كورس الكتابة الأكاديمية باختصار – من البداية إلى الاحتراف – Academic Writing in a Nutshell Course – From Simple to Advanced

كورس الكتابة الأكاديمية باختصار – من البداية إلى الاحتراف – Academic Writing in a Nutshell Course – From Simple to Advanced
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كورس الكتابة الأكاديمية باختصار – من البداية إلى الاحتراف
Academic Writing in a Nutshell Course – From Simple to Advanced

  1. Introduction
  2. Your Purpose & Audience
  3. The Writing Process
  4. Paragraphs
  5. Titles
  6. Essay Types
  7. Revising Essays & Sentences
  8. Prewriting Techniques
  9. Writing a Research Paper
  10. Beware of Plagiarism
  11. Beware of Plagiarism \ 1. Avoiding Plagiarism
  12. Writing a Research Paper \ 1. Differences Between a Traditional Essay & a Research Paper
  13. Paragraphs \ 1. Introducing Essay Topics
  14. The Writing Process \ 1. Introduction to the Writing Process
  15. Essay Types \ 1. Introduction to Types of Essays
  16. Introduction \ 1. Introduction
  17. Prewriting Techniques \ 1. Overcoming Mental Blocks
  18. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 1. Revising Essays
  19. Your Purpose & Audience \ 1. Why do we write
  20. Titles \ 1. Writing Good Essay Titles
  21. Writing a Research Paper \ 2. Choosing a Topic
  22. Paragraphs \ 2. Concluding Essays
  23. Your Purpose & Audience \ 2. Describing Your Point of View
  24. Essay Types \ 2. Descriptive Essays
  25. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 2. Revising Sentences
  26. The Writing Process \ 2. Thesis Statements
  27. Your Purpose & Audience \ 3. Determine Your Audience
  28. Writing a Research Paper \ 3. Gathering Information
  29. Essay Types \ 3. Narrative Essays
  30. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 3. Parallelism
  31. The Writing Process \ 3. Writing a Good Thesis Statement
  32. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 4. Consistent Point of View
  33. Writing a Research Paper \ 4. Creating Outlines
  34. Essay Types \ 4. Expository Essays
  35. The Writing Process \ 4. Supporting Thesis with Evidence
  36. Essay Types \ 5. Argumentative Essays
  37. Writing a Research Paper \ 5. Drafting
  38. The Writing Process \ 5. Organizing & Connecting Evidence
  39. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 5. Using Specific Words
  40. Writing a Research Paper \ 6. Documentation
  41. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 6. Using Active Verbs
  42. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 7. Using Concise Words
  43. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 8. Sentence Variation
  44. Revising Essays & Sentences \ 9. Proofreading

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