Welding Handbook – Volume 1

Welding Handbook – Volume 1
اسم المؤلف
Cynthia L. Jenney , Annette O’Brien
14 ديسمبر 2020

Welding Handbook Ninth Edition
Volume 1
Welding Science and Technology
Prepared Under the Direction of the Welding Handbook Committee
Cynthia L. Jenney
Annette O’Brien
Introduction 2
Joining Processes . 3
Cutting Processes . 42
Thermal Spraying 47
Conclusion 49
Bibliography 49
Introduction 52
Fusion and Solid-State Welding . 52
Energy Sources for Welding . 57
Arc Characteristics 67
Metal Transfer . 73
Melting Rates 78
Physical Properties of Metals and Shielding Gases . 81
Conclusion 84
Bibliography 84
Introduction 88
Heat Flow Fundamentals . 88
Quantitative Calculation of Heat Transfer in Fusion Welding . 95
Conduction of Heat during Fusion Welding 97
Convective Heat Transfer in the Weld Pool . 105
Relative Importance of Conduction and Convection . 108
Conclusion 111
Bibliography 112
Introduction 116
Physical Metallurgy . 116
Metallurgy of Welding . 130
Weldability of Commercial Alloys . 140
Corrosion in Weldments 149
The Brazed or Soldered Joint . 151
Corrosion in Brazed and Soldered Joints . 154
Conclusion 154
Bibliography 155
Introduction 158
Properties of Metals 158
Weldment Design Program 166
Welded Design Considerations . 170viii
Design of Welded Joints .182
Selection of Weld Type .193
Sizing of Steel Welds .196
Tubular Connections 216
Aluminum Structures .226
Conclusion .236
Bibliography .237
Introduction .240
Testing for Strength 241
Hardness Tests .256
Bend Tests 260
Fracture Toughness Testing 261
Fatigue Testing .272
Corrosion Testing .277
Creep and Rupture Testing .280
Testing of Thermal Spray Applications .281
Weldability Testing .284
Conclusion .292
Bibliography .292
Introduction .298
Fundamentals .298
Nature and Causes of Residual Stress .300
Effects of Residual Stress 308
Measurement of Residual Stress .313
Residual Stress Distribution Patterns 318
Effects of Specimen Size and Weight .322
Effects of Welding Sequence .325
Residual Stress in Welds Made with Different Welding Processes .326
Weld Distortion 328
Reducing or Controlling Residual Stress and Distortion .351
Conclusion .354
Bibliography .354
Introduction .360
Fundamentals .361
Welding Symbols 361
Welding Symbols for Specific Weld Types .373
Brazing Symbols .381
Soldering Symbols 382
Inspection Symbols .385
Conclusion .393
Bibliography .393
Introduction .396
Fixtures 396ix
Positioners . 403
Conclusion 419
Bibliography 419
Introduction 422
Principles of Monitoring and Control 422
Sensing Devices . 423
Process Instrumentation 428
Process Monitoring Systems 429
Process Control Systems 429
Monitoring and Control Systems . 431
Conclusion 448
Bibliography 448
Introduction 452
Mechanized Welding . 453
Automated Welding . 458
Robotic Welding 467
Planning for Automated and Robotic Welding 474
Conclusion 482
Bibliography 482
Introduction 484
The Cost Estimate . 484
Economics of Welding . 485
Automated and Robotic Systems . 498
Economics of Resistance Spot Welding 510
Capital Investment in Welding Automation and Robotics . 514
Control of Welding Costs 517
Economics of Brazing and Soldering 523
Economics of Thermal Cutting 530
Conclusion 531
Bibliography 531
Introduction 534
Defining Weld Quality . 534
Overview of Weld Discontinuities 536
Discontinuities Associated with Fusion Welding 538
Discontinuities Associated with Resistance Welding 562
Discontinuities Associated with the Solid-State Welding Processes . 567
Discontinuities in Brazed and Soldered Joints 569
Significance of Weld Discontinuities 572
Conclusion 575
Bibliography 576x
Introduction .580
Personnel Qualifications .581
The Inspection Plan 583
Nondestructive Examination 584
Metallographic Examination Methods .633
Inspection of Brazed and Soldered Joints 634
Conclusion .634
Bibliography .634
Introduction .638
Welding and Brazing Procedure Specifications 640
Qualification of Welding and Brazing Procedures .655
Performance Qualification 668
Standardization of Qualification Requirements 678
Conclusion .679
Bibliography .679
Introduction .684
Standards-Developing Organizations and Welding-Related Publications 685
Guidelines for Participating in International Standards Activities .708
Conclusion .708
Introduction .712
Safety Management 712
Protection of the Work Area 714
Personal Protective Equipment .719
Protection against Fumes and Gases .724
Safe Handling of Compressed Gases 733
Protection against Electromagnetic Radiation 738
Electrical Safety 738
Fire Prevention .741
Explosion Prevention 743
Process-Specific Safety Considerations 743
Safety in Robotic Operations .753
Conclusion .754
Bibliography .754
Eighth Edition and Ninth Edition, Volume 1 .873
Types of Regulatory Documents .684
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Index Terms Links
AA. See Aluminum Association.
AAR. See Association of American Railroads.
AASHTO. See American Association of State Highway
and Transportation Officials.
ABS. See American Bureau of Shipping.
ACGIH. See American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists.
Acoustic emission testing 628
accumulation of data 629
acoustic sources, position of 629
applications 628
description 628
equipment 629
evaluation of data 629
limitations 630
monitoring during proof testing 629
monitoring during welding 629
monitoring time, postweld 629
procedures 629
standards for, ASTM and ASME 629
test results, recording of 630
Adaptive control, definition of 430
Adaptive control welding 452 467
Adherends 34
Adhesive bonding 34 752
advantages 34
description of 34
limitations of 34Index Terms Links
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Adhesive bonding (Cont.)
safe practices 752
Aerospace Material Specifications 705
Air carbon arc cutting (CAC-A) 43 45
AISC. See American Institute of Steel Construction.
Allowable stress design (ASD) 196
Alloys 117
aluminum 143 230
cobalt 145
copper 144
magnesium 144
multiphase 118 228
nickel-based 144
precipitation-hardened 137
steels 142
titanium 145
transformation-hardening 138
Aluminum Association (AA) 226 708
Aluminum structures, design of 226
aluminum alloys, welded, tensile strength of 230
butt joints 228
concepts and methods 227
designing for welding 227
fatigue strength 234
fatigue stress ratio 235
fillet weld shear strength 233
fillet weld size, minimum 233
heat-affected zone, effect of 230
joint design 229
lap joints 228
mechanical properties 230
residual stresses in 235
service temperature, effect of 236Index Terms Links
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Aluminum structures, design of (Cont.)
service temperature, loss of strength at 236
sniping 233
stress distribution 233
thermal treatments 233 236
T-joints 229
weld joint design 227
weld joint types 227
welding effects on strength 230
American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 203 685
publications 686
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 685
publications 687
American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists (ACGIH) 724 732
American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 203 685 687
American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 708
publications 687
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 687
international standards 668
U.S. national standards 687
American Petroleum Institute (API) 685 688
publications 688
American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) 203 685 688
publications 689
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 538 606 685 676 690
publications 691
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
International (ASME) 575 606 630 638 642
651 669 670 673 679
685 689 698Index Terms Links
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Cont.)
publications 689
American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) 538 581 676 690
publications 690
American Society for Quality (ASQ) 691
American Water Works Association (AWWA) 685 692
publications 692
American Welding Society (AWS) 692
filler metal specifications 694
publications 692
qualification and certification programs 638
qualification standards 695
reference publications 692
safety and health standards 695
standard definitions 692
standard symbols 692
structural welding codes 694
testing standards 695
thermal spraying standards 693
welding application standards 693
welding inspector qualification and certification
program 581 678
welding process standard 693
AMS. See Aerospace Material Specifications.
ANSI. See American National Standards Institute.
API. See American Petroleum Institute.
Arc blow 72
Arc characteristics 67
arc blow 71 72
arc plasma 67
arc radiation 69
anode fall space 70
anode spot 70Index Terms Links
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Arc characteristics (Cont.)
cathode fall space 70
cathode spot 70
electrical features 70
Elenbass-Heller energy balance 69
impedance, arc 70
magnetic fields, influence of 71
thermal equilibrium 68
Arc efficiency 54 89
Arc spraying (ASP) 47 48
See also Thermal spraying.
Arc strike 544
Arc stud welding (SW) 16
advantages 17
capacitor discharge welding 17
description of 16
discontinuities associated with 537
equipment 16
ferrule composition 16
limitations 18
manual arc welding of studs 16
power sources for 17
skill requirements, operator 17
Arc voltage control, welding 432
Arc welding 3
See also Arc stud welding;
Electrogas welding; Flux cored arc welding; Gas
metal arc welding; Gas tungsten arc welding;
Shielded metal arc welding; Submerged arc
welding; and Plasma arc welding.
automated 461
cost definitions 500
deposition of heat in 95Index Terms Links
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Arc welding (Cont.)
description of 3
equations used to estimate direct costs of 499
energy absorption efficiency in 89
estimating the direct costs of 498
monitoring and control of 431
robotic systems 467
safe practices 720 745
procedure specifications 641
AREMA. See American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance-of-Way Association.
ASME. See American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
ASNT. See American Society for Nondestructive Testing.
ASQ. See American Society for Quality.
ASP. See Arc Spraying.
ASTM. See American Society Testing and Materials.
Association of American Railroads (AAR) 686
publications 656
Austenite decomposition products 122
bainite 124
cementite (iron carbide) 122
ferrite 122
isothermal transformation diagram 124
martensite 124
pearlite 123
transformation diagrams, continuous cooling 125
transformation diagrams, time-temperature 124
Automated and robotic systems, economics of 498
cycle-time estimation 501
formulas 501
general formulas, sequential welding centers 501 505
general formulas, simultaneous welding centers 503
machine chart, operators 502Index Terms Links
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Automated and robotic systems, economics of (Cont.)
methodology used in 500
multiple operators, multiple machine system 502 504 506
multiple operators, multiple welding center system 507
multiple operators, single machine system 504 506
multiple welding centers 501 507
sequential welding centers 501 505
simultaneous welding centers 501 502
single operator, multiple welding center system 503 505 507
single operator, single machine system 502 505
welding center configurations 501
welding manufacturing systems, types of 498
Automated and robotic welding, planning for 474
atmospheric contamination 479
changeover time and inventories 480
environment 479
equipment location 479
ergonomics, safety, and health 479
facilities 477
fixturing 459 476
floor space 480
integration, automated or robotic system 480
investment 480
maintenance 479 480
manufacturing feasibility studies 476
motion operation 460
operator, training and education 476 479
personnel requirements 480
procedures and scheduling 475
process selection and WPS qualification 476
procurement scheduling 477
product design 475
production volume 475Index Terms Links
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Automated and robotic welding (Cont.)
quality control 477
selection of welding equipment 476
training requirements, recommended 479
weld development and testing program 476
welding standards 476
workpiece tolerances 461 475
Automated arc welding 461 475
See also Automated welding; Robotic arc
welding systems.
feeding devices 463
power sources 462
seam-tracking systems 462
system components 462
system controller 462
welding interface 462
welding schedules 462
welding torches 462
Automated welding 458
See also Automated arc welding; Robotic arc
welding systems.
advantages of 460
automated arc welding 461
conversion to 476
definition of 452
fundamentals 459
limitations 461
resistance welding automation 463
robotic arc welding 467
robotic resistance welding 473
robotic welding 467
Automation 458
application 459Index Terms Links
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Automation (Cont.)
definition of 458
fixturing and tooling 459 468
integration of 477
fundamentals of 474
justification for automatic equipment 459
manufacturing considerations 459
Automation, arc welding 461
See also Automation; Automated welding.
equipment 462
seam tracking systems 462
Automation, resistance welding 463
See also Automation; Automated welding.
ancillary equipment 466
applications 463
controls 465
description of 463
input/output communication 466
interface between components 466
microcomputer controls 465
monitoring devices 466
monitoring equipment 466
production rates 464
quality control 467
spot welding guns 465
spot welding machines 465
welding cycle 464 465
welding electrodes 465
welding system components 465
Automation, welding. See also Automated welding;
Automation; Automation, arc welding;
Automation, resistance welding.
fixturing 459Index Terms Links
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Automation, welding (Cont.)
flexibility 475
process variables 480
production considerations 475
safety and health 479
safety standards for 479
Automotive welding standards 705
AWS. See American Welding Society.
AWWA. See American Water Works Association.
Backing left on 544
Bainite 124
Base metal 140 642
cracking of 550
Bend tests 260
description of 260
fixtures for 260
guided bend test 260
longitudinal bend tests 260
qualification by 260
test specimens for 260
transverse bend tests 261
Beryllium 149
Brazed and soldered joints, corrosion in 154
stress-corrosion cracking 154
stress-corrosion cracking, procedures to reduce 154
stresses, cold-forming 154
Braze welding (BW) 42
applications 42
description of 42
Brazed or soldered joint, the 151
advantages 151
alloys, brazing and soldering 153Index Terms Links
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Brazed or soldered joint, the (Cont.)
beryllium 153
brazing filler metals 151 153
cadmium-silver alloy solder 154
cadmium-zinc alloy solder 154
contaminants 152
disadvantages 151
intergranular penetration of 153
intermetallic compound formation 152 153
intrusion in 153
metallurgical considerations 151
molybdenum and tungsten, brazing of 153
niobium, brazing of 153
operations 151
process variations 152
properties of 152
soldering alloys 153
tantalum, brazing of 153 154
tin-copper-silver alloy solder 154
tin-lead alloy solder 154
tin-silver alloy solder 154
wetting of base metal 152
Brazing 37
See also Brazing symbols; Joining
Process(es); Soldering.
description of 37
Brazing and soldering 34
advantages 36
discontinuities associated with 569
similarities of 35
Brazing procedure specifications (BPS) 660
Brazing symbols 381
See also Welding symbols.Index Terms Links
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Brazing symbols (Cont.)
brazed joints 381
letter designations for 381
Brinell hardness test 256
British Standards Institute (BSI) 575
Brittle failures 163
BSI. See British Standards Institute.
Buckling 173
Burn-through 544
BW. See Braze welding.
CAC-A. See Air carbon arc cutting.
Canadian Standards Association International (CSA) 581 695
publications 696
Capital investment, justification of 514
automated and robotic systems, advantages of 516
combined operations 516
cost benefit factors 514
cost forecast factors 514
deposition efficiency, improved 516
improved throughput 517
improvement factor, overall 516
installation costs 515
material handling 515
manufacturing, agile 516
manufacturing options 516
operation factors, improved 516
production volume estimates 514
safety 515
special requirements 514
weld joint design, efficient 516
workpiece accuracy 515
workpiece geometry 515Index Terms Links
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Carbon arc welding (CAW) 537
Cascade soldering (CS) 41
CAW. See Carbon arc welding.
Center of gravity 405 411
CEN. See European Committee for Standardization.
CGA. See Compressed Gas Association.
Charpy V-notch impact test 263
Cobalt alloys 145
Codes. See Codes and Other Standards; Standards.
Codes and other standards 684
definition of terms 684
guidelines for participating in national standards 708
standards-developing organizations and
welding-related publications 685
supplementary reading list 709
types of regulatory documents 684
Cold welding (CW) 27 357
Cold working 121 619
Columbium 147
Compressed Gas Association (CGA) 696 733 735
publications 696
Compressed gas cylinders 733
See also Compressed gases, handling of.
cylinder safety device 737
filling cylinders and mixing gases 733
gas withdrawal 734
labeling 733
pressure-relief devices 734
securing 733
storage 733 734
storage precautions 733
usage 733
valve protection cap 734
valves, cylinder 734Index Terms Links
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Compressed gases, safe handling of 733
See also Compressed gas cylinders.
flowmeter(s) 735
fuel gases 735
manifolds 734 735
oxygen 735
piping systems 735
regulators 735
storage and usage 733
regulator(s), pressure-reducing 735
regulator adaptors 735
Concavity 540 544
Conductance and convection, relative importance of 108
cooling rates 110
solidification structure, simple features of 110
variable penetration 109
Consumable guide electroslag welding (ESW-CG) 34 35
advantages 34
applications 34
description of 34
electrodes 34
Continuous cooling transformation diagrams 125
Convexity 540 544
Copper alloys 44
Corner joints 195
Corrosion fatigue 277
Corrosion properties 168
See also Corrosion resistance; Corrosion testing
of welded joints.
Corrosion resistance 166
Corrosion testing of welded joints 277
factors influencing 277
general corrosion 279Index Terms Links
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Corrosion testing of welded joints (Cont.)
preferential corrosion 277 279
salt spray testing 279
surface preparation 278
test methods 278
visual inspection of specimens 278 279
weight-loss test 279
Cost control, welding 517
consumable electrodes, advantages of 519
eliminating operations 520
field welding 521
joint design 517
manageable costs 517
manufacturing, guides for 521
mistake-proofing 518
overwelding 522
process selection 518
production planning, guidelines for 520
quality costs, hidden 521
quality factors 521
supporting activities 521
unforeseen costs 521
weldment design 517
welding procedures 492 521
Cost estimating, welding 485
deposited metal weights 486 492
deposition efficiency 492 549
deposition rate 492
gas 492
labor 495
miscellaneous workplace time, definition of 495
operator factor, the 495
standards preparation 497Index Terms Links
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Cost estimating, welding (Cont.)
typical variables used 485
welding procedure specification (WPS), use of 485
Cracking 544
base metal 549 550
causes and remedies 551
factors affecting 549
hydrogen-induced 550
in solid-state welds 568
measurement of residual stress by 318
resistance to 549
stress corrosion 313
under hostile conditions 313
weld metal 549
Cracks 544 600
base metal 549
causes and remedies 549 550
cold cracking 550
crater 546 547
delayed 550
face 546 547
heat-affected zone (HAZ) 546
hydrogen effects 550
in brazed and soldered joints 571
indications of 600
longitudinal 545 546 547
root 547 548
root surface 547 548
throat 547 548
toe 547 548
transverse 545 547 548
underbead 547 550
weld interface 547Index Terms Links
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Cracks (Cont.)
weld metal 547 548 549
Creep, definition of 165
Creep rate(s) 165
Creep-rupture of metals 165
Creep and rupture testing 280
Cryogenic cylinders and tanks 737
Cryogenic liquids 737
Cryogenic piping systems 735
CS. See Cascade soldering.
CSA. See Canadian Standards Association.
Cutting processes 42
See also Thermal cutting;
Oxyfuel gas cutting; Plasma arc cutting; Air
carbon arc cutting; Laser beam cutting; Water jet
CW. See Cold welding.
Cyclic loading 164
DB. See Dip brazing.
Delamination 540 559
Depth of fusion, definition of 564
Design for welding 158
aluminum structures 226
bibliography 237
considerations 170
equations 171
introductory overview 158
major factors 167
objectives 158
selection of weld type 193
sizing of steel welds 196
supplementary reading list 237Index Terms Links
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Design for welding (Cont.)
tubular connections 216
welded joints 182
Destructive tests. See Inspection plan; Nondestructive
examination; Proof testing; Spot welds, tests of.
macroscopic examination 633
metallographic examination 633
microscopic examination 634
Detonation flame spraying (DFSP) 48
DFSP. See Detonation flame spraying.
DFW. See Diffusion welding.
Diffusion brazing 39
Diffusion welding (DFW) 25 57 65
description of 25
discontinuities associated with 537
energy sources 65
equipment 25
mechanisms for 65
Dip brazing (DB) 39
Dip soldering (DS) 41
Direct drive friction welding 24
Discontinuities, brazed and soldered joints 569
acceptance limits 569
base metal erosion 571
cracks 571
discontinuities, common 569
discontinuous fillets 571
flux entrapment 571
lack of fill 570
surface appearance, unsatisfactory 571
Discontinuities, fusion welds 538 599
arc craters 539
arc strike 539 544Index Terms Links
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Discontinuities, fusion welds (Cont.)
backing left on 539 544
base metal 558
burn-through 539 544
causes and remedies 549
characteristics of 538
classification of 538
concavity 539 540 544
convexity 539 540 544
cracks 539 540 544 600
crater crack 540 546
definition of 539
delamination 540 559
design-related 539
discontinuity indications, relevant 607
dimensional discrepancies 559
distortion 559 560
face 546
flux inclusions 551
geometric factors 552
heat-affected-zone cracks 546 551
hydrogen, effect of 555
inclusions, slag and tungsten 540 550 559
incomplete joint penetration 540 553 600 624
incomplete fusion 539 540 552 600 624
incorrect joint preparation 559
lamellar tear 539 559
laminar discontinuities 627
laminations 558
laps and seams 559
location and occurrence of 539
longitudinal 546
melt-through 539 544Index Terms Links
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Discontinuities, fusion welds (Cont.)
metallurgical 538
overlap 539 554
overview of 536
oxide film 539 555
oxide inclusions 552
porosity 539 540 555 599
porosity, aligned 539 540 555
porosity, causes of 555
porosity, cluster 539 540 555
porosity, elongated 539 540 555
porosity, piping 539 540 555
porosity, scattered 539 540 555
procedure and process related 538
root 548
root surface 548
slag, entrapped 552
slag inclusions 552
spatter 539 556
surface irregularities 556
terms, definition of 580
throat 548
toe 548
transverse 548
tungsten inclusions 550
underbead 546
undercut 540 557 600
underfill 540 558 661
weld joint mismatch 539 560
weld joint properties, inadequate 561
weld metal 548 551
weld profile 560
weld reinforcement, excessive 550
weld size, incorrect 560Index Terms Links
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Discontinuities, resistance welds 562
common 562
depth of fusion 564
discontinuities, internal 565
ductility, incorrect 564
expulsion 566
incomplete joint penetration 564
incorrect strength 564
sheet separation, excessive 566
surface appearance, undesirable 562
weld quality indicators 562
weld quality, maintaining consistent 566
weld size, incorrect 563
welding procedure specifications (WPS), factors
addressed 566
Discontinuities, solid state welds 567
cracking 568
decarbonization 569
fibrous metallurgical structures 569
flat spots 569
oxidation, intergranular 568
solid state weld discontinuities, common 567
upset, insufficient 567
void, inclusions, in welds 569
weld joint mismatch 567
Dissimilar metal welds 166
Distortion, control of 299 351
assembly procedure 352
correction of 353
design factors 352
elastic prestraining 353
mechanical straightening 354
preheating 353
thermal methods 351Index Terms Links
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Distortion, steel vs. aluminum 350
longitudinal bending 347
angular change, fillet welds 350
transverse shrinkage, butt joints 350
longitudinal distortion 350
Distortion, weld 298 328
angular change and distortion, relationship of 340
angular change, butt joints 337
angular change, fillet weld 339
angular distortion, aluminum vs. steel fillet welds 343
angular distortion, butt joints 343 353
angular distortion, fillet welds 339
angular distortion, minimization of 337
bending distortion, induced longitudinal shrinkage 343
bibliography 354
buckling distortion 347
butt joint, longitudinal shrinkage 337
butt joints 337
butt joints, transverse shrinkage in 328
fillet welds 336 339
fillet welds, transverse shrinkage in 336
fundamental dimensional changes 328
joint restraint 330
longitudinal shrinkage 337
multipass welding 332
residual stress, reduction of 300
supplementary reading list 356
transverse shrinkage 328 350
wavy 339
Distortion in butt joints 328
longitudinal shrinkage 337
longitudinal shrinkage, estimation of 337
procedure variables, effect on shrinkage 333Index Terms Links
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Distortion in butt joints (Cont.)
restraint, effect on transverse shrinkage 330
rotational distortion 330
transverse shrinkage 328
transverse shrinkage, effect of heat input on 336
transverse shrinkage, factors affecting 329
DOD. See U.S. Department of Defense.
DOE. See U.S. Department of Energy.
DOT. See U.S. Department of Transportation.
DS. See dip soldering.
EBW. See Electron beam welding.
Economics of brazing and soldering 524
assembly and fixturing 526
brazing costs, estimating and controlling 525
chemical compositions 525 526
cost control, steps in establishing solder 526
joint clearances 525 526
joint design 525
labor costs, soldering 526
material costs, soldering 526
precleaning and surface preparation 526
service requirements 526
soldering costs, estimating and controlling 526
type of joint 525
variables affecting costs, typical 525
Economics of resistance spot welding (RSW) 510
air cost, estimating 513
consumables costs, welding machine 512
cooling water costs, estimation of 513
cost model 510
cycle time, definition of 571
electrode replacement costs, calculation of 513Index Terms Links
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Economics of resistance spot welding (RSW) (Cont.)
manufacturing costs, factors involved in 510
overhead ratio 510
power costs, estimating 513
spot welding machine cycle time, estimating 511
total spot welding time calculation 514
total wear costs 513
Economics of thermal cutting 530
capital costs 530
controlling costs 530
cutting processes 530
estimating costs 530
implementing plan 530
Economics of welding 485
bill of materials 486
estimating direct costs 498
estimating labor hours 496
filler metal deposition rate 492
labor costs, direct 485 495
manufacturing costs 485
materials estimates 486
operator factor 496
overhead, factory 498
standards development 497
supplemental requirements for consumables 492
Economics of welding and cutting 484
bibliography 531
capital investment, automation and robotics 514
control of welding costs 517
cost estimate, the 484
estimating cycle time 501
general overview 484
supplementary reading list 531Index Terms Links
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Eddy current examination 625
advantages 627
applications 626
coils 626
coils, electromagnetic properties of 626
coils, impedance 626
cracks, effect of 625 626
depth of penetration 627
description 625
eddy currents, properties of 626
limitations 627
skin effects 626
theory 625
Edison Welding Institute (EWI) 679
Effective throat 195 201
EGW. See Electrogas welding.
Electric resistance welding 21
See also Upset welding.
Electrical conductivity 166
Electrical safety 738
electric shock 738 741
equipment, modification and maintenance 738
equipment selection 739
grounding, work lead vs. grounding lead 739
operations, safe 740
modification procedures, equipment 741
multiple arc operations 741
sources of electric shock 738
special precautions, pacemaker wearers 741
training program 738
welding operations 739 740
Electrogas welding (EGW) 13
applications 14Index Terms Links
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Electrogas welding (EGW) (Cont.)
deposition rates 14
description of 13
electrodes 13
equipment 13
Electromagnetic examination 624
See also Eddy current examination.
advantages 627
calibration standards 625
eddy current examination 625
description 624
limitations 627
procedures 624
quality standards 625
theory of 624
variables, metallurgical 624
variables, physical 624
Electron beam welding (EBW) 29
absorption efficiency in 93
advantages 30
description of 29
discontinuities associated with 537
efficiency 31 93
equipment 29
limitations 30
monitoring and control systems 442
process variations 30
safe practices 747 33
Electroslag welding (ESW) 33
advantages 33
applications 33
consumable guide method 34
deposition rates 33Index Terms Links
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Electroslag welding (ESW) (Cont.)
description of 33
discontinuities associated with 537
electrodes for 33
equipment 33
Elevated-temperature tests 280
See also Creep testing; Creep-rupture testing.
creep data 280
creep-rupture phenomena 280
creep-rupture properties 280
creep-rupture testing 280
defining creep-rupture properties 280
Larson-Miller parameter 281
metallurgical reactions during creep tests 280
parameters for creep-rupture testing 281
preparation of test specimens 280
primary creep 280
stages of creep 280
stress-rupture curves 280
test machines 280
test methods 280
test specimens 280
time-temperature phenomenon 280
types of tests 280
Energy input 53
Energy sources for welding 57
arc welding, for 58
chemical sources 60
electrical sources 57
electroslag welding, for 60
mechanical sources 63
oxyfuel gas welding, for 60
resistance welding, for 58
thermite welding 61Index Terms Links
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ERW. See Electric resistance welding.
ESW. See Electroslag welding.
ESW-CG. See Consumable guide electroslag welding.
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) 697 700
Explosion welding (EXW) 26
description of 27
discontinuities associated with 537
energy sources, mechanical 64
safe practices 749
EWI. See Edison Welding Institute (EWI).
Excessive sheet separation, definition of 566
EXW. See Explosion welding.
Fatigue failure 162
Fatigue fractures 203
Fatigue life 162
Fatigue strength of aluminum structures 234
Fatigue testing 272
corrosion fatigue 277
cover plates, effect of 274
crack growth rate 272 273 277
definition of 272
fatigue crack 272
fatigue life 272
fatigue variables 273
fundamentals 272
Paris law 273
progressive failure 272
rate of crack growth 274
specimen geometry, effect of 275
stress range, effect of 273 277
surface conditions, effect of 275
surface discontinuities, effect of 275Index Terms Links
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Fatigue testing (Cont.)
test methods 276
weld reinforcement, effect of 275
weld soundness, effect of 275
welded versus rolled beams, fatigue life of 273
FCAW. See Flux cored arc welding.
Federal standards 699
Filler metal specifications 705
Fillet weld(s) 191
Fillet weld(s), skewed 191
Fillet weld applications 191
Fillet welds, single 191
Fillet weld size 191
Fillet weld strength 191
Fillet welds, double 191
Fire prevention and protection 741
Fire prevention, clothing 730
Fitness for service 575
fracture mechanics, linear elastic 575
published standards 575
Fixtures 396 476
applications 399
arrangement, three-piece 403
arrangement, two-piece 402
applications 401
basic design requirements 397
benefits 396
clamping and holding systems 398
clamping device factors 396
definition of 396
design and manufacture 396
design, electrical 397
design requirements 397Index Terms Links
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Fixtures (Cont.)
holding fixtures 401
precision 401
production 397
purposes 396
robotic welding 401
safety considerations 397
seam welding 400
standard components for 397
tacking 399 400
tooling, modular 398
Flame spraying (FLSP) 47
See also Thermal spraying.
Flash welding (FW) 20 537
applications 20
description of 20
Fluorescent penetrant testing. See Liquid penetrant
Flux cored arc welding (FCAW) 13
applications 13
deposition efficiency 13
deposition rates 13
description of 13
discontinuities associated with 537
electrode extension 13
electrodes 13
electrode flux 13
equipment 13
gas-shielded (FCAW-G) 13
metal transfer 78
self-shielded (FCAW-S) 13
Focused heat sources 62
electron beam welding, for 63
laser beam welding, for 62Index Terms Links
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Forge welding (FOW) 22 537
Forming of parts 167
FOW. See Forge welding.
Fracture mechanics 164 262 572 574
Fracture mechanics evaluation of discontinuities 575
fitness for service 575
published standard 575
Fracture toughness 163 261
Fracture toughness testing 261
See also Fracture toughness tests, plainstrain; Charpy V-notch impact test.
ASTM specifications for 263 266
Charpy-V-notch tests 263
crack arrest tests 263
crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) 267
definition of 261
drop-weight-nil-ductility temperature 263 268
ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) 263
dynamic tear tests 266 270
elastic-plastic fracture mechanic (EPFM) toughness 267 268
fracture toughness tests 266
fundamentals 262
linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) 266
special problems 270
test methods for 262 263
test sequence 266
test specimens 268
Fracture toughness tests, plain-strain 266
definition of 261
special problems 270
specimen dimensions 263 266
temperature effects 265
test method 266Index Terms Links
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Friction welding (FRW) 22
direct drive 24
discontinuities associated with 537
energy sources, mechanical 23 63
equipment 23
inertia 24
monitoring and control of 445
process variations 24
safe practices 749
stir welding 24
stud welding 24
FRW. See Friction welding.
Fumes and gases 724
See also Safe practices; Ventilation.
arc voltage (length), effects of 726
arc welding 725
brazing and soldering 750
consumables, effects of 727
electron beam welding (EBW) 748
exposure factors 724
fume removal equipment, gun-mounted 279
gases generated 725
gases in confined spaces 730
generation rate factors 726
laser beam operations 749
low-allowable-limit materials 731
metal transfer effects 726
overexposure to 724
oxyfuel gas processes 727
protection against 724
resistance welding (RW) 727
respiratory protective equipment 724
shielding gas(es), effects of 724Index Terms Links
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Fumes and gases (Cont.)
sources of 725
sources, arc welding 725
sources of, metal transfer mode 726
thermal spraying 752
ventilation 724 727
water table 728
welding current, effects of 726
welding process, effects of 727
Furnace brazing, applications 37
Fusion welding 52
discontinuities associated with 538
Fusion welds 52
FW. See Flash welding.
Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) 10
buried arc 13
deposition rate 12
description of 10
discontinuities associated with 537
equipment 10
electrode extension 10
electrodes for 10
globular transfer 11
melting rates 79
metal transfer modes 11
pulsed spray 12
short circuiting transfer 11
shielding gases 10
spray transfer 11
Gas standards, welding 697
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 8
arc efficiency 90Index Terms Links
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Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) (Cont.)
description of 8
disadvantages 9
discontinuities associated with 537
electrodes 9
equipment 9
power sources 9
shielding gases 8
skill requirements 10
welding current, polarity of 9
GMAW. See Gas metal arc welding.
Groove-fillet weld combustion 194
Groove welds 189
complete joint penetration 190
partial joint penetration 190
GTAW. See Gas tungsten arc welding.
Hafnium 146
Hardenability 128
Hardness testing 256
ASTM test methods for 256 257
Brinell hardness test (HB) 256 257
conversion among scales 257
description of 256
Knoop hardness indenter 257
microhardness tests 256 257
portable Brinell test equipment 257
Rockwell hardness test (HR) 257
Vickers indenter 257
HAZ. See Heat-affected zone.
Heat-affected zone (HAZ) 135
cracking 549
description of 130 135Index Terms Links
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Heat-affected zone (HAZ) (Cont.)
evaluation of 285
hardenable alloys 138
precipitation hardening alloys 137
strength and toughness of 136
transformation of 136
Heat, conduction of, during fusion welding 97
cooling curves, weld metal 102
cooling rates 99
cooling rates, critical 101
heat-affected-zone width 105
heat conduction equations 98
peak temperature 102
preheat temperature in 102
solidification rate 205
Heat flow 88
See also Heat transfer.
arc efficiency 90 91
arc welding, absorption efficiency 89
bibliography 112
Bremsstrahlung absorption, calculation of 94
energy absorption 89
fundamentals 88
general overview 88
heat input 84
laser and electron beam welding, absorption
efficiency 93
weld pool 107
Heat transfer 88
See also Heat flow.
arc welding, heat deposition in 95 96
boundary conditions 95 96
buoyancy 78 107Index Terms Links
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Heat transfer (Cont.)
convective heat transfer 95
convective heat transfer, weld pool 105
driving forces 106
electromagnetic forces 107
emerging applications of 111
fundamentals 88
governing equations 95
heat deposition 96
Marangoni force 106
quantitative calculation of 95 111
thermal cycle 88
weld pool, convective heat transfer in 88 107
High-frequency upset welding (UW-HF) 21
See also Electric resistance welding.
description of 21
electrodes 21
induction coil 22
High-frequency welding, safe practices 747
Highway bridge specifications 686
High-power-density processes 28
IB. See Induction brazing.
IEC. See International Electrotechnical Commission.
IIW. See International Institute for Welding.
Inclusions 550
causes and remedies 551
flux 551
indications of 599
oxide 552
slag 552
tungsten 550
Incomplete fusion 539 540 552 600
Incomplete joint penetration 539 540 553 600 624Index Terms Links
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Inertia friction welding 24
Induction brazing (IB) 37
Induction soldering (IS) 41
Induction welding (IW) 537
Infrared brazing 39
Inspection 580
activities, inspection 582 587
definition of 580
plan 583 584
terms, quality assurance 580
Inspection, brazed and soldered joint 634
Inspection plan, the 583
sampling methods 583
selection of a plan 584
statistical sampling 583
Inspection symbols 385
all-around-symbol examination 391
area of examination 389
arrow significance 388
elements of 385
extent of examination 389
field examination 391
length, section 389
letter designations, NDE 388
location, NDE symbol 389
number of examinations 389
radiation, direction of 391
reference line 388
specification and codes 391
supplementary symbols 391
symbols, combination 393
tail 388
INS. See iron soldering.
Insufficient upset 567Index Terms Links
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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 700
International Institute for Welding 697 700 708
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 581 700
publications 701
IQI. See Radiography, image quality indicators.
Iron soldering (INS) 41
IS. See induction soldering.
ISO. See International Organization for
IW. See induction welding.
Jigs. See Fixtures.
Joining process(es) 2
See also Individual processes.
overview of 2
selection of 3
Keyhole weld 29
Lamellar tear(s) 547 559
Lamellar tearing 169 195 539
See also Lamellar tear.
Laminations 540 558 618
Laser beam cutting (LBC) 45
See also Laser beam
welding (LBW).
advantages 46
applications 45
drilling 46
equipment 46
hazards 748
safe practices 748Index Terms Links
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Laser beam welding (LBW) 32
See also Laser beam cutting (LBC).
description of 32
equipment 32
hazards 748
monitoring and control of 441
physics of 32
safe practices 32 748
LBC. See Laser beam cutting.
LBW. See Laser beam welding.
LEFM. See Linear-elastic fracture mechanics.
Lever law 120
Line, treating a weld as 209
Load and resistance factor design (LRFD) 173 196 201 211
Low temperature(s), effects of 164
Liquid penetrant examination 619
applications 619
cracks, surface 624
developers 621
developers, aqueous 621 623
developers, dry powder 623
developers, nonaqueous 623
drying after cleaning 621
drying of workpiece 623
emulsifiers 620
equipment 620
examination of parts 624
indications, developing 623
interpretation of indications 624
materials, required 620
methods 619
penetrant, application of 621
penetrant, removal of excess 621Index Terms Links
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Liquid penetrant examination (Cont.)
penetrant types 619 620
precleaning 621
postcleaning 624
procedures 621
procedures, ASTM standards for 621
Machine welding. See Mechanized welding.
Magnesium alloys 144
Magnetic fields, influence on arcs 71
See also Arc characteristics.
arc blow 71
arc deflection 71
eddy current, effect on 73
Fleming’s left-hand rule 71
Lorentz force 71
magnetic flux 71
magnetic materials, effect on 73
Magnetic particle examination 609
applications 611
banding 619
cold working 619
cracks, subsurface 618
cracks, surface 618
demagnetization 618
dry method 616
examination procedures 615
general process overview 609
incomplete fusion 618
incomplete joint penetration 618
indications, nonrelevant 618
indications, relevant discontinuity 618
laminations 618Index Terms Links
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Magnetic particle examination (Cont.)
limitations 611
magnetic characteristics 619
magnetic field orientation 612
magnetization, circular 612
magnetization, indirect 615
magnetization, localized 612
magnetization, longitudinal 612
magnetization, prod 612
magnetization, residual 617 619
magnetizing current amount 616
magnetizing current types 615
porosity 618
recording results 617
seams 618
selection, inspection and methods 616
sequencing operations 616
slag inclusions 618
surface condition effects 619
undercut 618
wet method 616 617
yoke method 615
Manual welding 452
Material safety data sheet, sample 715
Marine welding standards 694
Martensite 124
Mechanical properties 159
See also Properties of metals; Corrosion properties.
crack growth 162
creep 165
creep rupture 165
ductile-to-brittle transition 164
ductility 162Index Terms Links
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Mechanical properties (Cont.)
elastic limit 160
elevated-temperature properties 165
endurance limit 162
fatigue life 162
fatigue limit 162
fatigue strength 162
fatigue stress range 203
fracture safe analysis 163
fracture toughness 164
low temperature 164
modulus of elasticity 160
notch-bar impact-test(s) 164
plastic deformation 163
stress-strain diagram 161
tensile strength 161
toughness testing 164
ultimate tensile strength (UTS) 161
yield strength 161
Young’s modulus 160
See also Modulus of elasticity.
Mechanized, automated, and robotic welding 451
See also Automated welding; Mechanized
welding; Robotic welding.
automated welding 458
bibliography 482
general description 452
mechanized welding 453
planning for 467
robotic welding 467
Mechanized welding 453
See also Automated welding; Robotic welding.
definition of 452Index Terms Links
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Mechanized welding (Cont.)
general description 453
feeding mechanisms 454
power source 454
specialized welding machines 457
system components 454
travel devices 454
variables, controlled 453
welding carriages 454
welding head manipulators 457
welding positioners 457
Melting rates 78
See also Metal transfer.
cold cathode 79
definition 78
general control variables 79
gas metal arc welding 79
resistance heating, contribution to 79
shielded metal arc welding 81
submerged arc welding 81
thermionic compounds, effect on 79
welding current, effect on 79
Melt-through 544
See also Burn-through.
Metallurgy, physical 116
age hardening 130
allotropic transformation 119
alloys 117
austenite 122
austenite decomposition 124 127
austenite grain size 128
austenite to ferrite, transformation of 123
austenization by welding process, steel 126Index Terms Links
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Metallurgy, physical (Cont.)
bainite 124
cold working 121
constitution diagram 119
continuous cooling transformation diagrams 125
copper-nickel alloy system 119 120
cementite 123
critical temperatures 119
crystal lattice 116
crystalline structure of metals 116
decomposition products of austenite 122
deformation of metals, effects of 121
delta ferrite 122
delta ferrite to austenite, transformation of 123
equilibrium diagram 119
eutectic point 121
grain boundaries 227
grain structure, other changes in 129
hardenability 128
heat-affected zone (HAZ) 119 126
heat treatment of metals, effects of 121
interstitial alloying 117
interstitial solid solution 117
iron, alpha 122
iron and steel, phase transformations 122
iron-carbon system 122
isothermal transformation diagrams 124 127
lattice structure, body-centered-cubic 116
lattice structure, face-centered-cubic 116
lattice structure, hexagonal-close packed 116
liquidus 119
martensite 124
martensite transformation 125Index Terms Links
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Metallurgy, physical (Cont.)
martensite start temperature (Ms) 128
martensite, tempering of 128
metallography 128
mechanical properties, alloy 119
microstructure, alloy 119
microstructure, deformed metal 121
multiphase alloys 118
pearlite 123
phase diagrams 119
phase diagrams, application of Lever Law to 120
phase diagrams, two component systems 119
phase transformations 119
phase transformations, iron and steel 122
precipitation hardening 130
quenched and tempered steels 129
recovery 121
recrystallization 121
silver-copper system 120
solidus 119
solutes 117
solvents 117
strain hardening 121
structure of metals 116
substitutional solid-solution alloy 117 121
tempered martensite 128
tempering, effects of 129
time-temperature-transformation (TTT) diagrams 124
transformation of austenite, factors affecting 127
Metallurgy of welding 141
weld interface diffusion 126
Metallographic examination 633
macroscopic examination 633
microscopic examination 634Index Terms Links
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Metal transfer 73
See also melting rate.
active gases, effect on 76
argon, effect of polarity in 74
electrode negative 75
electrode positive 74
flux cored arc 78
gas metal arc 75
globular 73
other gases, effect of 76
physics of 74
pinch effect 74
pulsed current transfer 76
rotary arc 75
shielding gases, effect on 76
short circuiting 76
spray 73 74
spray, axial 74
submerged arc 77
transition current 74
Methods. See Standards.
MIG welding. See Flux cored arc welding; Gas metal
arc welding.
Military specifications 699
Mine Safety and Health Association (MSHA). See U.S.
Mine Safety and Health Administration.
Modulus of elasticity 160
Molybdenum 148
Moment of inertia 172
Monitoring and control, principles of 422 423
distributing input variables 423
manipulated input variables 422
process response variables 423Index Terms Links
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Monitoring and control, process control systems 429
closed-loop control 430
definition, controller 429
definition, process control 429
open-loop control 429
Monitoring and control, process instrumentation 427
data displays 429
data recorders and loggers 429
Monitoring and control, process monitoring systems 427
Monitoring and control, sensing devices 423
acoustic pick-up transducer 427
capacitive sensors 427
definition of 423
design of 425
electric potentiometer 427
camera, thermal imaging 425
characteristics 424
electric current 426
electric potential 427
encoders 427
current shunt resistor 426
differential transformers, variable 427
flow meters, differential pressure 426
flow meters, mechanical 426
flow rate 426
force measurements 425
Hall-effect current sensor 426
inductive sensors 427
load cells 425 426
optical displacement sensors 427
optical pyrometers 425
photon detectors 425
physical properties sensed 424Index Terms Links
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Monitoring and control, sensing devices (Cont.)
potentiometers, linear and rotary 427
pressure sensors, diaphragm type 425
pressure sensors, displacement 425
pressure sensors, piezoelectric type 426
process voltage 427
radiation sensors 427
resistive-temperature device (RTD) 425
synchros and resolvers 427
temperature measurement 424
thermistors 425
thermocouples 425
time measurement 424
toroid (Ragowski) coil 426
ultrasonic ranging sensors 427
units of measure 424
Monitoring and control, welding and joining processes 422
bibliography 448
general overview of 422
monitoring and control systems 431
principles of 422
process control systems 429
process monitoring systems 429
sensing devices 423
supplementary reading list 448
Monitoring and control systems, arc welding 431
See also Monitoring and control systems, brazing
processes; Electron beam welding; Friction
welding; Laser beam welding; resistance
arc elements, spectrographic analysis of 437
arc length and voltage control 432 436
basic process variables, control of 432Index Terms Links
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Monitoring and control systems, arc welding (Cont.)
fill control, adaptive 434
joint finding 433
joint tracking 433
joint tracking, mechanical probe 433 435
joint tracking, through-arc-sensing 433
monitoring systems 431
other sensing devices 434
thermal cycle and cooling rate control 436
touch sensing 433
weld geometry, control of 436
Monitoring and control systems, brazing processes 447
See also Monitoring and control systems,
arc welding; Electron beam welding; Friction
welding; Laser beam welding; Resistance welding.
atmosphere control in 448
general description 447
time-temperature control in 447
vacuum control in 448
Monitoring and control systems, electron beam welding 442
See also Monitoring and control systems: Arc
welding; Brazing processes; Friction welding;
Laser beam welding; resistance welding.
beam deflection patterns 443
beam diagnostics devices 443
computer numeric control (CNC) 442
control systems for 442
graphs, beam density profile 443
monitoring systems for 442
power supplies, high-frequency (switch-mode style) 445
seam tracking, real time 443
secondary electron emission sensing (SEES) 445
tracking and misalignment, correction for 445Index Terms Links
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Monitoring and control systems, electron
beam welding (Cont.)
typical diagnostic systems 443
Monitoring and control systems, friction welding 445
See also Monitoring and control
systems, arc welding; Electron beam welding;
Laser beam welding; Resistance welding.
process description 445
process monitors for 445
sensors, displacement 446
sensors used for 446
variables monitored 447
Monitoring and control systems, laser
beam welding 441
See also Monitoring and control
systems, arc welding; Brazing processes;
Friction welding; Electron beam welding;
Resistance welding.
beam-material interaction 441
beam mode monitoring 441
focus position control 441
general description 441
joint finding 442
joint tracking 442
penetration control 442
thermal control 442
Monitoring and control systems,
resistance welding 437
See also Monitoring and control
systems, arc welding; Friction welding; Electron
beam welding; Laser beam welding.
electrode cooling, monitoring 440
electrode displacement, monitoring and measurement 440Index Terms Links
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Monitoring and control systems,
resistance welding (Cont.)
electrode force 439
impedance meters, commercially available 438
projection welding (PW) 439
resistance measurement, bridge-type 438
resistance to current flow 439
secondary loop current 437
secondary loop current, control of 438
secondary loop, resistance and impedance sensors 438
sensors, welding electrode 439
sensors, digital welding electrode 439
sensors, variable 437 439
sensors, welding force 439
voltage measurement 438
weld controllers, closed-loop 438
welding current 437
welding force, measurement of 440
MSHA. See U.S. Mine Safety and Health
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Inspectors (NBBPVI) 638 703
publications 703
National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 708 739
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 703 739 745 698
publications 704
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) 723
NBBPVI. See National Board of Boiler and Pressure
Vessel Inspectors.
NRC. See Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Index Terms Links
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NEMA. See National Electric Manufacturers
NFPA. See National Fire Protection Association.
Nickel alloys 144
Niobium 147
See also Columbium.
NIOSH. See National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health.
Nondestructive examination 584
See also Inspection symbols; Proof testing.
definition of 584
acoustic emission testing 586
electromagnetic examination 586 624
general description 584
liquid penetrant examination 586 619
magnetic particle examination 586 609
metallographic examination 284
methods 584
proof testing 630
radiographic examination 586 589
ultrasonic examination 586 602
visual examination 586 584
Nondestructive inspection. See Nondestructive
Nondestructive testing. See Nondestructive
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 676 698
OAW. See Oxyacetylene welding.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 712 729
General Industry Standards 712
Hazard Communication Standard 713
management support 713Index Terms Links
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Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) (Cont.)
Occupational Safety and Health Act 712 714
regulations, fumes and gases 724
requirements, personal protective equipment 719
training, safety program 714
OFW. See Oxyfuel gas welding.
OHW. See Oxyhydrogen welding.
OSHA. See Occupational Safety and Health
Other welding and joining processes 28
adhesive bonding 34
description of 28
electron beam welding (EBW) 29
electroslag welding (ESW) 33
laser beam welding (LBW) 32
Outgassing 31
Overlap 539 540 554
Overwelding 522
Oxide film 539 555
Oxyacetylene welding (OAW) 61 537
Oxyfuel gas cutting (OFC) 43
See also Oxyfuel gas
welding (OFW).
applications 44
description of 43
safe practices 720
skill requirements 44
torches 44
Oxyfuel gas welding (OFW) 27
See also Oxyfuel gas
cutting (OFC).
acetylene combustion 28Index Terms Links
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Oxyfuel gas welding (OFW) (Cont.)
applications 27
description of 28
equipment 28
flame temperatures 28
fuel gases 28 736
safe practices 720 736
types of flame 28
welding procedure specifications 651 654
Oxygen-enriched atmospheres 732
Oxyhydrogen welding (OHW) 537
Part preparation 167
PAC. See Plasma arc cutting.
PAW. See Plasma arc welding.
Pearlite 123
Percussion welding (PEW) 537
Performance qualification 668
brazing positions for 667
limitation of variables 669
qualification requirements 669
Performance qualification, nondestructive examination
(NDE) personnel 676
acceptance criteria 678
operator qualification, Level 1 676
operator qualification, Level 2 678
operator qualification, Level 3 678
welding inspectors 678
welding inspectors, AWS certified 678
Performance qualification, brazing and
brazing operator 673
acceptance criteria 673
performance qualification test record 675Index Terms Links
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Performance qualification, brazing and
brazing operator (Cont.)
qualification by specimen test 673
qualification by visual examination 673
qualification variables 673
standards, brazing 673
Performance qualification, thermal spray operators 675
acceptance criteria 675
Performance qualification, welder and welding
operator 668
duration of qualification 673
filler metals 669
joint backing 670
limitation of variables 669
performance qualification record, sample 674
qualification records 673
technique 670
test coupon thickness 670
test specimens 670
testing of qualification welds 673
welding positions 670
Permissible exposure limits (PEL) 732
Personal protective equipment (PPE) 719
adhesive bonding 752
process-specific requirements 720
PEW. See Percussion welding.
PFI. See Pipe Fabrication Institute.
PGW. See Pressure gas welding.
Phase diagrams 119
Phase transformations 119 122
Physical properties 165
coefficient of thermal expansion 82 166
density 82Index Terms Links
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Physical properties (Cont.)
electrical conductivity 166
electrical resistivity 82
ionization potential 83
melting temperature 165
metal oxides, relative stability of 83
oxidation potential of metals 82
physical properties of gases 81
specific heat of metals 82
thermionic work function 83
thermal conductivity 82 165
thermal contraction 166
Physics of welding 52
See also Energy sources; Arc
characteristics; Metal transfer; Melting rates;
Physical properties.
arc efficiency 54
energy input 53
fusion welds 52
heat sources for welding 53
heat transfer efficiency 53
melting efficiency 54
supplementary reading list 84
Physics of welding and cutting 52
See also Energy sources; Arc characteristics;
Metal transfer; Melting rates; Physical properties;
Physics of welding.
arc characteristics 67
bibliography 84
energy sources for welding 57
fusion and solid-state welding 52
melting rates 78
metal transfer 73Index Terms Links
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Physics of welding and cutting (Cont.)
physical properties of metals and shielding gases 81
supplementary reading list 84
Pipe Fabrication Institute (PFI) 685 704
publications 704
Plasma arc cutting (PAC). 43
See also Plasma arc
welding (PAW).
description of 44
torches for 45
Plasma arc welding (PAW) 15
See also Plasma are cutting (PAC)
applications 15
description of 15
discontinuities associated with 537
equipment 15
keyhole welding technique 15
microplasma (needle arc) welding 16
process variations 15
shielding gas 15
Plasma arc spraying (PSP) 47
Porosity 539 540 618 624
aligned 539 540 555
causes 555
cluster 539 540 555
elongated 539 540 555
indications of 599
piping 539 540 555
scattered 539 540 555
Positioners, general 403 457
See also Positioners for robotic welding; Positioners,
center of gravity 411Index Terms Links
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Positioners, general (Cont.)
definition 403
economic considerations 419
general overview 403
safety considerations 418
technical considerations 411
tractive effort 415
work-lead connection 417
Positioners for robotic welding 409
See also Positioners, general; Positioners for robotic
welding; Positioners, tilting-rotating.
Positioners, tilting-rotating 407
See also Positioners,
general; Positioners for robotic welding.
drop-center 407
Positioning and positioners, economic considerations 419
deposition rates 419
operator factor and set-up costs 419
welding skill 419
Positioning and positioners, safety considerations 418
avoiding instability 418
environmental interference 418
fastening loads 418
other safe practices 418
Positioning and positioners, technical considerations 411
attachment, weldment-to-positioner 416
center of gravity 411
center of gravity, calculating 414
center of gravity, finding by experimentation 414
positioners, welding robot applications 409
rating tables, positioner 413
work-lead connection 409 417Index Terms Links
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Positioning and positioners, weldment types 404
creep, turning-roll mismatch 405
drop-center tilting positioners 408
headstock and tailstock positioners 405
headstock and tailstock positioners, applications 406
headstock and tailstock positioners, features and
accessories 406
powered-elevation positioners 409
special positioners 409
stability of 405
tilting-rotating positioners 407
turning rolls 404
turning rolls, applications 405
turning rolls, stability 405
turning rolls, tractive effort 415
turntable positioners 407 410
turntable positioners, applications,
turntable positioners, features and accessories,
Postweld heat treatment 589
Pressure gas welding (PGW) 28 537
Pressure piping, code for 690
Procedure qualifications, brazing 660
base metals, brazing 663
brazing filler metals 663
brazing positions 663
brazing procedures 660
brazing procedure qualification record (PQR) 660
brazing standards 663
Procedure qualifications, welding 657
See also Procedure specifications; Welding
procedure specifications.
basic steps involved in 657
making changes in prequalified procedures 660Index Terms Links
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Procedure qualifications, welding (Cont.)
methods of 660
mock-up tests 657
preparation of sample joints 657
preparation of resistance welding specimen 660
prequalified joint welding procedures 657
procedure qualification record (PQR) 639 658
purpose of 655
qualification tests 657
recording test results 658
resistance welding procedures 660
testing of procedure qualification welds 658
testing resistance welding specimens 660
testing techniques for 658
tests 657
Procedure specifications 641
See also Procedure
arc welding 641
prequalification 641
records 651
typical variables 642
weld procedure specification 642
Procedure specifications, arc welding processes 641
arc voltage 644
ASME qualification standards 642 647
base metal 642
contents of 641
current type and range 644
filler metal 642
heat input 647
joint design 644
joint preparation 644Index Terms Links
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Procedure specifications, arc welding processes (Cont.)
peening 647
postweld heat treatment (PWHT) 651
preheat and interpass temperature 646
second side preparation 647
scope of 642
tack welding 644
travel speed 644
welding current 644
welding details 644
welding positions 644
welding processes 642
welding procedure specification (WPS),
sample forms 651
Procedure specifications, brazing 655
brazing procedure forms, samples of 655
process information required 655
Procedure specifications, oxyfuel gas welding 651
content 651
fuel and oxygen pressure 654
fuel gas 651
joint design 654
joint preparation 654
tack welds 654
tip size 651
welding details 654
welding positions 654
Procedure specifications, resistance welding 654
base metal, composition and condition of 654
content of 654
electrodes, type and size 654
inspection details 655
joint design 654Index Terms Links
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Procedure specifications, resistance welding (Cont.)
machine settings 654
surface appearance 655
weld size and strength 655
welding processes 654
Projection welding (RPW) 19
advantages 19
description of 19
Proof testing 1630
See also Inspection.
Brinell hardness test 632
hardness testing 632
hydrostatic testing 630
leak testing 631
load testing 630
pneumatic testing 631
Rockwell hardness test 632
spin testing 631
stress relief, mechanical 631
vacuum box testing 631
Vickers hardness test 633
Properties of metals 158
corrosion properties 159 166
general classification 158
mechanical properties 159 160
nuclear 159
optical 159
physical properties 159 165
structure-insensitive 159 160
structure-sensitive 159
Protective eyewear 720
Protective clothing 722
body shields 722Index Terms Links
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Protective footwear 722
protective gloves 722
Special clothing 723
Protective equipment, personal (PPE) 719 748
eye, face, head protection 720
hand, foot, body protection 722
hearing protection 723
process specific requirements 720
respiratory protection 723
PSP. See Plasma arc spraying.
PW. See Projection welding.
Qualification and certification 638
See also Procedure specification; Procedure
qualification; Performance qualification.
bibliography 679
introduction 638
of brazing procedures 660
of nondestructive examination personnel 676
of welding procedures 638
performance qualification 639 668
procedure qualification record (PQR) 639
standardization of qualification requirements 678
supplementary reading list 680
thermal spray operators 675
welding and brazing procedures, qualification of 655
welding and brazing procedure specifications 640
welding procedure specification (WPS) 639
Qualification, personnel 581
certification programs 581
job responsibilities 582
physical, social, intellectual abilities 581
Quality, cost of 521 575
Quality of welds. See Weld quality.Index Terms Links
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Radiographic examination 589
See Radiography.
advantages and limitations 590 602
procedures 590
qualification, radiographer 590
safe practices in 601
weld discontinuities, identification of 590 599
Radiography 589
access control 602
advantages 591
description of 590
exposure technique 593
film processing 598
gamma rays 590
image quality indicators (IQI) 593
image quality requirements 593 595
interpretation 598
limitations 591
penetrameters 593
radiation monitoring 601
radiation sources, selection of 590
radiographer, qualification of 590
radiographic enlargement 593
radioisotopes 590
safe practices 601
standards, radiographic 598
test objective 591
view identification 598
viewing methods 593
X-rays 590
Radius of gyration 173
Railroad welding standards 686
RB. See Resistance brazing.Index Terms Links
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Recommended practices. See Standards.
Recrystallization 137
Residual stress(es) 298
See also Residual stress,
causes of; Residual stress, distribution in
weldments; Residual stress, effects of; Residual
stress, measurement of.
definition of 300
fundamentals 298
preheat, effect of 351
reduction of residual stress 299 351
Residual stress, nature and causes of 300
See also Residual stress(es); Residual stress
distribution in weldments; Residual stress, effects of;
Residual stress, measurement of.
equilibrium conditions 300
experimental results 302
formation of residual stress 300
macroscopic and microscopic 300
metal movement during welding 306
produced by unevenly distributed inelastic strain 304
residual and reactive stresses in weldments 307
structural mismatches 300
thermal stress, effect of 305
Residual stress, control of 351
See also Residual
stress(es); Residual stress distribution in
weldments; Residual stress, effects of; Residual
stress, measurement of.
postweld thermal treatment (PWTT) 351
preheating 351
reduction of residual stress 351
thermal methods for 351Index Terms Links
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Residual stress distribution in weldments 298 318
See also Residual stress(es); Residual stress,
causes of; Residual stress effects of; Residual stress,
measurement of.
aluminum weldments 321
beam and column shapes, welded 319
butt joints, welded 319
length, effect of 322
pipe, factors affecting 319
pipes, welded 319
plug welds 319
titanium weldments 321
welding process, effect of 324
welding sequence, effect on 326
width, effect of 324
Residual stress, effects of 308
See also Residual
stress(es); Residual stress, causes of; Residual
Stress, distribution in weldments; Residual stress,
measurement of.
brittle fracture under low applied stress 310
buckling under compressive loading 310
column buckling 310
columns under compressive loading 310
cracking 313
distribution of 309
environmental conditions, effect of 313
fatigue strength 312
hydrogen-induced cracking 313
plate and plate structures under compressive loading 312
summary of 310
types of fracture 310
weldments subject to tensile loading, changes in 309Index Terms Links
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Residual stress, effect of specimen size and weight on 313
See also Residual stress(es); Residual stress,
causes of; Residual stress effects of; Residual
stress, measurement of.
heavy weldments, in 324
longitudinal residual stress 322
specimen length, effect of 322
specimen width, effect of 324
transverse residual stress 322
Residual stress, effect of welding sequence on 325
Residual stress, measurement of 313
See also Residual stress(es); Residual stress,
causes of; Residual stress distribution in
weldments; Residual stress, effects of.
classification of techniques 314
cracking techniques 318
Gunnert technique 316
electrical-resistance strain gauges 315
hole drilling techniques 316
Mathar-Soete technique 316
neutron diffraction techniques 318
plate sectioning technique 315
Rosenthal-Norton sectioning technique 317
stress-relaxation techniques 314
X-ray diffraction techniques 318
Resistance brazing (RB) 38 537
Resistance projection welding (PW) 537
Resistance seam welding (RSEW) 19 537
Resistance spot welding (RSW) 18 537
Resistance stud welding 20
description of 20
Resistance Welders Manufacturers Association
(RWMA) 708Index Terms Links
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Resistance welding (RW) 18
applications 18
description of 18
discontinuities associated with 562
economics of 510
electrodes 18
equipment 18
monitoring and control 437
power requirements 18
process variables 18
safe practices 72 745
welding procedure specifications 654
Resistance weld strength tests 247
direct-tension test 250
peel test 250
pillow test (for seam welds) 254
tension-shear tests 249
torsion-shear tests 253
RIA. See Robotic Industries Association.
Robot, definition of 467
Robotic arc welding systems 467
See also Robotic welding; Robotic resistance welding.
common software options 470
equipment, testing and evaluating 477
integration of 477
load capacity 469
maintenance 472 480
motion capabilities 469
operating characteristics 469
peripheral equipment 468
productivity 471
program development 471
programming 471Index Terms Links
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Robotic arc welding systems (Cont.)
qualification of personnel 472
reliability 471
repeatability and accuracy 472
risk assessment guidelines 469 472
system components 468
Robotic Industries Association (RIA) 467 753
Robotic welding 467
See also Robotic arc
welding systems; Robotic resistance welding.
Robotic resistance welding systems 472
See also Robotic welding; Robots, resistance
welding. accuracy and repeatability 474
assembly program development 473
load capacity 473
maintenance 474
operating characteristics 473
reliability 474
types, resistance welding robots 473
working reach 473
Robots, resistance welding 473
See also Robots, arc welding.
accuracy and repeatability 474
load capacity 473
maintenance 474
reliability 474
types 473
Robots, arc welding 467
See also Robots, resistance welding.
articulated (jointed arm) 469
rectilinear 469
Rockwell hardness test (HR) 257
RPW. See Resistance projection welding.
RSEW. See Resistance seam welding.Index Terms Links
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RPW. See Resistance projection welding.
RSEW. See Resistance seam welding.
RSW. See Resistance spot welding.
RW. See Resistance welding.
RWMA. See Resistance Welders Manufacturers
SAE. See Society of Automotive Engineers.
SAW. See Submerged arc welding.
Seam welding, resistance 19
See also Resistance
description of 19
electrodes for 19
equipment 19
Safe practices 712
adhesive bonding 752
air sampling 732
air sampling, measurement of exposure 732
approved areas 742
equipment, selection of 739
confined spaces 729
containers, welding on 743
cryogenic cylinders and tanks 737
ear protection 72
electrical 738
electric shock prevention 738
equipment, approved 739
equipment selection 739
explosion prevention 743
eye protection 714 720 752
face protection 720
filter lenses 720Index Terms Links
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Safe practices (Cont.)
fire prevention 741
fire watcher posting 742
fire watchers 742
fuel gases 736
fuel gas fires 736
fuel gas fires, controlling 736
fuel gas fires, prevention of 736
general area protection 714
head protection 720
hot work permit system 743
hydrogen flames precaution 736
lens shade selector 720
machinery guards 718
oxygen 735
oxygen (liquid), precautions 737
permissible exposure limits (PEL) 732
personal hygiene 752
personal protective equipment 720 750 753
protection against electromagnetic radiation 738
protective clothing 722 739 752
protective screens 718
protective shields 742
safety training 714
shielding gases 737 752
supplementary reading list 757
threshold limit values (TLVs) 724 732 751
viewing filter plates 721
wall reflectivity 718
Safe practices, adhesive bonding 752
flammable and hazardous materials 752
personal protective equipment 752
safety facilities 752Index Terms Links
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Safe practices, arc welding and cutting 742 745
Safe practices, bibliography 754
Safe practices, brazing and soldering 750
dip brazing and soldering 751
hazardous and explosive gases and fumes 750
solder flux 751
Safe practices, electron beam welding 747
electric shock 747
fumes and gases 748
viewing 748
visible radiation 748
X-radiation 747
X-ray shielding 747
Safe practices, laser beam welding and cutting 748
hazards, chemical 749
hazards, electrical 748
hazards, eye and skin 749
hazards, respiratory 749
safety standard 748
Safe practices, oxyfuel gas welding and cutting 743
backfire and flashback 744
backfire prevention 744
equipment storage 745
flashback prevention 744
hoses, gas 744
oxygen equipment 743
regulators 745
safety devices, hose line 744
shutdown procedures 745
torches 743
Safe practices, plasma arc welding and cutting 745
Safe practices, radiographic examination 601Index Terms Links
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Safe practices, resistance welding 745
electrical considerations 746
guarding of equipment 745
machinery, safeguarding 745
portable equipment, safeguarding 746
stationary equipment 746
Safe practices, robotic operations 753
awareness signals 753
hazards, safeguards against 753
personnel training 753
safeguarding devices 753
safety standards 753
Safe practices, thermal spraying 751
dust, protection against 751
electrical shock, protection against 751
fumes and gases, protection against 752
noise protection 752
radiation protection 751
Safe practices, work area protection 714
hazard notification and positioning equipment 717
machinery safeguarding 718
protective booths 718
public exhibitions and demonstrations 718
wall reflectivity 718
Safety and fire protection standards 742
Safety considerations, specific processes 743
Safety considerations, structural 171
Safety management 712
Sampling methods 583
partial sampling 583
progressive examination 583
random partial sampling 583
selection of plan 584Index Terms Links
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Sampling methods (Cont.)
specified partial sampling 583
statistical sampling 583
Section modulus 174
Shear testing 246
fillet weld shear test 246
longitudinal and transverse specimens 247
shear strength, calculation of 247
Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) 3
advantages 6
applications 6
covered electrodes 6
deposition rates 6
description of 3
discontinuities associated with 537
efficiency 90
equipment 6
metal transfer 78
melting rates 81
protective equipment 6
Shipbuilding Association of Japan 337
Significance of weld discontinuities 572
discontinuity-mechanical property relationship 572
fatigue 573
plane strain fracture toughness 575
tensile strength 573
toughness 574
Slenderness ratio 173
SMAW. See Shielded metal arc welding.
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 685 704
publications, SAE 22 705
Soldering 41
See also Joining processes. applications 41
description of 41Index Terms Links
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Soldering symbols 382
letter designations for soldered joints 385
soldered joint symbols 385
Solid-state processes 22
Solid-state welding (SSW) 57
See also Solid-state processes.
cold welding (CW) 57 537
diffusion welding (DFW) 25 57 537
discontinuities associated with 567
description of 22
energy sources 65
explosion welding (EXW) 57 537
forge welding (FOW) 22 537
friction welding (FRW) 22 57
inertia friction welding (IFW) 57
ultrasonic welding (UW) 57 537
Spatter 556
Spot welding, resistance (RSW) 18
See also Resistance
applications 18
description of 18
electrodes for 18
equipment 18
Spot welds 562
excessive sheet separation 566
expulsion 566
incomplete joint penetration or depth of fusion 564
incorrect size 563
incorrect strength and ductility 564
internal discontinuities 565
surface appearance 562
undesirable surface conditions in 563Index Terms Links
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Spot welds, tests of 247
direct tension 250
notch sensitivity of 250
peel test 250
production spot welds 250
production welds, quality assurance testing of 250
Specifications. See Standards.
Specifications, fatigue 203
Specifications for steel buildings 182 687
complete joint penetration (CPJ) groove welds 196
cyclic loading 203
design strength of 196
fillet welds, design strength 201
fillet welds, minimum size 201
fillet welds, skewed 209
force per unit length 209
full strength welds 207
partial joint penetration groove welds 196
rigid structures 207
shear strength, LFRD 201
static loading 196
weld as a line 209
weld metal, matching 207
Stress(es), localized 162
Stress(es), residual. See Residual stress(es). See also
Residual stress, causes of; Residual stress,
distribution in weldments; Residual stress, effects
of; Residual stress, measurement of.
Stress(es), thermal 162
Stress-cycle (S-N) curves 273
Stress-strain curve 242
Structural welding code(s) 186 196 201 203 220
694Index Terms Links
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Submerged arc welding (SAW) 6
applications 7
deposition rates 7
description of 6
discontinuities associated with 537
efficiency 90
electrodes 7
equipment 8
flux 7
melting rates 81
welding positions 7
Survey of joining, cutting, and allied processes 3
bibliography 49
supplementary reading list 50
Symbols 361
arrow significance 361
backing and spacer 370
basic weld 365
combination 373
consumable insert 370
contour 372
description of 360
dimensions and other data 365
field weld 367
finishing 367
melt-through 370
orientation of specific weld 372
other references 367
process 367
reference line 361
reference lines, multiple 361
specifications for 367
supplementary 367Index Terms Links
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Symbols (Cont.)
supplementary data 365
tail 365
terminology 361
weld 363 365
weld-all-around 367
weld dimension tolerance 372
welding 361
Symbols for joining and inspection 360
bibliography 393
brazing symbols 381
inspection symbols 385
soldering symbols 382
supplementary reading list 393
welding symbols, for specific weld types 373
Tacking fixtures 396 399
Tack welding 644
Tantalum 147
TC. See Thermal cutting.
Tensile strength 241 573
Tension tests 242
all-weld-metal tension test 245
base metal tension test 244
data collection and interpretation 242
fillet weld shear test 246
fundamentals 242
longitudinal weld test 245
specimen geometry 243
tension-shear test (brazed joints) 247
tension test specimens 242
test procedures 242
transverse weld test 246Index Terms Links
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Tension tests (Cont.)
weld tension tests 244
Testing standards 241
Thermal conductivity 165
Thermal cutting (TC) 43
processes 43
Thermal expansion, coefficient of 166
Thermal spraying (THSP) 47
See also Arc
spraying; Detonation flame spraying; Flame
spraying; Plasma arc spraying;
applications 47
description of 47
process variations 47
safe practices 751
Thermal spray testing 281
application description 281
bar stock test 283
bend tests 282
cohesion strength test 283
coupon tests, companion 283
cut tests 282
film thickness tests 282 284
magnetic and eddy current thickness tests 282
mechanically bonded coatings, qualitative tests for 282
mechanically bonded coatings, quantitative tests for 283
metallographic examination 284
metallurgically bonded coatings, tests for 284
metallurgical bonding 284
pull-off strength test 284
service life testing 284
tape test 282
thermal spray coatings 281
Thermal straightening 354Index Terms Links
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Thermal transmittance 165
Thermite welding (TW) 61
discontinuities associated with 537
safe practices 62 750
THSP. See Thermal spraying.
The Welding Institute (TWI) 581 679
TIG welding. See Gas tungsten arc welding.
Titanium alloys 145
embrittlement, by hydrogen gases 134
Torch brazing 37
eye protection 722
Torch soldering, (TS) 41
Toughness 163 574
See also Fracture toughness.
TS. See Torch soldering.
Tubular connections, structural 216
See also Welded joints, design of.
advantages of 216
application of 216
designation and nomenclature of 216
fatigue behavior 225
fillet weld details 220
general collapse 224
K-connections 216
load distribution, uneven 220
local failure 220
mode of failure 220
partial joint penetration groove welds 223 224
punching shear 220
strength limitations 220
T-connections 216
through-thickness failures 225
weld joint design(s) 216Index Terms Links
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Tubular connections, structural (Cont.)
welded connections 216
welded tubular members 216
weld groove design(s) 216
Y-connections 216
Tungsten 148
TW. See Thermite welding.
TWI. See The Welding Institute.
UL. See Underwriters Laboratories
Ultrasonic examination 602
advantages 608
applications 602
calibration 607
calibration test blocks 607
coupling 607
discontinuities, evaluation of 607
equipment 604
equipment, basic components 604
general description 602
limitations 608
operator qualification 604
procedures 604
reporting results 607
standards for, ASME 606
standards for, ASTM 606
theory 602
wave forms 603
wave frequencies 603
waves, longitudinal 603
waves, Rayleigh 603
waves, shear 603
Ultrasonic soldering (USS) 41Index Terms Links
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Ultrasonic welding (USW) 26
description of 26
discontinuities associated with 537
equipment 26
process variations 26
safe practices 750
Undercut 540 557
Underfill 540 558
Underwriters Laboratories 685 707
publications 708
Upset, definition of 567
Upset welding (UW) 537
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) 698
U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) 699
U.S. Department of Labor 698 712
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) 698 733
U.S. government 698
consensus standards 698
U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) 730
USS. See ultrasonic soldering.
UW-HF. See High-frequency upset welding.
Ventilation 727
chlorinated hydrocarbons 732
cleaning compounds 732
confined spaces 729
crossdraft table 728
fluorine compounds 732
fume and gas removal 728 750
general 727
hood 728
local exhaust 728
low-allowable-limit materials 730Index Terms Links
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Ventilation (Cont.)
methods 728
of toxic materials 730
solder flux, fumes, and gases 751
special situations 729
stainless steel, cutting of 732
welding containers and piping 730
zinc fume 732
Vickers hardness 633
Visible penetrant testing. See Liquid penetrant
Visual examination 584
applications 584
dimensional accuracy 589
during welding 588
inspection procedures 587
limitations 584
measurement gauges, weld 589
postweld inspection 589
preheat and interpass temperature 589
prewelding inspection 587
required equipment 587
visual standards 589
Water jet cutting 46
applications 46
description of 46
limitations 46
process variables 46
Wave soldering (WS) 41
Weldability 140
definition of 284Index Terms Links
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Weldability of commercial alloys 140
aluminum alloys 143
beryllium 149
cobalt alloys 145
columbium 147
copper alloys 144
hafium 146
high-alloy steels 142
high-alloy steels, other 143
high-temperature service, steels for 142
low-alloy steels 142
low-temperature service, steels for 142
metallurgical considerations 140
magnesium alloys 144
mechanical properties, steels 141
molybdenum 148
nickel alloys 144
niobium 147
plain carbon steels 141
procedures, joining 140
reactive and refractory metals 145
stainless steels 142
stainless steels, austenitic 142
stainless steels, duplex 143
stainless steels, ferritic 143
stainless steels, martensitic 143
steels 141
tantalum 147
titanium alloys 145
tool steels 143
tungsten 148
zirconium 146Index Terms Links
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Weldability testing 284
circular patch test 288
controlled thermal severity test 288
cruciform test 290
Gleeble hot ductility test 287
heat-affected-zone (HAZ) evaluation 285
hot cracking tests 285
hydrogen-induced crack test 288
implant test 290
Lehigh restraint test 288
Murex test 287
oblique Y-groove test 292
root cracking tests 287
T-joint test 287
varestraint test 285
welding tests 285
Weld bonding 34 36
Welded joint evaluation, test methods for 240
bend tests 260
bibliography 292
corrosion testing 277
creep and rupture testing 280
fatigue testing 272
fracture toughness testing 240
general overview 240
hardness testing 256
strength testing 241
supplementary reading list 294
thermal spray applications testing 281
weldability testing 284
Welded joint, the 130
alloys, precipitation-hardened 137
alloys, solid-solution-strengthened 137Index Terms Links
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Welded joint, the (Cont.)
alloys, transformation-hardened 138
alloys, types of welded 136
autogenous welds 131
base metal, strain hardened 137
base metals 140
constituents of weld 132
cracking control 134
delayed cracking 134
description 130
gas-metal reactions 133
heat-affected zone (HAZ) 135
high carbon martensite 138
hot cracking, definition of 134
hydrogen cracking 135
liquid metal reactions 134
microstructures and microhardness 138
precipitation hardening 135
solidification 132
solidification grain structure 135
solid-state reactions 134
solid-solution strengthening 135 137
transformation hardening 135
weldability, definition of 140
weld metal 132
weld metals, strengthening mechanisms in 135
Welded joints, design of 182
See also Tubular
connections, structural.
bevel-groove welds 190
complete joint penetration groove welds 190
design considerations 189
double-bevel-groove welds 190Index Terms Links
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Welded joints, design of (Cont.)
double-V-groove welds 190
fillet welds 191
groove welds 189
J-groove welds 189 190
joint types 182
partial joint penetration groove welds 190
single-bevel-groove welds 190
square-groove welds 189
U-groove welds 189 190
V-groove welds 190
weld type, selection of 189
Welded joints, testing thermal spray applications for 281
application description 281
bar stock test 283
bend tests 282
cohesion strength test 283
coupon tests, companion 283
cut tests 282
film thickness tests 282 284
magnetic and eddy current thickness tests 282
mechanically bonded coatings, qualitative tests for 282
mechanically bonded coatings, quantitative tests for 283
metallographic examination 284
metallurgically bonded coatings, tests for 284
metallurgical bonding 284
pull-off strength test 284
service life testing 284
tape test 282
thermal spray coatings 281
Welding inspection and nondestructive examination 580
See also Inspection; Nondestructive
examination; Proof testing.Index Terms Links
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Welding inspection and nondestructive
examination (Cont.)
bibliography 634
general overview 580
inspection, brazed and soldered joints 634
inspection plan 583
metallographic examination 116 633
nondestructive examination 584
personnel qualifications 581
supplementary reading list 636
Welding metallurgy 116
See also Metallurgy, physical.
bibliography 155
brazed and soldered joint, the 151
corrosion in brazed and soldered joints 154
corrosion in weldments 149
physical metallurgy 116
supplementary reading list 155
welded joint, the 130
weldability of commercial alloys 140
Welding procedures 169
Welding procedure specifications (WPS) 639 640
Welding symbols 361 373
See also Brazing symbols.
arrow significance 361
backing 370
consumable insert 370 372
contour 372
dimensions 365
edge welds 380
fillet weld(s) 376
groove welds 375
melt-through 370Index Terms Links
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Welding symbols (Cont.)
plug and slot welds 378
projection weld(s) 379
reference line(s) 361
reference lines, multiple 361
references 367
seam weld(s) 379
slot weld(s) 378
spacer 370
spot weld(s) 378
stud weld(s) 380
supplementary symbols 367
weld-all-around 367
weld symbol(s), basic 361 365
Weld bonding 34 462
Weld joint design 168
Weld joint mismatch 567
Weld joint tests 240 284
See also Mechanical properties; Properties
of metals; Corrosion properties.
bend 282
creep and rupture 280
corrosion 278
fatigue 276
fracture 266
hardness 256
service life 284
tension 242
Weldment, definition of 158
Weldment design considerations 170
See also Weldment design program.
bending 174
beam shear capacity 175Index Terms Links
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Weldment design considerations (Cont.)
compression loading 172
compression member design 173 175
deflection 172
design approach 170
design equations 171
design formula(s) 171
designing for strength 171
diagonal bracing 179
forces, transfer of 179
loading, types of 172
safety considerations 171
strength and stiffness, design for 171
tension loading 172
torsion 177
torsional resistance 177
redesign versus new design 171
shear 175
welded design, basis for 171
Weldment design program 158 166 190
See also Weldment design considerations.
cleaning costs 170
design factors, major 167
designing the weldment 167
existing design, analysis of 166
forming 167
inspection costs 170
laminations and lamellar tearing 169
load conditions, determination of 166
size and amount of weld metal 168
subassemblies 169
welding procedures 169
weld joint design 168
workpiece preparation 167Index Terms Links
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Weldment tooling and positioning 396
See also Fixtures; Positioners, general; Positioners for
robotic welding; Positioners, tilting-rotating.
bibliography 419
fixtures 396
general overview 396
positioners 403
supplementary reading list 419
Weldments, corrosion in 149
corrosion, types of 149
crevice corrosion 150
description of 149
galvanic corrosion 150
gas-metal reactions 133
general corrosion 149
hydrogen embrittlement 133
intergranular corrosion 150
liquid-metal reactions 134
pitting 151
service life, predicting 149
slags in 134
solidification 132
solid-state reactions 134
stress corrosion cracking 151
surface preparation 151
susceptibility to corrosion, minimizing 151
strengthening mechanisms 135
welding design for 151
weld metal 132
Weld metal 132
characteristic cooling curves 102
cracking 549
gas-metal reactions 133Index Terms Links
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Weld metal (Cont.)
liquid-metal reactions 134
matching 207
precipitation hardening 135
solidification 132
solid-solution strengthening 135
solid-state reactions 134
strengthening mechanisms in 135
transformation hardening 135
Weld quality 534
bibliography 576
design considerations 534 535
determination of quality requirements 535
fabrication considerations 535
inspection considerations 536
operating and maintenance considerations 536
optimum quality costs 575
optimum quality factors 535
overview of 534
resistance welding 566
supplementary reading list 576
Weld quality, specification of 535
design considerations 535
fabrication considerations 535
operation and maintenance considerations 536
Weld reinforcement 275 540 550
Weld size, control of 168
Weld type, selection of 193
combined double-bevel-groove and fillet weld joint 194
comparison of weld types 193
corner joints, selection of design 195
cost savings, estimating 194
estimating curves, cost 194Index Terms Links
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Weld type, selection of (Cont.)
full strength welds 194
single-bevel-groove welds, advantages of 194
single-bevel-groove welds combined with fillet welds 195
corner joints, selection of design 194
Welding Research Council (WRC) 651
WRC. See Welding Research Council.
WS. See Wave soldering.
Young’s modulus. See Modulus of elasticity.
Zirconium 146
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