Part and Assembly Modeling with SolidWorks
Huei-Huang Lee
Preface 1
Chapter 1 Sketching 2
1.1 Arm 3
1.2 Ratchet Wheel 17
1.3 Ratchet Stop 23
1.4 Cover Plate 28
Chapter 2 Part Modeling 36
2.1 Crank 37
2.2 Geneva Gear Index 43
2.3 Yoke 50
2.4 Support 56
2.5 Wheel 62
2.6 Transition Pipe 66
2.7 Threaded Shaft 75
2.8 Lifting Fork 80
Chapter 3 Assembly Modeling 86
3.1 Shaft Assembly 87
3.2 Universal Joint 97
3.3 Clamp 107
Index 119
Add Relation, 10, 15, 45
Ass/Finish Mate, 93, 94
Advanced Mates, 104, 114
Angle dimension, 19, 44
Arm, 3, 16, 107, 115
Arm.SLDPRT, 16
Assembly, 91, 100
Assembly Modeling, 86
Assembly Toolbar, 92, 93
At Angle, 71
Axis of Revolution, 76
Axisymmetric, 62
Base Body, 38, 42
Boss, 42
Boundaries, 78
Box-Select, 64
Browse, 111
Bushing, 97, 99
Centerline, 19, 45
Centerpoint Arc, 24, 44
Circle, 6, 11
Circular Pattern, 47
Circular Sketch Pattern, 21
Clamp, 107, 118
Clamping assembly, 3, 56, 75
Clamping mechanism, 87, 107, 118
Clear Selections, 21
Coincident, 94, 102
Color Codes, 6
Components to Mirror, 112
Concentric, 93, 95
Constant radius, 61
Construction Geometry, 18, 44
Context Menu, 6, 8
Control, 113, 115
Control-Middle-Button, 7
Convert Entities, 78
Index 119
Coordinate system, 87, 91
Crank, 37
Create opposite hand version, 112
Depth, 70
Direction 1, 90
Display Style>Shaded, 74
Distance, 10
Document Properties, 5, 7
End Condition, 42, 55
Entities to mirror, 64
Entities to Pattern, 21
Equal, 10
ESC, 6, 10, 12
Exit Sketch, 15, 67, 77
Extrude, 22, 27, 41
Extruded Boss/Base, 15
Extruded Cut, 42, 78
Extruding Depth, 15
FeatureManager Design Tree, 8
Features, 40
Features to Pattern, 47
Features Toolbar, 15
Features Tree, 6, 8, 42
File>Close, 16
File>Exit, 16
File>New, 4
File>Save, 16
Fillet, 53, 73
Fillet radius, 14
Finger, 84
First Reference, 71
Fix, 114
Fixed, 106
Flip, 59
Float, 106, 113
Font, 7
Font size, 7Mirroring plane, 72
MirrorSupport, 112
MMGS, 38
Mouse functions, 7
Mouse Wheel, 7
New, 88
Next, 112
Normal To, 67, 69
Number of Instances, 21, 47
Number of planes to create, 82
Offset distance, 54, 59
Options, 5
Over-defined, 6
Pan, 7
Parallel, 45
Parallel mate, 116
Park the part, 92
Part, 4, 42
Part documents, 91
Part Modeling, 36
Path, 66
Pattern Axis, 47
Pattern Direction, 85
Pierce, 67
Pin, 97, 99
Pin down, 4
PinA, 107, 108, 109, 116
PinB, 107, 108, 109, 113
PinC, 107, 108, 110, 115
Pipe, 73
Pitch, 75
Positions, 48, 53
Profile, 62, 66, 84
Property Box, 10
Pull-Down Menus, 4
Radius, 14, 73
Ratchet, 22
Ratchet stop, 17, 23
Ratchet Wheel, 17, 23
Reference geometries, 42, 54
Reference Geometry>Axis, 70
Reference Geometry>Plane, 59, 71, 82
Reverse Direction, 55, 70, 85
Revolve, 62, 65, 76
Right, 71
Round-cornered box, 4
Save, 16
Second Reference, 71
Fork, 85
Front, 6
Full Round, 52
Geneva, 49
Geneva Gear Index, 43
Geometry pattern, 85
Global coordinate system, 3
Graphics Area, 6, 8
Grip, 107, 108, 109, 116
Handle, 87, 88
Head-Up Toolbar, 9, 25
Hide/Show Items>View Planes, 73
Hide/Show Items>View Sketch Relations, 25, 51
Hinge, 87, 89
HingeB, 107, 108, 110, 117
Hole, 42, 48
Hole Type, 48
Hole Wizard, 49, 53
Horizontal, 10, 39, 45
Horizontal dimension, 9
Inference Line, 9
Infinite length, 18, 26
Insert Components, 92, 101
Insert>Boss/Base>Extrude, 15
Insert>Boss/Base>Revolve, 65
Insert>Boss/Base>Sweep, 68
Insert>Cut>Extrude, 42
Insert>Features>Fillet/Round, 52
Insert>Features>Hole>Wizard, 48
Insert>Pattern/Mirror>Circular Pattern, 47
Insert>Reference Geometry>Plane, 54
IPS, 5, 17
Joint, 106
LCD, 80
Line, 12, 15
Linear Component Pattern, 112
Linear Pattern, 84
Linear Sketch Pattern, 21
Liquid crystal display, 80
Loft, 80
Lofted Boss/Base, 84
Major diameter, 75
Mate, 93, 102
Mid Plane, 52
Mirror, 64, 72, 112
Mirror about, 64
Mirror Components, 112
Mirror plane, 112
Index 120Shaft, 79, 87, 88
Shaft Assembly, 87
ShaftAssembly, 96, 107, 118
ShaftAssembly.SLDASM, 96
Sharp-cornered box, 4
Sketch, 6
Sketch Fillet, 14, 15, 39
Sketch Toolbar, 9, 15
Sketching, 2
Smart Dimension, 6, 9
SolidWorks, 4
SolidWorks Terms, 4
Standard Mates, 105, 116
Standard Views Toolbar, 67, 69
Stop, 27
Sub-assembly, 87
Support, 56, 61, 107, 111, 113
Sweep, 66, 68
Sweeping Path, 77
Sweeping Profile, 77
Swept Cut, 77
Swivel, 97, 98
Symmetric, 45
Tangent, 25, 45
Tangent Arc, 24
Tangent line, 12, 13
Text Boxes, 4
Thread form, 75
Through All, 42, 78
Toolbar, 8, 16
Tools>Options, 5
Tools>Sketch Tools>Circular Pattern, 21
Tools>Sketch Tools>Mirror, 64
Top, 54
Transition Pipe, 66
Trim Entities, 13, 15
Trim to closest, 13
Two Planes, 71
Undo, 7, 13
Unfixed entity, 46, 51
Unified National Coarse, 75
Units, 5
Universal Joint, 50, 97
Up To Surface, 55
User interface, 4
Vertical, 39
View Orientation>Isometric, 41
View Orientation>Normal To, 40
View Origins, 91, 96, 100
View Planes, 55, 60
Well-defined, 6
Wheel, 62, 65
Width, 104
Width Mate, 114, 115
Window, 16, 91
Yoke, 50, 55, 97, 98, 103, 106
Zoom in/out, 7
Zoom to Fit, 9
Section 1.1 Arm
Section 1.2 Ratchet Wheel
Section 1.3 Ratchet Stop
Section 1.4 Cover Plate
Section 2.1 Crank
Section 2.2 Geneva Gear Index
Section 2.3 Yoke
Section 2.4 Support
Section 2.5 Wheel
Section 2.6 Transition Pipe
Section 2.7 Threaded Shaft
Section 2.8 Lifting Fork
Section 3.1 Shaft Assembly
Section 3.2 Universal Joint
Section 3.3 Clamp
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