كتيب بعنوان أكبر 10 أخطاء يمكن أن ترتكبها في امتحان الأيلتس – Top Ten Mistakes in IELTS

كتيب بعنوان أكبر 10 أخطاء يمكن أن ترتكبها في امتحان الأيلتس – Top Ten Mistakes in IELTS
اسم المؤلف
larence Chan

كتيب بعنوان أكبر 10 أخطاء يمكن أن ترتكبها في امتحان الأيلتس
Top Ten Mistakes in IELTS
By Clarence Chan
ZM Institute, the Center of Academic and Intellectual Excellence presents
IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training

  1. Not writing according the proper formats for Writing Test Task 1 and Task 2.
  2. Pausing for too long between sentences in the Speaking Test.
  3. Technical mistakes
  4. Not giving a full answer in the Speaking Test (and Writing Test)
  5. Over-committing your sentences in the Speaking Test
  6. Writing off topic and/or not covering every point in the question in the Writing Test.
  7. Reading too slowly and/or reading to understand the entire passage in the Reading Test.
  8. Assuming the answers in the Listening Test are given in the same order as the questions.
  9. Writing too few words in the Writing Test.
  10. Reading the passage before reading the questions in the Reading Test.

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