The Origins of Monsters – Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction

The Origins of Monsters – Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction
اسم المؤلف
David Wengrow
(لا توجد تقييمات)

The Origins of Monsters – Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction
David Wengrow
This work is published in association with the Institute for the Study
of the Ancient World at New York University.
Princeton University Press
Princeton and Oxford
List of Illustrations
Introduction 1
1 Image and Economy in the Ancient World:
The Bronze Age of Mikhail Rostovtzeff
2 Materials for an Epidemiology of Culture 19
3 The Hidden Shaman:
Fictive Anatomy in Paleolithic and Neolithic Art
4 Urban Creations:
The Cultural Ecology of Composite Animals
5 Counterintuitive Images and the Mechanical Arts 74
6 Modes of Image Transfer:
Transformative, Integrative, Protective
Persistent, but Not Primordial: Emergent
Properties of Cognition
Notes 113
References 133
Index 16
Abydos (Egypt), 45–47
Afghanistan, 60
Arabia, 60, 64, 96–98
Arnheim, Rudolph, 24–25, 28, 75
art: “animal style,” 9, 18; “international
style,” 94–95; Neolithic, 37–43, 51;
“orientalizing,” 12–15, 17, 28, 91–92,
115n14; Paleolithic, 33–37, 51, 118n14,
118n15; predynastic (Egyptian), 43–
49, 121n47
Assur (Iraq), 99
Ataç, Mehmet­Ali, 105
autism, 118n15
Bactria­Margiana culture (Turkmenistan), 61, 64
Bagley, Robert, 85
Baxandall, Michael, 113n12
Benjamin, Walter, 1
Bevan, Andrew, 90
Breuil, Henri, 34–36
bronze vessels, 83–87
Bowersock, Glenn, 8
Boyer, Pascal, 22–23, 80
bureaucracy, 70–73, 89; “bureaucratic
eye”, 71
Canetti, Elias, 117n35
canon, 2, 90
Çatalhöyük (Turkey), 42–43, 120n30
Caucasus, 11, 100
Cauvin, Jacques, 39
ceramics, 43, 45–47
Childe, V. Gordon, 12
China, 7, 9, 18, 83–87
classification, 5–6, 21–22
cognition, 3–7, 19–24, 82, 110–112
composite figuration, 24–28, 69–73
counterintuitive representations, 22–24,
50, 80, 102, 110
Crete, 61, 63–64, 75, 92
cuneiform script, 69–71
cyclops, 79
cylinder seals. See seals
Cyprus, 79
demons, 26, 56, 100–104
Descola, Philippe, 26, 116n25
diffusionism, 16
diplomacy, 95, 108
dragon, 5, 17
Ebla (Syria), 61
Egypt, 105–106, 131n41; Neolithic, 43–
45; predynastic, 43–49; protodynastic,
51–59, 62, 92–94
Elsner, Jas, 12
“epidemiology of culture.” See cognition;
evolutionary psychology
evolutionary psychology, 3, 20, 50, 88–
89, 111, 115n4. See also cognition
farming (origins of), 39
Feldman, Marian, 95
Frankfort, Henri, 1, 12
Göbekli Tepe (Turkey), 40
gods, 25, 39, 121n16
Gombrich, Ernst, 82, 85
gorgoneion, 77–78, 103
Göttertypentext, 75
Greece: Bronze Age, 12–13, 61, 63–64,
78–79, 92; Iron Age, 9, 13, 17–18, 80,
griffin, 5, 17, 62–64, 124n42, 124n43,
Hallowell, A. Irving, 4
Hierakonpolis (Egypt), 45
Houma (China), 86
Humbaba, 77, 80
hunter­gatherers, 30–32, 34–40, 44, 110;
Inuit, 30–31, 117n32; San, 31, 36
immunology, 107
Indus Valley, 60, 64, 98162 index
“integrative mode,” 89, 94–99
“intercultural style.” See stone vessels
Iran, 18, 43, 61, 62, 64, 96–98, 108
Kerma (Sudan), 92
Kohl, Philip, 98
Konar Sandal (Iran), 98
Küchler, Susanne, 6
Kulturkreislehre, 16
kurgan, 15
Kwakiutl, 31
Lamashtu, 101–103
Ledderose, Lothar, 85–86
Leonardo da Vinci, 27
Lewis­Williams, David, 36
lion­man (Hohlenstein Stadel), 33–34,
magic, 56, 89, 100–104, 123n39, 131n41
mappa mundi, 109
masking, 31–32, 37, 42
mechanical reproduction, 1, 74, 80–83,
86–87, 88–89, 111
medieval Europe, 82, 108
Mesopotamia, 1, 16–17, 62; Bronze Age,
59–62, 98; Iron Age, 13, 99–106; Neolithic, 39–43; Uruk period, 65–73
metals, 11, 60, 62, 105
Mithen, Stephen, 4, 36, 118n15
modularity, 6–7; mental, 20–23; technological, 55–59, 68–73, 110
mold casting, 80, 83–87, 100–103
monsters, 24–26, 109, 113n3, 116n22
Napier, David, 30, 103, 106–107
Nineveh (Iraq), 99
Nubia, 60
orientalizing. See art
Osborne, Robin, 90
Pazyryk (Siberia), 28
Persian Gulf, 60, 64, 96, 98
Phoenicia, 13, 105, 129n9
Porada, Edith, 103
pottery. See ceramics
Poulsen, Fredrik, 13
print media, 1, 81, 109
“protective mode,” 89, 99–106
Proto­Elamite culture (Iran), 64–65
Qazwini, al­, 109
Riegl, Alois, 12–13
rock art, 4, 34–37, 118n14, 119n17
Rostovtzeff, Mikhail, 7–19, 50, 60, 83
Schmidt, Klaus, 40
Scott, James C., 110
Scythians, 9–11, 18
seals, 1, 62, 65–73, 80–81
shamanism, 31–32, 37, 117n3, 119n18,
Sperber, Dan, 20–23
sphinx, 17, 63–64, 124n42
Stafford, Barbara, 3, 19–20, 23–24, 71
state formation, 2, 51, 54, 81, 88,
stone vessels, 95–99
Syria, 60, 64–65, 105
taotie, 84–86, 128n37
Taweret, 63–64, 92, 123n39, 123n40,
Tepe Yahya (Iran), 98
textiles, 67, 123n39, 124n42
Tiryns (Greece), 77–79
Tomasello, Michael, 111–112
trade, 2, 8–12, 54, 60–62, 89–94
“transformative mode,” 89–94
tupilak, 30–31, 117n32
Turkey, 40–43, 69
urbanization, 2, 59–62, 64–73, 88, 94–95
Vapheio cups, 12–13
Weeks, Kent, 54
Whitley, James, 90–91
Wiggermann, Frans, 99
Wittkower, Rudolph, 108–109
Yangshao culture (China), 83
“Zakros Master,” 75–76

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