
    automatic picker 98
    automatic picking 97
    automatized 386
    average frequency 45, 199, 217
    Average frequency 42
    back-azimuth 109, 111, 114, 116
    band-pass filter 200
    beam forming 111
    beam packing 112
    beampacking 114, 115
    energy of the beam 112
    f-k analysis 113, 114, 115
    frequency wavenumber analysis 112
    bending load 317, 318
    bending test 181, 318
    bending-mode failure 211
    bending-moment 324
    bottom steel 327
    bottom steel slab 328
    breeding water 204
    brick 344
    Brick 353
    bridge construction 327
    Burgers vector 153
    buried pulse 147, 170
    burst signal 4
    b-value 46, 352
    calibrated 385
    calibration coefficient 175
    calm ratio 44, 213, 320, 321, 328, 349,
    351, 352
    capacitive sensor 20
    capacitive transducer 29
    capillary break 30, 150cast-in-place concrete pile 334
    circle method 104
    CMOD 214
    composite floor slab 327
    concrete bridge 324
    concrete pier 342
    concrete pile 332
    concrete structure 314
    conical transducer 27
    consistency 204
    constitutive behavior 5
    contact time 30
    Continuous emission 4
    corrosion 214, 225
    Costs 379
    count 37, 198
    Count/ring-down count 40
    Counts to Peak 40
    couplant 31
    couple force 161
    double couple 161
    crack 125, 127
    crack kinematics 160
    crack kinetics 157, 159
    crack volume 154
    creep strain 209
    Curie point 34
    cyclic bending test 319
    damage evolution 186
    damage mechanics 221
    damage evolution 221
    damage parameter 221
    damage parameter 186
    damage tensor 158
    dB (decibels) 35
    dead time 39
    debonding 155
    delta function 21, 145
    diagonal crack 212, 225
    differential evolution algorithm 132
    dip plane 180
    dipole force 160
    dislocation 153
    double-couple model 163
    double-difference method 132, 133
    duration 37, 198
    Duration 41
    earthquake 7
    ed concrete building
    concrete 316, 317
    shear 316, 317
    tensile 317
    eigenstrain 158
    eigenvalue analyses
    eigenvalues 180
    eigenvalue analysis 177
    eigenvalues analyses
    eigenvalues 177
    elastic wave 17, 19
    dispersive wave 142
    guided wave 17
    Lamb wave 17
    Love wave 17
    P wave 17, 148
    Rayleigh wave 17
    S wave 17, 148
    sonic wave 17
    SP wave 148
    ultrasonic wave 17
    electro-magnetic noise 35
    empirical Green’s function 158
    energy 37, 198
    Energy 41
    energy released 6
    energy-moment 198
    epicenter 104, 105
    error ellipsoid 118, 123, 135
    event 37, 198
    event-counting 213
    EWGAE 15
    face-to-face 31
    Far-field seismology 7
    fatigue crack 325
    fatigue damage 327
    fatigue deterioration 324
    fatigue loading 327, 328
    Felicity ratio 43
    Filtering 376
    flat frequency response 9
    floor slab 321, 322
    Fourier transform 21, 156
    four-point-bending test 127
    fracture energy 307fracture process zone 224
    free vibration 23
    Frequency 42
    Frequency centroid 42
    frequency spectrum 37, 198
    friction process 6
    gain 16
    Gauss’s integral theorem 143
    generalized theory 146
    geophysics 386
    girder bridge 317
    grid search 106, 135
    localization procedure for wood 106
    guided waves 375
    half-cell potential 216
    C.S.E 216
    high-pass filter 345, 351, 354
    hit 37, 198
    Hit 40
    hit-lockout time 39
    Hooke’s Law 5
    hybrid method 133
    hydro-fracturing 180
    hyperbola 119
    hyperbola method 104
    hypocenter 105, 106
    hypocentre 116
    IAES 15
    improved b-value 46
    infrastructure 314
    bridge 314
    building 314
    inhomogeneities 381
    inhomogenities 125
    Initial frequency 42
    in-plane motion 192
    inverse Fourier transform 156
    inverse problem 95
    iterative localization 122, 123, 124, 125
    accuracy 123
    density functions 124
    iterative linearized localization 118
    Reliability 123
    joint hypocentre determination 132
    Joint hypocentre determination 131
    JSNDI 15
    Kaiser effect 13, 213, 317, 319, 320
    Kaiser Effect 43
    kinematics 166
    kinetics 166
    L L1
    norm 106
    L2 norm 106
    Lamb wave 142
    Lamb’s problem 146, 147
    Lamb’s solution 29, 31, 170
    laser vibrometer 30
    leakage test 187
    linearization 116
    load ratio 44, 213, 320, 321
    localization 6, 100, 375
    localization accuracy 120, 129, 131
    Localization accuracy 119
    localization algorithms 105
    nonlinear localization 134, 135
    localization error 118, 122, 123
    spatial error 121
    Localization errors 118
    long-term monitoring 378
    low-pass filter 354
    main amplifier 200
    Martensite transformation 11
    martensite transformations 12
    masonry building 315
    structure 315
    maximum amplitude 198
    mercury intrusion method 219
    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems 9
    micro-seismic activity 12
    microseismicity 7micro-seismology 8
    Mindlin’s solutions 22
    mixture proportion 203
    moment tensor inversion 169
    monitoring 104
    near-field seismology 7
    NIST 27
    nonlinear methods 132
    non-slump concrete 205
    One-dimensional location 338
    onset 95, 98, 100, 101
    onset time 380
    optical fiber sensor 34
    origin time 95
    out-of-plane motion 182
    over-reinforced 212
    P wave 172
    Parameter 39, 40
    parameter-based AET 9
    passage 350
    peak amplitude 37
    Peak frequency 42
    pencil-lead break 30, 150, 158
    penny-shaped tensile crack 155
    picker 100
    pickers 97
    picking 97
    Picking 380
    pier 350
    piezoelectric effect 19
    pile 332
    Pile 332
    planar localization 103
    point source 95, 116
    pore distribution 219
    post analysis 186, 192
    pre-amplifier 200
    probabilistic inversion 134
    propagation 383
    pull-push model 166
    RA value 42, 45, 199, 217
    RADAR 6
    Railway 341
    railway bridge 350
    railway pier 346
    rainfall 215
    rate process 218
    Rayleigh wave 150
    receiver 96
    reciprocity method 29
    reflection coefficient 174
    reinforced concrete (RC) 317
    bridge 317
    reinforced concrete bridge 321
    reinforced concrete building 315, 316
    concrete 315
    shear 315
    tensile 315, 316
    reinforced concrete girder 320
    reinforced concrete slab 327
    reinforced concrete structure 320
    reinforcing-steel rod 323
    Relative localization 131
    relocalization 133
    reproducible 6
    residuals 105, 106, 116, 117, 122, 123
    resonance 22, 23
    Nominal resonance 23
    Resonant transducer 9
    Reverberation frequency 42
    rise time 37, 198
    Rise time 41
    RMS (root mean square) voltage 37,
    road bridge 318, 322
    Robinson-type steel-concrete composite
    floor slab 328
    rock-bursts 11
    Roller-compacted concrete 204
    RTRI 348, 349, 350, 351, 352
    RTRI ratio 44, 345
    S wave 172
    sampling rate 40
    scanning 3
    scattering 375
    secondary AE activity 341, 355seismic wave 7
    seismogram 7
    seismology 7
    self-restraint 208
    SEM 218
    sensitivity 375
    sensor array 115
    sensor distribution 375
    sensor output ratio 321
    shear-mode failure 212
    signal characteristic 4
    signal envelope 41
    signal-to-noise 16
    signal-to-noise ratio 6
    Site conditions 377
    Skills 384
    slowness 110, 111, 112, 114
    Snell’s law 172
    source 96, 108
    source coordinates 107
    source coordinates 118, 134
    source localization 122, 123, 127
    earthquake source localization 95
    source coordinates 95
    source time 105
    source-time function 154
    SP wave 172
    spatial filter 200, 345
    split 154
    standard source 197, 201
    steel box-girder 324
    Steel bridge 324
    steel frame 318
    steel member 324
    steel mold 327
    steel plate 327
    steel side plate 327
    steel slab 324
    steel structure
    concrete 314
    fatigue 314
    structure 314
    traffic 314
    Steel structure 314
    steel-concrete composite 327
    steel-concrete composite slab 327, 328
    steel-slab 325
    strain energy release rate 309
    Substructure 332
    superstructure 320, 321, 324, 329
    bridge 315
    building 315
    concrete 315
    steel 315
    traffic 315
    surface crack 225
    surface pulse 147
    tension-softening 224
    the secondary AE activity 342, 345
    three-point-bending test 126
    threshold 39, 40
    threshold level 198, 200, 213
    tin-cry 11
    traffic control 322
    traffic load 44, 321, 323, 325, 329
    Train 342
    train passage 342, 343
    training 385
    transfer function 22
    travel time 105, 116, 135
    two-dimensional (2-D) problem 182
    in-plane motion 182
    out-of-plane motion 182
    ultrasound 6
    under-reinforced 212
    VC test 204
    VC value 204
    VRML 189, 192, 225
    water leakage 192
    wave propagation 375
    Waveforms 383
    waveguide 29
    weight matrix 117
    wire breaks 375
    wood 302
    structure 302
    ultrasonic properties 303X
    X-Ray 6
    zone location method 102

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